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Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 15, 2004 02:13
I' m a few hours in and it' s amazing. I' ll give my impressions soon!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Regret in 2010
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 15, 2004 02:31
dude my parents dont like me playing mature games, so i have to play them at night or when theyre gone, and its a drag to get a hold of them tell me what u think though, maybe ill go through the trouble
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 15, 2004 11:33
You know... He sounds like he' s having way too much fun...it may be quite a while before he actually gets around to taking a long enough break to post again. For those of us who did not get Fable, we' ll just have to wait, or read the gamesite reviews, until Rampage99 comes back.
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 15, 2004 11:43
You lucky so-and-so Rampage99. Us poor lot in the UK have just under another month of waiting left to do before we can get our grubby mitts on the game. I beg of you all to post any spoilers clearly so I can avoid them like the plague. I know nothing of the story of Fable (Bar the beginning) and would like to keep it that way. Cheers. But yeah, can' t wait to hear of any experiences and impressions. Anyone else got round to picking it up? I take it this means there will be a full review on the site soon?
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 18, 2004 07:38
I' m a few hours in and it' s amazing. I' ll give my impressions soon! Wooww...you' re so into the game you' re not even posting your impressions, let alone SOON. To tell you the truth, I will envy any of you who have/will get Fable  because I just bought ESPN NFL 2K5 and I" M BROKE!! But please do post your experiences with Fable so I can decide to buy it at another time...
Games I want: Starcraft: Ghost (went to gamestop and saw it on the shelf labeled " coming soon, reserve your copy today" Halo 2
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 18, 2004 14:35
I' ve also been playing a little here and there...I haven' t gotten around to any marathon stretches yet. Here are some things I' ve noticed so far: I enjoy the combat even though it' s pretty simplistic. Some of the magic you can buy can be turned into great combos for fighting, and the Block/evade button is nice. Oh, and did I mention you can chop off the heads of your enemy...you can. I like to take their head and kick it at their friends for a little intimidation before I come after them. Having sex in the game is overrated and I' m telling you this to save you the time and money. It plays the same moan over and over again about 5-6 times and your wife may tell you how naughty you are or something and then it' s over. The screen also turns black while this is going on. The voice acting is really well done. It' s crazy how they have gone through and done such a quality job with everybody. I also like how the time reacts to you. For example I have a pretty high " good" rating and after I got married when I would pass by someone they would say, " Look, now there goes a GREAT husband" . With all that being said I' ve been enjoying my time spent in Fable. For the first few days I bought the title of Arseface and roamed around doing good deeds until finally people would shout out, " Lord Arseface, SAVE ME!" , and trust me when I say that it rarely gets old. I am now called Druid just for the fact that I wanted a name to fit the way my character is right now. My title is Spellwarrior, which basically means I use magic and fighting both, but mainly magic. I' m not sure if I' m balding yet because of magic use as I shaved my head at the first barber shop I visited. I do know however that my beard is turning grey and I' m looking a little older. Also you' ve got to watch out in the very beginning about scars. Some of my friends didn' t block much in the begining and have scars all over their character' s faces. I' ve only got one that goes right through my right eye, not sure where I got it but it looks cool. Well...I think I' m done for a while...going to go play some more Fable. I' m working on banging this bitch from this other town that everyone wants, lol...just for respect you know.
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature: " by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." - Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 18, 2004 15:11
When any of you that actually finished a round of Fable get done, would you post your thoughts and impressions for those of us who have yet to buy this game?
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 18, 2004 21:03
And warn if you' re going to spoil any storyline =P Australia doesn' t get the game till europe does...
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 19, 2004 02:47
Yeah...do not ruin it for those who are still waiting for their territories' release date. Just your thoughts and impressions...
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 19, 2004 03:58
As far as I know I didn' t post any spoilers.
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature: " by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." - Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 19, 2004 05:31
 No fable for PS2. UGHK! I cant wait for them to make PC release... then ill truly dig in. Ever had this thing when its a game you really want. And you dont have the FIIIIG platform ?!  Oh well, glad youre enjoying it atleast...
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 19, 2004 17:04
Just under two weeks to go. I can hardily wait.
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 19, 2004 20:29
I' m really taking my time in the game and it still looks like the game is going to wrap a little too early. I' m 15 hours in and it seems like the story is starting to tie up. I sure hope there is a ways left to go but it looks doubtful. I can definately say this game is amazing. I really have trouble putting it down. The story is pretty good(not incredible but it' s enough to really get me into the game). The graphics are breathtaking in motion. I' ve sat around just staring at the landscapes and watching my character run at different speeds just to see the awesome style and amazing animation this game has. Yosh is right that the sex is way over rated. Originally they were supposed to show it with pieces censored out but it' s just a black screen. I still just got married though. I' m in my mid 40s so I thought I better settle down a bit. My character is getting really buff now. I got the highest ranked armor in the game but I' m having some serious trouble getting some of the legendary weapons in the game(they are hidden or extremely expensive). I' m also completely good and have the halo and phantom butterflies floating around me. The side quests have all been fun so far. Even though there aren' t a massive amount of them there' s still plenty. It' s awesome being able to test out people' s reactions to you. I use different expressions and everyone reacts differently. It' s pretty sweet. Combat is simple but fun. Some of the enemies can be annoying as hell though due to their blocking or incredible attack speeds. It gets frustrating at points but it' s very hard to die in the game thanks to an abundance of health potions and resurection viles(which bring you back to full health when ever you die. I have 9 of them right now.) The sound is probably the most impressive I' ve ever heard in a game. The background music is just awe inspiring. It' s like LOTR style, and maybe even better... The voice acting is also great. Sound plays a big role in the immersion factor. This game is deffinately a AAA title. I' m guessing it might not be as long as I hoped it would be but the game itself is awesome. Just a warning though, the game is far from what the hype has lead everyone to believe. Go into the game with an open mind and decide for yourself how good it is.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 20, 2004 01:45
Yeah, I haven' t died once in the game. Being a Spellwarrior, if by some chance I run out of potions I have the healing spell to fall back on.
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature: " by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." - Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass
Terry Bogard
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 20, 2004 01:57
Why didn' t you just submit a Kikizo Review of the game Ricky?????? :P
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 20, 2004 02:12
I don' t think he' s beaten the game yet...I wouldn' t review a game before I had actually beat it.
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature: " by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." - Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 20, 2004 04:12
Fable is between 18 and 25 hours long, depending on what you do. However, there is supposedly enough reason to play through again. I should' ve gotten this game before I got SO 3, because I could' ve finished it a LOT quicker and THEN moved on to SO 3...I woulda kept up on my gaming better. SO 3 is about 50-60 horus and with the bonus dungeons and other sub-quests, it' ll go well over 100. And I really can' t play 2 RPG' s at once....I shoulda researched this beforehand. LOL
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 20, 2004 13:11
I' m hearing talk from other message boards about a load of secrets people are trying to find. It' s all very interesting but the only ' secret' to be found is the ' frying pan of doom' or something.
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 20, 2004 16:04
I' ll submit the review if no one has taken it. I feel really bad I haven' t turned anything in for a long time now. I haven' t gotten any staff updates so I' m not sure if someone has claimed it. Let me know. I can have it done by tonight if wanted.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 20, 2004 18:53
does anyone know if fable supports 5.1 dolby surrond?
vanswa garbutt
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 20, 2004 21:13
i have fable but havent played it
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 20, 2004 21:17
ORIGINAL: snatch24 does anyone know if fable supports 5.1 dolby surrond? It does indeed.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 21, 2004 14:51
thanks thats good news as i recently bought a setup its only 2.1 but it still sounds googd
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 22, 2004 12:08
Hi guys, got fable a couple a days ago and it' s great, it shouldnt be such a surprise, but i cant help being addicted to it... i dont know about you guys, but cravings apear form no where, and all of a sudden everything els i was doing is put to the back of my mind and fable is at the fore front! This tends to happen about every half an hour and lasting half an hour, i only grudgingly stop playing to eat sleep and saddly to go to college, but fable gets me through it all, what a hard life i gave!
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 22, 2004 12:32
Had any Fable related dreams yet? I always seem to have dreams about a new game the night after playing it for the first day or two. It' s quite scary how regular that happens actually. Unfortunately they are nothing as fun as being in the game myself, I just dream about playing it! That’s quite sad isn' t it?
vanswa garbutt
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Sep 22, 2004 12:40
i' ve played it and its cool.
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Oct 08, 2004 08:42
After over a month of waiting Fable is out in the UK and rest of Europe today. All that remains of me to do is wait until the shops actually open before I get a bus into town and buy the thing. I got a call from the store I pre-ordered it at on Wednesday. It was just them telling me they had the game in and that I could pick it up on Friday. If I was talking to him in person I would have slapped him, there was no need to taunt me like that!
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Oct 08, 2004 20:14
i hope to get this this weekend....and then i too will be an addict..... <devilish laugh>
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Oct 09, 2004 13:07
I have to say, Fable is amazing. I' m about 5 or 6 hours into the game and have only done three main quests because I' ve just had fun messing about. There' s not an experience like wondering round a town only to have a kid call you a ' big poo' . Then to slap that kid and have guards chase after you. Doh! There' s lots of other stuff too... buying people drinks and flirting with people when you have next to no renown. Another two quests done and then people start liking you a hullova lot more. My character is still looking more or less like the guy who left the guild, just with a few small scratches on his face after an encounter with a rock-troll. Just got back ' home' and with my sister egging me on I' m trying to marry somebody but don' t have the cash for a house. To be honest I want the money for armour and stuff so I' ll do a few quests before I try and ' settle down' . lol, oh yeah, Quests... I' d nearly forgotten about those...
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Oct 10, 2004 10:33
yea i got a call on wednesday in Australia... But they let me pick it up that day =P
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RE: Got Fable and I' m loving it!
Oct 11, 2004 03:03
Sounds like everyone is enjoying Fable... Glad to hear that our Euro and Aussie bretheren have joined in the fun...
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