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Mah Wii
Feb 25, 2008 21:18
READ IT ALL OR I' LL EAT YOU: So i' ve had my Wii for 6 days... not counting the 5 days i was away last week. As most of you guys know, i decided to get a Wii in October last year, a couple of weeks ahead of the EU Super Mario Galaxy and Umbrella Chronicles release. I' d waited too long and the machine was sold out everywhere. I could have gotten my hands on one if i' d been willing to pay well over the odds an buy a shitty bundle. Anyway, i managed to pick one up for the RRP and have been able to buy the games i actually wanted. I bought Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 with the console and ordered Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Twilight Princess Wii Edition and Battalion Wars II which were all waiting for me when i got home on Saturday morning. I also ordered Sonic and the Secret Rings and Super Paper Mario but neither have arrived yet. Hopefully they' ll turn up in the next day or two. I' d held off buying a Wii. I' ve bought every console at launch since the Saturn in 95, ...but Wii just didn' t have enough decent games to warrant buying. If Red Steel had turned out well it would likely have been a different story, but it wasn' t until the release Super Mario Galaxy was upon me that i finally succumbed. Mario games are a big deal for me. I never played the arcade games Jumpman and Mario Bros. and i never played the Game and Watch games... but i' ve been playing them since the first proper title was released on the NES. Most people loved the first game but i was still a little young to truly appreciate it at the time and instead have fonder memories of Super Mario World on the SNES. I' m still playing Super Mario 64 (DS) and consider it to be the most important game ever released. It' s a work of pure genius and has never been bettered. Super Mario Sunshine was fantastic too, and although it was highly flawed compared to it' s predecessor, it too still hasn' t been bettered in it' s genre. So with Galaxy being called the true successor to Super Mario 64, i wasn' t going to pass it up. My obsessions with the Resident Evil franchise is almost as strong. I played the first game, liked it, played the second game and loved it. I' ve played every RE title since, including the two Outbreak games on PS2 and the awful Gun Survivor games. Resident Evil 2 are my favourite entries in the series, but the REmake on Gamecube and Code Veronica on Dreamcast are also two of the best games i' ve ever played. Since Resident Evil 4 was my favourite game last gen, i was definitely going to pick up the Wii version, even though i' d had the Gamecube and PS2 versions since their respective release dates. I wasn' t going to rush out to get it and didn' t consider it worth buying a console for, but i was curious to see how the game played with the Wiimote and figured it would be nice to have the PS2 content with the Gamecube graphics. Umbrella Chronicles announcement had originally excited me as rumours of the game playing out in third-person over-the-shoulder like RE4 but featuring environments and characters from multiple other entries in the series would have been a dream come true. Unfortunately it turned out to be a lightgun-esque game akin to the afore mentioned Gun Survivor games and it ended up slipping off my radar until the reviews hit. It had turned out good and all of a sudden i was excited again. Twilight Princess i had for Gamecube and the Wii version is virtually identical so i wasn' t that bothered by it and i' d played through Metroid Prime 3 on a friends console shortly after it came out... so i pretty much bought the console for Galaxy and Umbrella Chronicles. What do i think of the games? Well Twilight Princess is the same game with modified controls so doesn' t really need mentioning (save for the fact that the game shouldn' t be missed under any circumstances) :) Resident Evil 4 Wii has the same content as the PS2 version, the graphics of the Gamecube version and a modified control scheme that works far better than the stick contols ever did. I started playing the game on Saturday and have already unlocked everything and beaten Professional mode. The game is slightly easier because of the Wiimote but it' s also a lot more fun. Again, the game shouldn' t be missed, although unless you' re a die-hard RE fan i can' t really recommend buyinjg it over the Gamecube or PlayStation 2 versions. Metroid Prime 3 has already been covered... months ago... Super Mario Galaxy is nothing short of amazing. I' d played it prior to it' s release at a friends place and have played it on a friends console since but refrained from playing it too much, wanting to play it through properly when i got my own console. It' s taken a backseat as i' ve been unlocking everything in RE4 over the weekend but it has to be one of the best games ever, ...possibly the best game ever. Somehow during my time playing the game at my friends place, i' d managed to miss the FreezeFlame Galaxy which is not only the best looking galaxy in the game but also one of the most fun. I realise Mario games aren' t for everybody, but i' d be surprised if there was somebody here who wouldn' t acknowledge the appeal. Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles is kickass. The first chapter (that' d be Zero) isn' t anything special, but the second (the original) and the rest are super badass. It' s pretty stunning too, definitely one of the console better looking titles and there' s a lot of stuff to unlock. It' s essentially a slower paced, darker and more gritty House of the Dead. I love lightgun games and even though this isn' t technically one, Capcom have done a stellar job of adapting the franchise to the genre. Battalion Wars II is great. I haven' t spent an awful lot of time with it, but from what i have played so far it' s better than the original (which i loved) and it one of the better looking games on the console. It' s a difficult game to describe, so i won' t... but if you have a Wii, or if you buy a Wii... give it a chance. It' s very cool. Sonic and Paper Mario should turn up this week, No More Heroes is out on the 14th of March (delayed from the 29th February) and then that' s likely to be it until Mario Kart and Brawl turn up. There aren' t many 3rd party games on the horizon that look genuinely interesting. There' s Okami, which i will pick up even though i have the PS2 game... and i can' t think of anything else. I' m kinda hoping that Capcom left Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica out of Umbrella Chronicles so they could use them in a sequel, and i' m still hoping for a traditional style Resident Evil 2 REmake like they did with the original on Gamecube. E3 will be interesting this year and i expect to see a lot more Wii commitment as well as more hardcore games. What i have should keep me content for the next couple of months, especially with PS3 and 360' s busy release schedules so i' m happy with my Wii for now ;P
Vx Chemical
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 25, 2008 22:22
Im glad a few people are finding a good time with the Wii. I dont know what it is with me and the wii, it cant just be reluctance since i was quite positive and quite wanted to get one. I just dont have fun with the controller, i find it cumbersome. maybe its got a one up on the pads, but M/K will always have a one up on the Wii mote. Maybe its because my TV is sitting high on the wall, and my couches are to the side of the tv, so that im playing at an off angle, im not going to redecorate my house because of a gaming console. It just works like crap. Im hoping for a paper mario game, since the style is sleek and its fun to play, and hopefully it wont utilize much of the controls. I sold my DS to get a PS3, hell now im contemplating selling my Wii to get a DS, i want Sonic RPG. In anycase, maybe Paper Mario, Mario Kart will save my console, or and maybe an rpg thats worth playing, that would be sweet as well. Give Mario a G36K, some grenades and send him into trench with with Bowser in the sequel to SMG, that' d be fun (translation: maybe i shoujld give SMG a second chance, but COD4, is so fucking fun)
Iad umboros
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 26, 2008 02:50
Get Zak & Wiki, it' s great. Best 3rd party (Capcom) I' ve played, but I haven' t played the RE series on Wii. I won' t go into details, review coming soon....
***flyingsaucersdisguisedasmushrooms*** ***mushroomsinvadingfromouterspace***
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 26, 2008 03:00
I might buy a Wii just for Galaxy. But I am going to wait untill more games/cheaper console [lol]
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 26, 2008 03:21
Wii' s just been out for abit over a year now? Great time to own one Actually, and if your open minded for the more causual type of game, theres even more choice. although dont expect them to last you a great deal. Like any Nintendo console its all about Nintendo games, the ones coming out later this year continue to prove why Nintendo cant be beaten when it comes to Vintage Unique videogaming that you cant get anywhere else.. This is actually my most wanted game this year no doubt, cant wait to start playing a few of you guys online once i get the master the controls / Tracks.. Can throw any Next gen title my way but i know ill have more fun and depth from MK :)
Currently playing: Korg DS 10 (ds) / Metal Slug 7 (ds) Rhythm Heaven (ds) / Fire Emblem (ds) Super Stardust HD (psn) / Virtua Fighter 5 (360) FSX (P
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 26, 2008 03:39
Man, that trailer is precisely the reason I don' t have a Wii! The Brady Bunch people, the fake setup, the completely unnecessary steering add-ons that probably cost 10 bucks a piece, the way they' re all sitting in a row laughing because they' re just so bad at playing games. Its worse than a GAP ad. Sorry, VF, that kinda stuff just reaally gets to me!  I' m sure its a fun game though. :P
< Message edited by choupolo -- 25 Feb 08 19:41:19 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Mah Wii
Feb 26, 2008 04:19
the completely unnecessary steering add-ons Its even more trouble some if it is needed to play it probably, in addition to robbing you when you purchase additional wii motes, a wii mote isnt even enough to play all the games. Maybe Mario Kart will end up like Lair.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Mah Wii
Feb 26, 2008 04:47
[link=][/link] Man, that trailer is precisely the reason I don' t have a Wii! The Brady Bunch people, the fake setup, the completely unnecessary steering add-ons that probably cost 10 bucks a piece, the way they' re all sitting in a row laughing because they' re just so bad at playing games. Its worse than a GAP ad. Sorry, VF, that kinda stuff just reaally gets to me! I' m sure its a fun game though. :P Its even more trouble some if it is needed to play it probably, in addition to robbing you when you purchase additional wii motes, a wii mote isnt even enough to play all the games. Maybe Mario Kart will end up like Lair. Like Smash Bros, It Supports every possible method of controller availible for Wii. So you have no excuse :P
Currently playing: Korg DS 10 (ds) / Metal Slug 7 (ds) Rhythm Heaven (ds) / Fire Emblem (ds) Super Stardust HD (psn) / Virtua Fighter 5 (360) FSX (P
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 26, 2008 04:52
Maybe Mario Kart will end up like Lair. You can still control Mario Kart in the traditional way, with a cube controller I had a Wii. But I sold it to get a PS3. At the time I had it, there wasn' t much for me and there still isn' t. I am in a foreign state from where I had been the last four years, so I really don' t have any friends here. I am dying to play Mario Galaxy, but that alone is not enough for me to re-buy a Wii. Since I don' t have any friends here, Mario Kart and SSBB are not big draws for me either. Those are some of the games where online wouldn' t just cut it. I have one too many fond memories of playing Kart 64 and Double Dash, as well as the original SSB and Melee with friends next to me and with my cousins and brothers. Is like playing Goldeneye. I don' t mind playing CoD4 online, but I don' t think I could play Goldeneye online. Maybe I am being old-fashioned. Maybe I am just being stupid. But that' s the way I feel. I am certain I will get a Wii sometime again (gotta get a job first though), but for now, I am happy with what I got. Nitro, you should get Smooth Moves, that game is awesome. And RE4 is by far the best version out there, I had it and loved it.
< Message edited by chimura -- 25 Feb 08 20:52:37 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 26, 2008 11:19
So i' ve had my Wii for 6 days... not counting the 5 days i was away last week. As most of you guys know, i decided to get a Wii in October last year, a couple of weeks ahead of the EU Super Mario Galaxy and Umbrella Chronicles release. I' d waited too long and the machine was sold out everywhere. I could have gotten my hands on one if i' d been willing to pay well over the odds an buy a shitty bundle. Anyway, i managed to pick one up for the RRP and have been able to buy the games i actually wanted. I bought Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 with the console and ordered Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Twilight Princess Wii Edition and Battalion Wars II which were all waiting for me when i got home on Saturday morning. I also ordered Sonic and the Secret Rings and Super Paper Mario but neither have arrived yet. Hopefully they' ll turn up in the next day or two. I' d held off buying a Wii. I' ve bought every console at launch since the Saturn in 95, ...but Wii just didn' t have enough decent games to warrant buying. If Red Steel had turned out well it would likely have been a different story, but it wasn' t until the release Super Mario Galaxy was upon me that i finally succumbed. Mario games are a big deal for me. I never played the arcade games Jumpman and Mario Bros. and i never played the Game and Watch games... but i' ve been playing them since the first proper title was released on the NES. Most people loved the first game but i was still a little young to truly appreciate it at the time and instead have fonder memories of Super Mario World on the SNES. I' m still playing Super Mario 64 (DS) and consider it to be the most important game ever released. It' s a work of pure genius and has never been bettered. Super Mario Sunshine was fantastic too, and although it was highly flawed compared to it' s predecessor, it too still hasn' t been bettered in it' s genre. So with Galaxy being called the true successor to Super Mario 64, i wasn' t going to pass it up. My obsessions with the Resident Evil franchise is almost as strong. I played the first game, liked it, played the second game and loved it. I' ve played every RE title since, including the two Outbreak games on PS2 and the awful Gun Survivor games. Resident Evil 2 are my favourite entries in the series, but the REmake on Gamecube and Code Veronica on Dreamcast are also two of the best games i' ve ever played. Since Resident Evil 4 was my favourite game last gen, i was definitely going to pick up the Wii version, even though i' d had the Gamecube and PS2 versions since their respective release dates. I wasn' t going to rush out to get it and didn' t consider it worth buying a console for, but i was curious to see how the game played with the Wiimote and figured it would be nice to have the PS2 content with the Gamecube graphics. Umbrella Chronicles announcement had originally excited me as rumours of the game playing out in third-person over-the-shoulder like RE4 but featuring environments and characters from multiple other entries in the series would have been a dream come true. Unfortunately it turned out to be a lightgun-esque game akin to the afore mentioned Gun Survivor games and it ended up slipping off my radar until the reviews hit. It had turned out good and all of a sudden i was excited again. Twilight Princess i had for Gamecube and the Wii version is virtually identical so i wasn' t that bothered by it and i' d played through Metroid Prime 3 on a friends console shortly after it came out... so i pretty much bought the console for Galaxy and Umbrella Chronicles. What do i think of the games? Well Twilight Princess is the same game with modified controls so doesn' t really need mentioning (save for the fact that the game shouldn' t be missed under any circumstances) :) Resident Evil 4 Wii has the same content as the PS2 version, the graphics of the Gamecube version and a modified control scheme that works far better than the stick contols ever did. I started playing the game on Saturday and have already unlocked everything and beaten Professional mode. The game is slightly easier because of the Wiimote but it' s also a lot more fun. Again, the game shouldn' t be missed, although unless you' re a die-hard RE fan i can' t really recommend buyinjg it over the Gamecube or PlayStation 2 versions. Metroid Prime 3 has already been covered... months ago... Super Mario Galaxy is nothing short of amazing. I' d played it prior to it' s release at a friends place and have played it on a friends console since but refrained from playing it too much, wanting to play it through properly when i got my own console. It' s taken a backseat as i' ve been unlocking everything in RE4 over the weekend but it has to be one of the best games ever, ...possibly the best game ever. Somehow during my time playing the game at my friends place, i' d managed to miss the FreezeFlame Galaxy which is not only the best looking galaxy in the game but also one of the most fun. I realise Mario games aren' t for everybody, but i' d be surprised if there was somebody here who wouldn' t acknowledge the appeal. Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles is kickass. The first chapter (that' d be Zero) isn' t anything special, but the second (the original) and the rest are super badass. It' s pretty stunning too, definitely one of the console better looking titles and there' s a lot of stuff to unlock. It' s essentially a slower paced, darker and more gritty House of the Dead. I love lightgun games and even though this isn' t technically one, Capcom have done a stellar job of adapting the franchise to the genre. Battalion Wars II is great. I haven' t spent an awful lot of time with it, but from what i have played so far it' s better than the original (which i loved) and it one of the better looking games on the console. It' s a difficult game to describe, so i won' t... but if you have a Wii, or if you buy a Wii... give it a chance. It' s very cool. Sonic and Paper Mario should turn up this week, No More Heroes is out on the 14th of March (delayed from the 29th February) and then that' s likely to be it until Mario Kart and Brawl turn up. There aren' t many 3rd party games on the horizon that look genuinely interesting. There' s Okami, which i will pick up even though i have the PS2 game... and i can' t think of anything else. I' m kinda hoping that Capcom left Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica out of Umbrella Chronicles so they could use them in a sequel, and i' m still hoping for a traditional style Resident Evil 2 REmake like they did with the original on Gamecube. E3 will be interesting this year and i expect to see a lot more Wii commitment as well as more hardcore games. What i have should keep me content for the next couple of months, especially with PS3 and 360' s busy release schedules so i' m happy with my Wii for now ;P So what do you think of the Wii?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Mah Wii
Feb 26, 2008 20:46
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost So what do you think of the Wii? It' s pretty shit.
Iad umboros
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Mah Wii
Feb 26, 2008 21:31
ORIGINAL: Nitro ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost So what do you think of the Wii? It' s pretty shit. lol
***flyingsaucersdisguisedasmushrooms*** ***mushroomsinvadingfromouterspace***
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 26, 2008 23:58
ORIGINAL: Nitro ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost So what do you think of the Wii? It' s pretty shit. Lmao And btw VF5, that ad actually made me hate the game rather than like it.
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 27, 2008 00:44
lol revolution.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 27, 2008 02:06
Currently playing: Korg DS 10 (ds) / Metal Slug 7 (ds) Rhythm Heaven (ds) / Fire Emblem (ds) Super Stardust HD (psn) / Virtua Fighter 5 (360) FSX (P
Vx Chemical
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 27, 2008 03:10
While Revolution was a great name, it sure doesnt fit the Wii, im glad they changed it.
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 27, 2008 03:50
Could somebody explain why even when it' s turned off the drive sometimes lights up and pulsates? It looks like it' s breathing and my 360 (which doesn' t have a standby light) appears to have been crying...
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 27, 2008 04:49
Check to see if you have any new messages.
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Mah Wii
Feb 27, 2008 06:49
Could somebody explain why even when it' s turned off the drive sometimes lights up and pulsates? It looks like it' s breathing and my 360 (which doesn' t have a standby light) appears to have been crying... That is how they spread the virus. Sooner or later you will be telling your friends to buy one. Its all about mind control. The wii is great if you have a family that likes each other. I personally dislike the thing I cant say why but that is just the way I feel.
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 27, 2008 06:56
ORIGINAL: mikayd2 The wii is great if you have a family that likes each other. I personally dislike the thing I cant say why but that is just the way I feel. I' m not interested in party games though. I' m interested in games like No More Heroes. I couldn' t go through this generation with just the Wii though.
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 27, 2008 23:39
Check to see if you have any new messages. Yep you' re spot on Eddie, its a feature of Wiiconncect 24. I think it looks pretty sweet when it lights up....
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RE: Mah Wii
Feb 28, 2008 21:41
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical the completely unnecessary steering add-ons Its even more trouble some if it is needed to play it probably, in addition to robbing you when you purchase additional wii motes, a wii mote isnt even enough to play all the games. Maybe Mario Kart will end up like Lair. I' ve read that the steering wheels come bundled with the game. Annoying though with the fake enthusiastic people playing in all these commercials. That goes for commercials in general.
< Message edited by ys -- 28 Feb 08 13:46:04 >