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Who is the most beautiful actress?
Sep 14, 2004 15:57
The most beautiful actress in my opinion is Kelly Hu PS. How do you get your star rating up?
< Message edited by badboy104 -- 9/17/2004 2:37:56 PM >
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Sep 14, 2004 18:25
keira Knightley
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Sep 14, 2004 23:48
Monica Bellucci
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Sep 15, 2004 12:32
I really like Liv Tyler, the actress best known in Armageddon (Bruce Willis' daughter who ends up marrying Ben Affleck' s character), the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Jersey Girl. What A hottie!!! She just happens to be Steven Tyler' s (Aerosmith lead singer) daughter.
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 10/14/2004 5:27:54 PM >
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Sep 15, 2004 14:52
Angie Harmon ;)
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Sep 15, 2004 21:37
I' ll put my vote in for Kate Beckinsdale
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Sep 16, 2004 20:15
Kate Hudson
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Sep 20, 2004 18:00
Angelna Jolie is THEE hottest chick in movies today. Hands down. no question
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Sep 21, 2004 03:29
ORIGINAL: Mass X Monica Bellucci I might have to agree with you there. I felt horrible watching the Passion but not for the reason most would think. The movie itself did make me feel terrible but even worse was every time I saw Monica instead of fealing sorry for Jesus I just kept thinking about how hot she was. She was even hot covered in dirt and crying. To be able to pull that off is amazing. I felt dirty after that movie because of her.
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Sep 21, 2004 18:59
I havent seen the Passion yet myself but I can see how thats possible. First time I saw her was in Matrix Reloaded (Persephone), after that I decided to check up on a few of her other movies such as Irreversable (dark dark movie and very graphic.) She very attractive and quite a good actress.
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Oct 11, 2004 17:59
i know this is not a vote thing but i STILL say angealna Joile is still THEE hottest chick in ACTING. if you want a model CARPRICE it the hottest female on this planet.
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Oct 19, 2004 15:42
i know i am posting again right after myself in this thing but to put this " Who the hottest Chick" thing to rest, Angelna Jolie was named " The Sexest Woman Alive" by Esquire magazine. some of you might think " so? a mag says she is hot and i am going to take its word for it?" if you see those pics, i will not have to say anything more. these post can end not beacuse there is no one Hotter
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Oct 19, 2004 16:29
Its gonna be hard to change my veiw on Monica Belluci. But I also rank Elisha Cuthbert and Salma Hayek up there.
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Oct 19, 2004 17:29
Kate Beckinsale hands down...the closest I can come to describing why I think that is this: When you compare her to the other women she is a ripe fruit where others are still green. She has that Coke commercial that is airing in movie theatres...
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Oct 25, 2004 15:23
Kate Beckinsale hands down...the closest I can come to describing why I think that is this: When you compare her to the other women she is a ripe fruit where others are still green. She has that Coke commercial that is airing in movie theatres... Kate Beckinsale is hotter than Angelna Jolie!?!?! Green!?!?! i see Angelna as the Golden Apple while others are just fruit. no knock on you Yoshimitsu15, but Angelna is hotter than Kate. Even her name is hotter. do not get me wrong, kate is Hella hot. But not Hotter than Angelna.
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Oct 28, 2004 14:14
The hottest girl in my book is hillery duff. give her a couple years befor you judge her. oh yeah
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Oct 28, 2004 14:22
Starman Anthony
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Oct 28, 2004 14:24
Oh on how you get more stars? Well the more you post and after passing a certain amount of posts you get more stars.
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RE: Who is the most beautiful actress?
Nov 04, 2004 22:53
i said before that it was GQ that said that " Angelna Joile was the Hottest woman Alive" but i had made a mistake. it was Esquire that said that. Sorry for the misinfomation. For those who want to see the hottest woman alive look for Esquire. thank You.