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RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 24, 2008 03:56
I' ll also be on later this evening, maybe 8:00 EST if anybody' s up for a game. Set up a lobby, or if you don' t have me on your friends list, fire off an invite! Has anybody here considered forming clan Kikizo for CoD? Do we even have enough playing members?
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RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 24, 2008 07:19
I' ll be on later, in about an hour or so probably. Good idea to have a clan if possible. I only have a few of you guys on my friends list. I' ll have to add the rest.
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RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 24, 2008 12:38
I was playing with friends when you guys sent me messages. Then when you joined the game I was in I was in private chat with my friend so I couldn' t hear or speak with you.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
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RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 24, 2008 21:27
Sorry Torr, I was in middle of a song in Guitar Hero when I got your invite, invite expired when I was finished...
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 24, 2008 23:19
Mmmkay, I should be able to be on any time from 2 to 4, perhaps a little later in the evening, from seven to whenever I feel like I should wrap things up for the evening. Does anybody have a preference for gametype? IE Does anybody really really really hate hardcore matches?
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 25, 2008 00:16
Equivalent to the Power olympics ROFL.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 24 Feb 08 16:26:21 >
Currently playing: Korg DS 10 (ds) / Metal Slug 7 (ds) Rhythm Heaven (ds) / Fire Emblem (ds) Super Stardust HD (psn) / Virtua Fighter 5 (360) FSX (P
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 00:36
Has anybody here considered forming clan Kikizo for CoD? Do we even have enough playing members? The clan is coming along nicely Eddie! I finally reached level 12 (don' t laugh Torr!    ) so was finally able to have a clan tag. IE Does anybody really really really hate hardcore matches? I am shite at hardcore matches....
Mass X
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RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 00:47
had a rather nice group of kikizo members the other day. Bastards made me play normal Team Deathmatch, luckily I was able to adapt and had quite a good time.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 00:55
Whats your gamertag Mass?? I was able to adapt and had quite a good time. I had good craic playing with Torr, Agent, Dagashi and Eddie.  Hopefully we can all meet up for a game at some stage! The more the merrier!
Mass X
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RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 01:09
I was there. Johnny Jiron
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RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 01:19
I went out to pick my copy of COD4 today .. Picked up the copy , came home and when i checked the box , it was COD3 .. YES , I was so excited that i picked out COD3 instead of COD4 .. I go back to exchange only to find out that its sold out . I had to exchange the game with a similar priced game and picked up Viva Pinata cos the aholes at the store wont give me store credit . Damn i so wanted to play online with you guys
Agent Ghost
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RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 03:52
I went out to pick my copy of COD4 today .. Picked up the copy , came home and when i checked the box , it was COD3 .. YES , I was so excited that i picked out COD3 instead of COD4 .. I go back to exchange only to find out that its sold out . I had to exchange the game with a similar priced game and picked up Viva Pinata cos the aholes at the store wont give me store credit . Damn i so wanted to play online with you guys EB games, go in to get COD4 come out with Viva Pinata. lol You should have just put a deposit on COD4.
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- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 05:46
We had quite a bit of fun, but had a little trouble keeping a solid group together. Eddie had to go to church and do homework instead of play COD4 with us so we never got a full team(we picked up loco to replace him, but then Dagashi left so we were always one short). As for the Kikizo clan, it prolly will never work as none of us get on at the same time, but it was fun and we should do it again.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 06:25
Agent... i don' t mind playing with you... or Dagashi... but these guys? Nah...
Agent Ghost
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RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 12:03
Agent... i don' t mind playing with you... or Dagashi... but these guys? Nah... lol why not? I enjoy playing with them. They even convinced me to change my tag from " W33D" to " KKZO" . It' s difficult to set up a match together. I like to play late and that ends up being really late for you. Move to a better time zone. I' m just going to look for you on my friends list periodically in my free time. My schedual is too ***ed up to set up matches in advance.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 26 Feb 08 4:05:03 >
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 13:52
I did not see Nitro come on at all today(and I was on most of the day), so unless he plays really early(for like before noon EST) then he never got on. Agent... i don' t mind playing with you... or Dagashi... but these guys? Nah... Ok well fine then Nitro be that way, but what about Mass? Also I think I have played with you all of once. The only people who are on my friends list from kikizo that I haven' t played with are Zoy and Rampage, because well as far as I know Rampage doesn' t have COD4 and Zoy doesn' t play much of anything but Halo 3 when he is on. It' s difficult to set up a match together. I like to play late and that ends up being really late for you. Move to a better time zone. You aren' t on very often anyway Agent, hopefully you will start getting on more. It seems like you are very tempermental when it comes to.... well..... life in general I guess, but if I see you on I might play with. Also I have been playing more and more with a group of guys who are rather good and they don' t play hardcore, so if I don' t Accept someone' s invite or whatnot that is why.
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- Joined: Mar 28, 2007
- Location: Deal, England
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 16:49
will anyone be on again this weekend?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 17:04
Lets see... I haven' t used my 360 since the 12th January... That' ll be why you haven' t seen me on...
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 17:04
Depending on circumstances (which are currently out of my control.) I maybe on this weekend, although it could be sometime before I am back on line...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 26, 2008 22:35
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Agent... i don' t mind playing with you... or Dagashi... but these guys? Nah... lol why not? I enjoy playing with them. They even convinced me to change my tag from " W33D" to " KKZO" . But... they' re virgins... ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost It' s difficult to set up a match together. I like to play late and that ends up being really late for you. Move to a better time zone. I' m still trying. The housing market is completely fuc.ked here at the mo and i' m struggling to sell my property. The plan is to get the money in the bank and take it from there. I emailed universitys in Nova Scotia and Ontario about courses for international students. I don' t particularly want to study again but it gets me into the country.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 27, 2008 04:26
But... they' re virgins... Yeah, but as far as virgins go there are far worse people to associate with.  You plan to be on any time soon? By a combination of horrible connection issues, a lack of live, and bad luck, I still have never played a game with you. I emailed universitys in Nova Scotia and Ontario about courses for international students. I don' t particularly want to study again but it gets me into the country. If you go to uni in Canada, I' m assuming on a student visa, have you decided what classes you' re interested in?
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 27, 2008 11:41
You aren' t on very often anyway Agent... That' s only true lately. I had difficulty with my connection which seems to be ironed out. Fucking Sympatico... It seems like you are very tempermental when it comes to.... well..... life in general I guess What' s that supposed to mean? will anyone be on again this weekend? Saturday I' m still trying. The housing market is completely fuc.ked here at the mo and i' m struggling to sell my property. The plan is to get the money in the bank and take it from there. I emailed universitys in Nova Scotia and Ontario about courses for international students. I don' t particularly want to study again but it gets me into the country. Go in Psychology so you can get a prescription pad.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: COD4 (360) match
Feb 27, 2008 12:12
I will probably be on this weekend, though not until later on Saturday. I can barely get out of bed after Friday nights let alone do any good at CoD4.