This doesn' t surprise me.
As far as I' m concerned, OXM is the epitome of lame-azz journalism. These so-called " professionals" spend more time bashing other companies and systems than they do promoting Xbox software. It seems like in every review, preview, or feature, they find ways to insert a little idiotic potshot at either Nintendo or Sony. It' s as if the editors are just 13-year-old kids intent on making all their readers believe that their competition is a joke. I figure it' s only a matter of time before they release a feature entitled, " Microsoft Forever, All Ye Bow to the Wonder that is Xbox." Actually, in many ways, they' ve already done it.
They' re certainly not the only ones, though. Past mags like Nintendo Power, PSM, and PC Gamer have had problems with incorrect and ill-informed information, sometimes due directly to their massive egos.
< Message edited by fathoms -- 9/13/2004 8:40:03 PM >