You mean the achievements? No, I usually don' t bother, but I like the fact that they' re there. In some games the achievements are actually challenging, which makes them worth something.
Recently I just aquired all Achievements for Geometry Wars Evolved

. My high score is now at 2.1 million. I should get my camera next week, I intend on making a video of me playing GW just to show how crazy the game is.
Survive the first 60 seconds of the game without firing or using a bomb
Earn 100,000 points
Earn 250,000 points
Earn 500,000 points
Earn 1,000,000 points
Earn 100,000 points without dying
Earn 250,000 points without dying
Earn 500,000 points without dying
Earn 1,000,000 points without dying
Earn a 10x multiplier
Collect 9 lives
Collect 9 bombs
Surviving to 1 million without losing a life and the getting a 10X multi are pretty much the same thing as you get them both at around 1 million without dying. Which is very difficult. The other one that' s tough is getting 9 bombs, you have to reach 600,000 without using a bomb or reach 600,000+100,000 for every bomb you use.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 19 Jan 08 20:55:39 >