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And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 02:57
Speaking about the sales of No More Heroes in Japan, he told us, " Whilst the sales weren' t as high as I hoped, other titles for Wii aren' t selling so well either. Only Nintendo titles are doing well. This isn' t just because of the current situation in Japan, as this is happening outside Japan." He also expressed surprise over the casual audience that has been the primary adopters of the Wii. " Actually I was very surprised about the reality about Wii, because before I was making this game, I wasn' t expecting that Wii would be a console targeted only for non-gamers. I expected more games for hardcore gamers. The reality is different to what I expected" . No More Heroes was released in Japan last year to impressive reviews, but failed to set the retail world alight. It' s been reported that on its launch day, it took twenty minutes for someone to buy a copy at a signing, and even then it was a journalist from Famitsu. LINK
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 03:18
When they announced the Revolution I got so excited at the prospect of the console changing gaming. I still think changing the way we interact with games is the next step in its evolution. But somewhere between then and now, I' ve found the Wii just makes me depressed about the prospects. Its just another mass-market accessory now. A christmas present that is hardly ever used. A fun toy that VF can use to amuse his granny. I wanna use the Wiimote to stab Mario and then shave his tache off. That' ll teach him.
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 03:23
Don' t know why your getting so angry, I got one for the wife, bought her Mario Galaxy for Christmas and she tells me she doesn' t like Mario!!!!
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 03:38
Ok, maybe its not all Mario' s fault then. He can keep his tache.
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 06:37
Don' t know why your getting so angry, I got one for the wife, A mustache? Huh... and what does the missus think about that? This isn' t really that suprising. The last time I was in a Gamestop (granted, this was the week after New-Years), two people traded in their Nintendo Wii' s in the time I was in line. One of the ex-Wii owners put it towards credit on a PS3, and the two people behind me bought PS3' s as well. I never thought I' d see the day.... (at least I didn' t when they first launched).
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 07:39
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 08:57
ORIGINAL: Rampage99
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
Agent Ghost
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 15:56
It' s been reported that on its launch day, it took twenty minutes for someone to buy a copy at a signing, and even then it was a journalist from Famitsu.  Lets all point and laugh at Nintendo.
Vx Chemical
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 16:06
Lets all point and laugh at Virtua Fighter 5. Fixed!
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 16:30
Lets all point and laugh at Virtua Fighter 5 (the user, not to be confused with the finest fighting game ever created). Clarified.
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 16:46
Hasn' t it been the case for every Nintendo console that 1st party games sell well, and third party don' t - that seems the companies fault rather than the console itself. Do Nintendo care, probably not, they are raking it in. Would 3rd party sales be any different say if hypothetically Sony had produced the wii? and what ever happened to 2nd party games???
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 17:09
ORIGINAL: Ornodeal and what ever happened to 2nd party games??? Nintendo decided that they didn' t like Rare' s brand of toilet humour and so sold their 49% stake in the company to Microsoft.
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 19:01
If Sony had produced something like the Wii after all their hype I think Sony Execs would have committed hari kari live onstage. I think lack of ' proper' games will be the consoles sticking point, a friend of mine is seriously thinking about getting rid of his Wii.
Vx Chemical
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 19:51
If Sony had produced something like the Wii after all their hype I think Sony Execs would have committed hari kari live onstage. I think lack of ' proper' games will be the consoles sticking point, a friend of mine is seriously thinking about getting rid of his Wii. Ill qoute myself from the light saber thread Wii sucks! Iv recently been contemplating on chipping my Wii, since there are no Wii games i want to pay to play, Nintendo already got my cash when i bought the crappy little thing! But then after careful thought, i couldnt even justify paying to get it chipped. What a dusty little box!
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 21:36
The Famitsu Review was very good and know Just read the Edge Review 9/10 , this game sounds absoltuley Awesome. Exactly how i wanted it to be.. Well Done Suda. Im glad i actually support the great 3rd party games by actually buying them and not standing on the sideline being a sad ***er trying to put them down because i hate Nintendo and their success.. (VX) Actually if anyone should be laffin, its me.. I brought 2 and half grand worth of shares in Nintendo just before to DS was released.. Edit: Not that i wasnt happy otherwise,, Mario Galaxy = Fucking Priceless.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 17 Jan 08 13:43:11 >
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Vx Chemical
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 22:34
Im glad i actually support the great 3rd party games by actually buying them and not standing on the sideline being a sad ***er trying to put them down because i hate Nintendo and their success.. (VX) The point of the thread is that nintendo isnt that successful in all areas, and why do you buy crappy games? SMG is a mediocre platformer!
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 22:35
Atleast they made more money than they did with Gamecube . Didnt they ? This was bound to happen . Gimmicks last for only so long . But i wouldnt count out the Wii yet . Smash bros got a perfect score from famitsu . That will surely move some units .
Vx Chemical
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 22:40
Smash bros is a hardcore game, these guys already have the wii. It will sell alot of games probably!
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 22:53
The point of the thread is that nintendo isnt that successful in all areas And what company is successfull in all areas? WTF r u talking about? Go and play your predicted GOTY 2007 ' Assassin creed' ROFL. expecting me to argue agasint u about SMG.. you dont know a thing about what makes a quality title lol
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 17 Jan 08 14:56:20 >
Currently playing: Korg DS 10 (ds) / Metal Slug 7 (ds) Rhythm Heaven (ds) / Fire Emblem (ds) Super Stardust HD (psn) / Virtua Fighter 5 (360) FSX (P
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 22:56
SMG is a good game ,played it at a friends place . I don' t know , this might be because i am not a big Mario fan , but i didn' t find anything spectacular in it ..
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 23:02
There isn' t anything spectacular on the Wii, there is nothing that makes you stand back and take a breath at either the graphics, the story or the gameplay. The Wii has very mediocre games, however the majority of people who have purchased one will not neccesarily know the difference between top end graphics/Storyline/gameplay and Wii graphics/storyline and gameplay. VF5 I admire your devotion to the system and to Nintendo as a whole, but you must surely realise that they haven' t bought anything to the table and neither have any 3rd parties.
Vx Chemical
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 23:52
And what company is successfull in all areas? WTF r u talking about? Go and play your predicted GOTY 2007 ' Assassin creed' ROFL. expecting me to argue agasint u about SMG.. you dont know a thing about what makes a quality title lol I havent tried AC yet! What im talking about fanboy, is that nintendo is failing in getting people to buy games, especially the 3rd part ones, because frankly they all suck. Since when did a game with crappy camera, mediocre controls (yes waving the the wii mote around like a lunatic to pick up stars, that give you a life when you have 100 and then you can shoot them as well, it makes no sense, and its a piss poor way to implenet the wii mote) picking up coins gives you... health? wtf? make it hearts and it would make sense. I never been a big mario fan, but i dont gather you should have to to enjoy a title. I know for sure i wont finish it!
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 23:53
Since when did a game with crappy camera.... ROfL.. Ive finsished reading there... Youve lost it...
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 23:59
The fact of the matter is, at this point in gamecubes life it had some fantastic 3rd party games... Def Jam Vendetta Eternal Darkness: Sanity' s Requiem F-Zero GX Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Freedom Fighters Gladius Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Ikaruga Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Beyond Good & Evil P.N.03 XIII Super Monkey Ball 2 Super Monkey Ball Viewtiful Joe Tales of Symphonia TimeSplitters 2 SSX 3 SSX Tricky Tony Hawk' s Pro Skater 3 Tony Hawk' s Pro Skater 4 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Resident Evil Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil Code: Veronica X Skies of Arcadia Legends Sonic Adventure DX: Director' s Cut Sonic Heroes Soul Calibur II Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg Burnout 2: Point of Impact Crazy Taxi Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain Metal Arms: Glitch in the System ...And from Nintendo... The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Mario Kart: Double Dash Donkey Konga Metroid Prime Pikmin Pokémon Colosseum Luigi' s Mansion The Legend of Zelda: Collector' s Edition Super Mario Sunshine Wario World Wave Race: Blue Storm ...Wii' s lineup pales in comparison.
Vx Chemical
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 17, 2008 23:59
ROfL.. Ive finsished reading there... Youve lost it... Mmmm nannanananananna Virtua Fighter is a fanboy edit: I just wanted to add that im not the only one complaining about the camera, mostly everyone review has it. fact is, SMG could have been a way better game on PS3 or the 360.
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 17 Jan 08 16:02:49 >
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 00:27
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical fact is, SMG could have been a way better game on PS3 or the 360. And VF has said that several times in the past year. Anyway, as i already showed, with the timespans aligned - Wii' s software lineup is awful compared to Gamecubes. Super Mario Galaxy is fantastic, and Twilight Princess is one of the best console launch titles of all time... but there isn' t much else worth talking about. Anyway... VF, i chose you as a game winner (see the Everything Else forum) - but i see you haven' t replied or PM' d me your choice yet. If for soem reason you don' t actually want a game, that' s fine, just let me know
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 00:29
you dont know a thing about what makes a quality title lol
A rehash from 1996? I just started playing the game again, and after I got about 3 or 4 stars I realized something, haven' t I done this before? And yes, the camera did get on my nerves, but it doesnt ruin the game.
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 00:33
The gameplay Super Mario used in 1996 still kicks ass now. When I finally got around to playing Mario Galaxy, I had it clearly set in my mind that I would hate it, and that I would need to find every last flaw in the game before my heart was at ease. Ten minutes in, I couldn' t tell you why I ever worried about the title in the first place.
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 00:42
Uh... the game may " feel" like Mario 64, but the gameplay in Galaxy is different and diverse enough to seperate itself from it' s older brother. It' s a Mario game... what would you expect?
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 01:04
ORIGINAL: alijay034 The Wii has very mediocre games, however the majority of people who have purchased one will not neccesarily know the difference between top end graphics/Storyline/gameplay and Wii graphics/storyline and gameplay. There' s just oooone little thing here that I disagree on. And it' s the fact that there could be something like a " Wii storyline" . Implying that stories might automatically not be as good because a game is on the Wii. As far as I know there are games with good stories on older consoles, even compared to what we have now for the most powerful consoles ;) Or did you just mean that there isn' t anything impressive storywise right now?
Vx Chemical
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 01:05
And VF has said that several times in the past year. You mean inbetween PS3 and 360 sucks. Wii and PC rules? VF is a zealot in defending the Wii, it doesnt deserve a third of the praise he gives it. It' s a Mario game... what would you expect? I expected to have fun playing it, like i would like to have with most games. But there is no incentive at all for me. I would still say if it had been anything but a mario game, say a new Ip with exactly the same gameplay, it wouldnt have scored much more than 8. The puzzles are easy even for the mentaly retarded.
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 01:07
fact is, SMG could have been a way better game on PS3 or the 360. Yes it could have been but so what! Its still a fantastic game on the Wii and calling it a mediocre platformer is just laughable! I have owned a Wii since launch and I am very dissapointed so far, yes Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy are AAA titles but its just not enough considering how long the console is out. As Nitro pointed out the Gamecube had several fantastic 3rd party games at this stage in the consoles life. Being a Cube owner with over 25 games, it is definitely clear to me that the Wii is just not delivering! As far as I can see(and most people here) Nintendo are more interested in appealing to non-gamers with shite like Wiifit and Brain Training on DS because it is making them money, they have said that they will still appeal to ' hardcore' /' mature' gamers but the fact of the matter is that 3 quality titles is not going to keep us happy. The DS however has huge 3rd party support and thats why it has so many fantastic games but the same sadly cannot be said for Wii. I will still keep my Wii just for Nintendo' s fantastic 1st party titles but I can safely say that my 360 will be getting alot more use.
Vx Chemical
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 01:08
There' s just oooone little thing here that I disagree on. And it' s the fact that there could be something like a " Wii storyline" . Implying that stories might automatically not be as good because a game is on the Wii. As far as I know there are games with good stories on older consoles, even compared to what we have now for the most powerful consoles ;) Or did you just mean that there isn' t anything impressive storywise right now? Ofcourse he means right now! If there was something truly epic on the wii, that be nice, but its mediocre or mini game, there are a few ace titles, the only game im remotely intrested in is Zak and Wiki or whatever its called, but its puzzles are on the light side which is a no no.
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 01:10
but its puzzles are on the light side which is a no no. Why must a game have difficult puzzels in order for it to be good?
Vx Chemical
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 01:15
Yes it could have been but so what! Its still a fantastic game on the Wii and calling it a mediocre platformer is just laughable! The so what, is if Nintendo cant even make a game on their highly specialized Wii that couldnt have been outdone on another console. But going as far as calling it fantastic... mmmmm well if your a mario fan sure. while not at all in the same style Ratchet and Clank, just oozes style, the gameplay is fun, the story line is entertaining. Why must a game have difficult puzzels in order for it to be good? i like games to offer a challenge, i guess its part of what i find entertaining!
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 17 Jan 08 17:16:32 >
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 01:17
VX, your likings to games is wierd, i remember virtually the same arguemnt regarding VF5. Youve making it a habit of not liking ' clear impeccable' Titles. If you wanted to diss Ninjabread man i' ll back you up there but no way am i going to agree with your drivel RE SMG. Nitro, thanks and PM sent.
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Vx Chemical
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 01:23
VX, your likings to games is wierd, i remember virtually the same arguemnt regarding VF5. Youve making it a habit of not liking ' clear impeccable' Titles. If you wanted to diss Ninjabread man i' ll back you up there but no way am i going to agree with your drivel RE SMG. Regarding VF5, i said i didnt care much for fighting games, it feels like a waste of money, kinda like buying a sports title. I like the style and cinematic presentation of Dead or Alive, and i own that title, and one fighter is more than enough for me. While VF might be bout exact timing and practice i prefer a more cinametic expirience in a fighting game, since im not in it for the competition. Figthing in VF looks dull compared to DoA. I like plenty of great games. They dont make good games like they used to though. I dont tend to like a game just because its on a specific console though
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 01:24
The so what, is if Nintendo cant even make a game on their highly specialized Wii that couldnt have been outdone on another console. Yeah good point but I still haven' t seen another platformer on 360 and PS3 that has surpassed Galaxy and I doubt I will for another while. But going as far as calling it fantastic... mmmmm well if your a mario fan sure. while not at all in the same style Ratchet and Clank, just oozes style, the gameplay is fun, the story line is entertaining. I haven' t played much of Ratchet and Clank, I will say that the level design in Galaxy was amazing, the whole gravity thing was very original and hasn' t been done before in a 3d platformer, to be honest I don' t play a platformer for a decent storyline. i like games to offer a challenge, i guess its part of what i find entertaining! Yeah but you don' t play a Mario game for puzzels...... puzzels were NEVER a major feature of ANY Mario game.
< Message edited by Duffman -- 17 Jan 08 17:26:59 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 01:29
Yeah but you don' t play a Mario game for puzzels...... puzzels were NEVER a major feature of ANY Mario game. mmm i dont play Mario games! I liked Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door I liked New Super Mario Bros. The thing is if the game doesnt have intresting puzzles an intresting story, fleshed out characters, expansive world why would i want to play it? I know people could go and say great gameplay but i need something to keep me going besides that.
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RE: And so it begins...
Jan 18, 2008 01:31
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical There' s just oooone little thing here that I disagree on. And it' s the fact that there could be something like a " Wii storyline" . Implying that stories might automatically not be as good because a game is on the Wii. As far as I know there are games with good stories on older consoles, even compared to what we have now for the most powerful consoles ;) Or did you just mean that there isn' t anything impressive storywise right now? Ofcourse he means right now! If there was something truly epic on the wii, that be nice, but its mediocre or mini game, there are a few ace titles, the only game im remotely intrested in is Zak and Wiki or whatever its called, but its puzzles are on the light side which is a no no. It wasn' t totally clear to me considering the use of the term " Wii graphics/storyline" . So I just wondered in case of :P I don' t really know exactly what' s out there on Wii and the others to really compare. I know about Metroid, Zelda, No More Heroes for Wii for example. Then there' s stuff like Mass Effect, Assassins Creed etc. Do the other consoles have many more games that are really impressive storywise right now?