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360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 06:15
I was just wondering about which console has a higher standard of average online competition... I know they both have good standards most of the time but maybe one of you who own both consoles could give your thoughts of which is better!
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 07:00
Its all about money if you can fork the 50 bucks a year for live then go with live. But be warned that it costs about 50 bucks a year. With live there are more people to play with and there are a lot of features that the PSN does not have yet. ( Yet is the keyword. ) But you get what you pay for. With the PSN it' s all free baby not one dime will go towards online. That is the way it should be if you ask me. Its basically the same as live. The PSN does not have the ability to send and check messages while in game. Not yet I hear they are working on it. and there is not as many people on the PSN. I don' t see any other difference but hey thats just what I think. Oh yeah live uses points to get things off the net and the PSN uses the dollar format. Also I hear when there is a new demo out on live you can only get it if you have a gold account ( which is the one you pay for ) thats not the case with the PSN you can download the demo as soon as it is uploaded . Its up to you I hoped I helped.
< Message edited by mikayd2 -- 15 Jan 08 23:01:52 >
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 07:15
Also I hear when there is a new demo out on live you can only get it if you have a gold account For the first week.
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 07:25
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 15 Jan 08 23:25:42 >
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 07:26
For the first week. Right on I didn' t know that.
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 07:31
For online services, Xbox 360 wins hands down. You' re daft to think otherwise.
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 07:39
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 08:56
I choose PS3 because it' s free. I rarely play games online, and when I do I sure as hell am not going to PAY to play the morons (yes) who hang out online. With the PS3 I don' t have to listen to those morons chatter. I guess I could mute the center channel speaker on my sound system if I payed Xbox Live. I' ve played a few PS3 games online and it was very seamless and smooth, nothing to complain about except that everyone is always a thousand times better at the games than I am since they do nothing else but play those games. I sure as hell am not going to pay to get my ass whooped online. The PSN will improve where it lacks. MS doesn' t deserve my money.
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 09:13
I say give the PSN sometime. For their first run, they have done quite well, and both the online play and the store get better with the time. Xbox live is 5 years old. I sure as hell would expect a service that old and for 50 bucks to be better than a first try by Sony and Nintendo.
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 09:28
by Sony and Nintendo Nintendo just found out people play games on the internet last week. What are you talking about?
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 09:42
Yeah, Nintendo' s online service is pretty bad
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 10:22
Yes, Nintendo' s is horrible, even though it is free.
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 16, 2008 16:58
Lives advantage is that everything is integrated together, Sony' s isn' t yet, possibly they will surpass what MS has done, but it will take some effort to improve as a gaming environment (obviously Home is a different matter). Sure Live costs as much as a game for a year but you can get more enjoyment out of playing top notch live games than a second rate single player one.
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 17, 2008 02:43
360 vs PS3 Online Is every topic you make a PS3 vs 360 one? Just leave, youre a moron. If you cant answer that question yourself, you belong on Gamespot or 1up, not here.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 17, 2008 05:20
Actually: The best WWE dvd' s? SvR GM Help! PS3 or 360? How do u get rid of viruses? Help with school project? Anyway to watch RAW online? Mario tennis 64 controls? Any online RPG recomendations? MSN Block Checker? Help with downloading fonts Xbox live setup help Best music for a fight scene? BT Total Broadband? How do you make a website? any tips for NOT laughing? How good are HDTV' s? HALO 3 Multiplayer help! Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 help! And a Quote from Nitro: It was cute... at first...
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 17, 2008 05:26
Let' s try to predict future Fish Wacker threads. Let' s see... How often do you trim your fingernails vs. your toenails? Are elephants really the heaviest land mammals? Is electricity important?
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 17, 2008 05:32
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RE: 360 vs PS3 Online
Jan 17, 2008 06:52
How do I shot web?