First that comes to mind i Resident Evil 2, otherwise now known as Resident Evil 1.5.
RE 1.5 That' s all the footage for it, so its a biggies, 15 minutes! According to all I' ve read, it seems RE 1.5 was around 80% complete with a short time before release, when the creator decided to scratch the entire thing, as he didn' t think it felt right. Amongst the changes are:
- Elza Walker, the original female lead was replaced by Claire Redfield, which brought connection to the first game
- There were weapons that did not make it into RE2, such as grenades.
- There were more human survivors, and some also had completely different roles, such as Ada being an actual Umbrella scientist and chief Irons being a good guy.
- Raccoon looked more like a modern city, rather than the one we' ve come to known.
- There were more enemy types and such, including mini-gorillas, like RE0.
I am happy with the RE2 we got, but it would have been nice to see all that cut content.
Everything that I' ve mentioned plus tons more can be read in the following link:
Read Here The other one is Resident Evil 4.
RE4 Early Version According to the few news released on this one, it seemed Leon would go into the heart of Umbrella itself, which means it would have been a direct continuation to the already established story. Somewhere along the lines, Leon would get infected by this sort of virus that looked like black goo or so, and he would need to find a cure. This particular aspect was kept for RE4, but was handled differently. From the video, it seems some of the mechanics from the final RE4 were gonna be a part of the early version, such as precise aiming and the quick button presses. It seems you could still aim in old RE mode though. The game also seemed to steer more towards the puzzles solving aspects of RE.
My opinion on this? I love RE4' s new mechanics and gameplay. However, I feel like the original story would have been better, as it feels more like a sequel, than a side-chapter, which is what RE4 feels like. For me, it feels as this should have been Code Veronica, and Veronica feels more like a RE4. It would have also shown more about Umbrella, and certainly the setting looks a lot creepier than the current RE4. I also would have preferred the game with more involved puzzles, like the original ones, but with the same dose of action found here in our RE4.
More about the three prior versions of RE4 can be read
here Edit: Another one that came to mind was Final Fantasy VII. I have no links for this one, but those that have Advent Children can see it in one of the documentaries. It seems Sakaguchi' s original story was that the player would play as a detective following the antics of the main characters. When Nojima took over, he completely re-wrote the story, with Nomura giving some input. This is the reason why Sakaguchi hates FFVII as it is, because they did not use his original script. Sakaguchi did establish one of the most important concepts later retained in the game though, the Lifestream, which to all those that played FFVII, know is a big deal in the game.
There were also only three characters, Cloud, Aeris and Barret and from the beginning one was supposed to die. The logic here was that they wanted death to feel completely abrupt and leaving the player with a sense of emptiness that a cliche hollywood heroic death could not give. Since Barret would have embodied this idea, he was not to be killed. And Cloud being the main character, he could not be killed either. So they went with Aeris

< Message edited by chimura -- 13 Jan 08 22:29:41 >