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Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 10, 2008 16:35
Darth Vader in the PS3 version. Yoda in the 360 version. ...Wedge in the Wii version? Link.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 10, 2008 16:51
Holy wow! PS3 version it is then...
Vx Chemical
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 10, 2008 17:25
yeah vader is so much cooler
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 10, 2008 18:18
Erm, that' s really random. But hey, as long as they' re done well and not stupidly overpowered like Spawn was, I' m all for it.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 10, 2008 18:20
Wow! That' s f***ing cool! Holy s*** I' m buying it! When is the game out?!?!!? I have to get all three FFS! ..No, I' m not a Star Wars fan... not at all...
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 10, 2008 18:32
There is no Wii version.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 10, 2008 19:42
Even better, less games I have to buy Unless there' s a Star Wars character in Legends...?
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 10, 2008 21:11
Yoda FTW, Darth Vader is sweet but not worth buying a PS3 over.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 10, 2008 21:49
gametrailers " But the swords may have met their match, kshhhh-kshhh, kshhhh-kshhh!"
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Jan 08 13:51:58 >
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 10, 2008 22:58
Wow. That only rates about a 7 or 8 on the coolness scale, but at least a 10 on the gratuitous crossover scale. I can hear the fanfic writers drooling from here.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 10, 2008 23:05
This almost makes it a must! they should make a vader game someday! something which is after III and before IV, that is pretty much unwritten.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 00:41
I will not be surprised if Vader is available on the 360 as a DLC .. Bunch of crooks !! Anyways , i think playing as yoda would be cooler . A little green thing jumping all over the place .. cool ..
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 01:52
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical This almost makes it a must! they should make a vader game someday! something which is after III and before IV, that is pretty much unwritten. I think The Force Unleashed takes place in that period. But you play as Darth Vaders secret apprentice instead of Vader himself. I' d like to see Plo Koon in SCIV. He' s cool.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Jan 08 17:55:14 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 03:11
Yoda and Vader both kick ass. I' m going to have a hard time choosing.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 03:25
Though I am not a big SC fan, for me the 360 got the shaft on this one. Though I see the amazing opportunity of fully exploiting Yoda' s fight style, I simply hate Yoda. Vader is awesome on the other hand.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 03:36
It could be better if they could add Snake or Claud to the PS3 version & Master Chief or Ryu Hayabusa to the X360 version. Regards-Alimn
< Message edited by alimn -- 10 Jan 08 19:41:18 >
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 03:39
Though I see the amazing opportunity of fully exploiting Yoda' s fight style, I simply hate Yoda. Vader is awesome on the other hand. Yeah? Do you like to kiss the Emperor, too? [:' (] Just kidding. The only thing is that neither one of them should be beatable by any ordinary fighter. I wonder if they' ll have any Force attacks.
< Message edited by zoy -- 10 Jan 08 19:41:18 >
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 03:47
How are they going to block lightsabers with normal swords?
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 04:14
ORIGINAL: Zoy I wonder if they' ll have any Force attacks. In the trailer Yoda appears to use the Force to block an attack. I' d say that since there' s more emphasis on specials in this game then Force powers are a cert.   I wonder whather these are the only additional characters too... i mean, i figured Kratos would find his way into Soul Calibur IV Who would you guys like to see in each version? I like: PS3 Kratos from God of War Nariko & Kai from Heavenly Sword Cloud & Sephiroth from Final Fantasy Dante from Devil May Cry 360 Kaim from Lost Odyssey Inphyy and Aspharr from N3 Altair from Assassins Creed Spawn & Angela from the Spawn comics
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 04:57
PS3 Cloud and Sephiroth Dante Samanosuke Raiden or Snake Xbox360 Ryu Hayabusa or Hayate Either Version Ryo Hazuki I always thought that Namco might go and try to snatch Cloud or Sephirtoh, but I guess I was wrong. If they ever did, I would definitely turn into a fan
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 05:01
Meh... this series hasn' t impressed me since the first on DC.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 06:15
First one was the best of its time, but I thought the second was very good too. The third was a bit of a let down for me.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 08:44
WTF? Its cool that there will be exclusive characters again but Vader and Yoda? Seriously?
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 11, 2008 18:34
The DC Soul Calibur was awesome and everything was simply great in it. The sequels had lots of nice content and stuff but the gameplay and the classy feeling was ruined IMO. Everything Soul Calibur has going for it right now is special things like funny characters, UNLESS they change BACK to the DC style gameplay and art. I' ll buy SCIV for Yoda, nothing else.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 01:54
I also think that the first was the best. From the second on it didn' t feel the same way. I couldn' t put my finger on it but maybe it' s like you said : the " classy" feel the first one had.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 04:15
I think the second one was much slower. And the backgrounds were to colorful for their own good. It worked in the DC version where the backgrounds looked like beautiful paintings, but the second just didn' t work. And the characters looked fucked up. Mitsurugi was my favourite in the DC version but in the sequels he looks like an idiot. The whole badass samurai was gone and instead we got a bum with a sword. Fucking hell that sucked!
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 04:23
Well Soul Calibur was a sequel to Soul Blade which was an amazing game when it was released in the arcades and on the original PlayStation. The Dreamcast sequel is widely regarded as the best version, but Soul Calibur II has sold the most. The 3rd game while not a bad game, isn' t a patch on it' s predecessors. Fortunately, Soul Calibur IV looks amazing and i' m buying it regardless of reviews.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 04:41
What, are we back to the cheap marketing days of Pokemon now? Do we have to buy two versions of the same game to get a few unique characters? It' s cool, in the sense that it' s freaking Darth Vader and Yoda, but I don' t see the purpose in adding one different character to each, instead of both. Granted, one could argue that they want you to go out and buy both, but I don' t know of anybody who would buy two versions of the same game because of one unique character (excluding the Pokemon kiddies).
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 11 Jan 08 20:43:44 >
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 05:16
Uh, ...they did this with Soul Calibur II and everybody loved the idea... Hell, if Link hadn' t been in the Gamecube version it wouldn' t have sold anywhere near as well as it did.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 05:28
My statement still stands. I enjoy Soul Calubur, but I don' t know of anybody (myself included) who would buy two versions of the same game for one different character. The choice to add different non-brand-exclusive characters doesn' t make much sense in my opinion. Hell, if Link hadn' t been in the Gamecube version it wouldn' t have sold anywhere near as well as it did. I could almost understand the decision to throw Link in the Cube version. Link is a Nintendo character. Were it, say, Master Chief in the 360 version, and Kratos in the PS3 version, that would make a bit more sense in my opinion. At least the decision to have one for each console would be justified.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 11 Jan 08 21:29:08 >
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 05:43
But that' s the point... they' re highly unlikely to be wholly exclusive. I' d be extremely surprised if both characters aren' t planned as DLC for the version they didn' t ship in. It also potentially bodes well for the combat mechanics in Force Unleashed. I mean, i can see LucasArts creating these models for use in Soul Calibur under the condition that Namco assist them with the combat in their game.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 07:08
ORIGINAL: Nitro It also potentially bodes well for the combat mechanics in Force Unleashed. I mean, i can see LucasArts creating these models for use in Soul Calibur under the condition that Namco assist them with the combat in their game. You know more of that kind of stuff than most of us, but I really doubt it. Namco makes arcade games and I don' t think TFU is going to benefit from arcade combat gameplay. And wouldn' t the guys who makes TFU have an easier and more fun time doing their own combat system? Working with Namco on that just seem to make it more complicated than easy.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 07:12
What was the nunchuck dude' s name in Soul Blade again? He was my favourite character with the move where he spins the nunchuck on his leg and kicks you, heh. First time I saw Voldo though!
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 07:42
ORIGINAL: ginjirou ORIGINAL: Nitro It also potentially bodes well for the combat mechanics in Force Unleashed. I mean, i can see LucasArts creating these models for use in Soul Calibur under the condition that Namco assist them with the combat in their game. You know more of that kind of stuff than most of us, but I really doubt it. Namco makes arcade games and I don' t think TFU is going to benefit from arcade combat gameplay. And wouldn' t the guys who makes TFU have an easier and more fun time doing their own combat system? LucasArts have almost zero experience in that specific area though. They only games they' ve handled themselves that had Light Sabre combat were Jedi Power Battles on Dreamcast? and uh, Obi-Wan on Xbox? ...and those games were lame. The Jedi Knight games were handled by the screw-ups at Raven Software and the last game - Revenge of the Sith was handled by The Collective. I don' t doubt that LucasArts could put together a really impressive combat system, i mean, look at the films, ...but i do think they would benefit from the assistance of a developer who has 10 extremely successful fighting games under their belt, 3 of which are purely weapons based. I guess the inclusion of Star Wars characters in a Soul Calibur game has simply got my mind looking for viable explanations... although i' m expecting more characters to be revealed as we countdown to it' s summer release so maybe i' m looking too deep.
< Message edited by nitro -- 11 Jan 08 23:44:39 >
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 08:04
Finally! A new fighting game that I can look forward to! The graphics look awesome, and the gameplay looks fast and smooth. I suppose if there is no difference between the two other than the two exclusive characters I' ll have to go 360, as there should be a better online community, if I decide to actually get online with it. Both Vader and Yoda should be cool to play with. I, personally, liked Soul Caliber on the DC the best, but part two was enjoyable as well. I couldn' t really get into the third installment for some reason. It' s no DOA, but it should have some pretty good jiggle physics too!
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 12, 2008 20:18
Yoda and Vader both kick ass. I' m going to have a hard time choosing. My bet is on both being available on both consoles as DLC for another $2-5. How are they going to block lightsabers with normal swords? Maybe their swords use the special weave that Echani weapons use?
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 13, 2008 07:16
Or maybe they' ll just block them normally and piss starwars fans off
< Message edited by mastachefbkw -- 12 Jan 08 23:16:30 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 14, 2008 13:45
The question that SHOULD be asked is how someone can take multiple stabbings from a weapon as big as a Chevy and still live, let alone fight! Answer that, and then we' ll talk about the light saber thing.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 14, 2008 18:23
They train hard. Tough bodies you know. Like shaolin monks... or something. But a shaolin monk could never take on a lightsaber. I' d like a green lightsaber.
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RE: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Jan 14, 2008 23:40
Either one you get should be pretty cool, and this game should be just as good as the ones before it(if not way better). If I remember correctly didn' t 3 have the character customization thing, or than that I thought it was mostly a rehash of the 2nd. I might play this if my brother gets it, but fighting games aren' t my style.