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PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 04:59
LINK Yay? Not that we' ve seen like anything other than all all to short and mysterious trailer... but y' know... Guess Sony has to fall back on, uh, The Getaway... which we also haven' t seen anything of since 2005...
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 05:06
Hey Nitro, the link took me to gamasutras job page. Is this the right link?
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 05:13
ORIGINAL: Chimura Hey Nitro, the link took me to gamasutras job page. Is this the right link? ...
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 05:15
Categories: Art / Animation Studio Name: 2008-01-04 00:59:37 Experience Required: 5 yrs Platforms: Playstation 3,Xbox 360
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 11:51
Nice avatar eddie .. This is exactly how i pictured you look , A tech savvy midget ..
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 11:59
didnt rockstar say they where working on an exculsive ps3 game?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 12:50
quote: Categories: Art / Animation Studio Name: 2008-01-04 00:59:37 Experience Required: 5 yrs Platforms: Playstation 3,Xbox 360 jaja, skipped that part  .
Vx Chemical
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 15:53
Didnt they say it was too big to be in the 360?
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 16:16
Well, if its too big, they could use more than one cd I guess.
Vx Chemical
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 17:16
thats no good in a gta<style game.
Agent Ghost
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 18:17
fuck I wanted to see this game optimised for the PS3.
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 05, 2008 23:00
The Getaway... [:' (][:' (][:' (][:' (][:' (]
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 06, 2008 02:36
Didn' t know it was supposed to be GTA style. I guess that make things a little more complicated. I am guessing then that if it is to big for 360, then downgrade it from what it was supposed to be? Meaning, downgrading the PS3 version as well probably.
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 06, 2008 05:50
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Didnt they say it was too big to be in the 360? That' s what they said. I guess if the Playstation 3 version is the lead development title it' ll be interesting to see if the 360 version is on multiple discs or not.
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 07, 2008 02:17
I think they' re recruiting for accomplished animator with experience of leading a team through at least one AAA title on either PS3 and 360. Not saying I don' t think LA Noire won' t ever come to 360, just saying that I think it might be abit prematuire to announce that particular game for that platform aswell, based on that job advertisement.
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 07, 2008 02:54
ORIGINAL: KongRudi I think they' re recruiting for accomplished animator with experience of leading a team through at least one AAA title on either PS3 and 360. Not saying I don' t think LA Noire won' t ever come to 360, just saying that I think it might be abit prematuire to announce that particular game for that platform aswell, based on that job advertisement. No... Job Details: Categories: Art / Animation Studio Name: 2008-01-04 00:59:37 Experience Required: 5 yrs Platforms: Playstation 3,Xbox 360 Minimum Education Level Required: Bachelor' s Degree Work Site: On site The jod details specify which platform the game is being developed for, in this case it' s PS3 and 360. Also...
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 07, 2008 07:45
Well, if its too big, they could use more than one cd I guess. Yeah, they could always use 20 CD' s I guess But seriously, only an incompetent at compressing dev could not fit any game on a DVD, especially after Mass Effect.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 08, 2008 03:05
But seriously, only an incompetent at compressing dev could not fit any game on a DVD, especially after Mass Effect idiotic to use the word any in this context. It' s also a bad example to use, since Mass Effect developers themselves claimed they had to cut alot of content, because it were decided early on that it should ship on a single dvd in a interview. :-/ A game like Elite is a much bigger gameworld than mass effect (it' s actually infinite, based upon logic algorithms), that don' t mean that everyone who use something with larger capacity than the 0,25 MB disks suck at compression. I' d take good game' s over good compressed games any day. In most cases compression means lower quality, that' s why youtube-videos are much worse than the raw-material they come from.
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 08, 2008 04:24
It depends on what you' re planning on having in your game. Microsoft, until recently, have always had a 1 disc policy. But when you look at a game like Blue Dragon where the team wanted to have tons of HD video as opposed to realtime in-engine cutscenes... it was obviously going to span more than one disc. That doesn' t make Artoon an incompetent developer... But even Uncharted, which does have in-engine rendered cutscenes probably couldn' t have fit onto a DVD9 because the cutscenes are still video files. They' re not realtime, and the difference between Uncharted' s in-engine recorded video' s and Gears of War' s realtime in-engine cutscenes is instantly noticeable. One plays super smoothly and the other is choppy as hell. If Epic had done their cutscenes the same way as Naughty Dog, Gears would almost certainly have been pushed onto two discs. Mass Effect is almost definitely 100% realtime, and yeah, the cutscenes are smoother than Gears, but there' s still a noticeable quality difference between games like Uncharted and Heavenly Sword and Mass Effect and Gears of War, purely in terms of cutscene quality.
Vx Chemical
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 08, 2008 05:10
It' s also a bad example to use, since Mass Effect developers themselves claimed they had to cut alot of content, because it were decided early on that it should ship on a single dvd in a interview. :-/ This calls for a link or it didnt happen! No pro Xbox developer would ever say that, and they had a hard enough time getting the game shipped playable, i hardly think they were pondering much more content.
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 08, 2008 05:29
I agree with Vx, if they had so much trouble keeping frame rates and stuff, I doubt that they would be thinking of more content.
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 09, 2008 17:53
L.A. Noire stopped being exclusive once Rockstar got involved in 2006. While originally a PS exclusive title developed initially on PS platforms, Rockstar' s influence made it multiplatform. The confusion about exclusivity was due to the fact that it was only listed on financial reports as being for the PS3, obviously because the game would be finished in that time frame. The reason why the game is delayed is because Rockstar wanted a multi platform release date instead of an initial PS3 release. So yeah, no big news.
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 09, 2008 18:48
ORIGINAL: DontPeeOnBilly L.A. Noire stopped being exclusive once Rockstar got involved in 2006. While originally a PS exclusive title developed initially on PS platforms, Rockstar' s influence made it multiplatform. The confusion about exclusivity was due to the fact that it was only listed on financial reports as being for the PS3, obviously because the game would be finished in that time frame. The reason why the game is delayed is because Rockstar wanted a multi platform release date instead of an initial PS3 release. So yeah, no big news. Not because it was only ever announced for PS3?
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 11, 2008 17:17
To my knowledge there was never a formal announcement of L.A. Noire being for the PS3. It was always a question because of Sony' s original backing and the fact that it is initially a PS3 game. I' ll be willing to take bets that the delay to 2009 is due to make way for X360 and PC simultaneous release.
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RE: PS3 loses L.A. Noire exclusivity...
Jan 11, 2008 23:11
Billy is right. I can' t find any kind of announcement for the PS3 version. The " exclusivity" talk came about because of a listing on a fiscal report... so no, this isn' t exactly news.