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Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 04, 2008 05:32
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 04, 2008 05:44
But an FPS-RPG with 600,000 procedurally formed guns? Hmmm.... but apparently only one type of car?!
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 04, 2008 05:51
Ah well yes..heh..I dont suppose any car designers survived the apocalypse in this world.
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 04, 2008 06:34
It will have vehicular combat too which pits it directly against Rage. It looks interesting but i really don' t like the idea of random item/weapon generation...
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 04, 2008 06:59
Borderlands being pit against Rage. So we are looking at a 2009 release then for Borderlands? I was under the impression that this game would be out by the end of the year?
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 04, 2008 07:46
I think its due this year, but delays are always going to happen, its inevitable. Does Rage have RPG elements? Or is it just Quake + Motorstorm? I just want the world to be big, diverse and interesting. But even STALKER didn' t match up to its huge expectations, so Gearbox has a big challenge to go from straight forward shooters to open worlds. Your right they could just end up with 600,000 generic samey guns. What was that game with loads of realisticly created guns and a search engine built in for them all?
< Message edited by choupolo -- 3 Jan 08 23:51:16 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 04, 2008 08:01
It looks interesting but i really don' t like the idea of random item/weapon generation... That' s what I' m most interested in. Trying to find that uber weapon, the freak of probability that has all the best possible traits. I want to take that BFG and send them* all to Hell. *Aliens, Demons, Monsters whatever the enemies are supposed to be. FPS+RPG = goodness Why hasn' t this been tried more often, so far every attempt has been half assed.
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 05, 2008 05:33
I can' t say I' m looking forward to this. Gearbox is aces, but I caught an article on it a few issues back in GI, and wasn' t thrilled by the style. The best way I can put it is that it looks like generic sci-fi, whereas games like Halo, Haze and Killzone at least have a defining style to them. I dunno, maybe I' m being overly critical, but we' ve seen what Gearbox is capable of, and I think it' s a bit more than this.
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 07, 2008 03:58
Yep generic sci-fi is an ever-present danger. Sometimes you can end up with some small charms that make it cult sci-fi though, even if it doesn' t reach the upper echelons. Tbh, I dont even rate Haze, Killzone or Halo for original sci-fi. I can' t think of a really completely solid other worldly sci-fi game so far. Maybe Flashback?
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 07, 2008 04:14
ORIGINAL: choupolo Tbh, I dont even rate Haze, Killzone or Halo for original sci-fi. I can' t think of a really completely solid other worldly sci-fi game so far. Maybe Flashback? Flashback definitely nailed it, but that was 16 years ago (holy wow! 16 years...  ) Sci-fi is generally handled well in strategy or space combat games, but not so much in other genre' s. The Doom, AVP, Halo and Metroid Prime games have been fine, and Killzone has great art direction, but other than Deus Ex and maybe the first Red Faction... i can' t think of any other sci-fi FPS' s that i' ve enjoyed playing. Borderlands is more post-apocalyptic than traditional sci-fi though i think.
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 07, 2008 04:32
I have faith in gearbox. Hopefully they will do something special.
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 09, 2008 17:59
The premise of 600,000 different weapons and vehicle combat excites my genital region. I thought it was 2009 release, though?
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 09, 2008 19:54
Tbh, I dont even rate Haze, Killzone or Halo for original sci-fi. I can' t think of a really completely solid other worldly sci-fi game so far. Maybe Flashback? Oh, believe me, I' m not saying Haze, Killzone and Halo have original storylines. I' m not even saying they' re all good games, but when you see a screenshot, you can say " That' s Halo" , or " That' s Haze" based on a specific style they' ve chosen for the game. I can' t say I could be able to do that with Borderlands.
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 10, 2008 04:08
Yeah, I know what your saying. It' ll be upto Gearbox to put in some distinct features or characters as they go on. The rhino beastie looks cool though. Not as cool as the sand worms in Dune though.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 9 Jan 08 20:10:39 >
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 10, 2008 23:03
I' m looking foreward to this one. It looks like another Diablo with guns, minus the unnecessary monthly fee tacked on.
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RE: Borderlands by Gearbox
Jan 10, 2008 23:07
Flashback definitely nailed it, but that was 16 years ago (holy wow! 16 years... ) Sci-fi is generally handled well in strategy or space combat games, but not so much in other genre' s. The Doom, AVP, Halo and Metroid Prime games have been fine, and Killzone has great art direction, but other than Deus Ex and maybe the first Red Faction... i can' t think of any other sci-fi FPS' s that i' ve enjoyed playing. Borderlands is more post-apocalyptic than traditional sci-fi though i think. Quake 2 is the mother of all SciFi games (maybe not) but its fucking great!