Maxed out...
It just looks like the 360 version running in a higher resolution. It has improved textures and will run at whatever speed your PC can handle but other than the " new" content (which was actually dropped from the console version due to time constrictions)... there' s little worth seeing.
But Epic didn' t handle it. People Can Fly (the guys who did Painkiller) ported the game, and Microsoft insisted on including the Games for Windows Live shit. The Guide is pathetic. I see why they did it, but not being able to save your progress without signing in is just dumb.
Mouse & keyboard support obviously makes aiming easier but it just doesn' t feel right and jumping about is nowhere near as fluid. You just can' t dive and roll the same way you can with a pad. Spacebar takes on ' A' buttons functions and so holding ' S' down to move backwards and then space to dive is awkward. Start including the context sensitive stuff like climbing over low walls snapping into and out of cover and using the Roadie Run all in quick succession and it falls apart. The game was created around the 360 pad and even though it' s managable with a keyboard, playing on the higher difficulties where enemies rush you more is easier with a pad.
Mouse doesn' t have rumble too, ...and the game needs rumble.
The menus are retarded, and for some reason the game doesn' t remember my resolution and defaults back to 768 (or whatever it is). Enabling DX10 AA causes it to crash and there are random stutters. It' s a piss weak port of an otherwise amazing game.
It would have been fine if Epic had ported it... UTIII is godly... but meh at least PC gamers get to play Gears. They can talk about it running at faster framerates and having mouse & keyboard support all they want but with this game they haven' t got a leg to stand on.
I bought it though... but only because i' m afraid the 360 version will kill my console...