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Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 00:56
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 01:19
Drool.... First time I' ve seen a car in FF that looks like an actual car model. So does the city.
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 01:48
A++++ i cant wait for these two. Yeah Versus 13 has a more modern look to it, some blood aswell im loving it.
Rest in PEACE Cetra and GANGSTA you guys will be missed..........
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 02:07
Both look awesome.
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 03:29
This is why I will eventually have to buy a PS3.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 05:24
OMFG!!!!! Awesome!!!!!! Anyone have any ideas on when these games might be released?
Most wanted games: Mass Effect Assasins Creed Crysis Little Big Planet Drakes Fortune UTIII Kane and Lynch Heavy Rain Alan Wake
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 05:52
Probably 2008 Japan, 2009 the rest of the world.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 05:53
They returned to the craptastic stupid final fantasy combat system havent they?
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 06:28
Probably 2008 Japan, 2009 the rest of the world. 2009 you say? Still over a year away. No matters, as long as SE give us more gorgeous trailers to drool over until then.
Most wanted games: Mass Effect Assasins Creed Crysis Little Big Planet Drakes Fortune UTIII Kane and Lynch Heavy Rain Alan Wake
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 06:29
Well... It looks pretty. Problem is, whenever I see Final Fantasy trailers, I look at all the wonderful nifty moves they' re performing, and all the acrobatic finesse, and all the huge expansive battles they' re fighting, and realize that I' ll either walk into all 100 of those soldiers in the first trailer, without seeing a single one of them before the random encounter. Or if they stick with the new system, I' ll simply bypass the enemies who are incapable of fighting me unless I go right up & touch them. And people ask why I don' t play Final Fantasy.
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 06:33
My guess is 2009 for FFXIII. FFXIII Versus is way behind FFXIII in production. It could be a long while before here anything about a release.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 07:21
Final Fantasy trailers always look good, pity the games are about as much fun to play as watching paint dry.
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 07:55
both games look just so ridiculous i already cant stand them, i love the music in the FFXIII trailer though
< Message edited by fernandino -- 15 Dec 07 23:56:54 >
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 10:03
Final Fantasy trailers always look good, pity the games are about as much fun to play as watching paint dry.
Exactly. They should just quit making games are start making them into movies. Then I would be interested.
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 10:10
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw Final Fantasy trailers always look good, pity the games are about as much fun to play as watching paint dry. Exactly. They should just quit making games are start making them into movies. Then I would be interested. They tried that twice and failed.
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 10:11
Well, you saw what came out of them in the movie business. Contrary to popular belief which says its bad, I think Spirits within was a good sci-fi movie, though not Final Fantasy. As far as Advent Children, that was more of fan-boys-girls reunion and homage than an actual coherent movie, though I did enjoy too
< Message edited by chimura -- 16 Dec 07 2:12:23 >
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 16:53
FFXIII - Good, but dont get me wrong i' m a massive fan, it just didn' t wow me that much yet. I need to see something more " powerful" Versus - OMFG! Can you spell OWNAGE!!
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RE: Square Enix reveals FFXIII and FF Versus XIII videos
Dec 16, 2007 17:46
Japanese RPG' s are always the same. What people call engaging storyline = sentimental crap with cheap cliches. What people call deep characters = Same old character roles, confused teenager with hidden skills as main character, a cute girl as a healer side-kick, some cool older guy with samurai attitude etc. What people call excellent design = Exaggerated design without any practical thought behind it making the world less interesting than they could be. What people call cool character design = Beautiful people with clothes that make no sense and the regular anime emotional responses. Now, I can often love sentimental crap stories with silly characters and weird worlds. But don' t expect me to be wowed by these trailers.