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1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 05:17
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assassin' s Creed (Xbox 360/PS3, Ubisoft): 7, 6, 4.5 6 and 4.5? I know AC didnt live up to the hype,but get real,im so fucking tired of these reviewers who has to trash a game if it didnt live up to the hype,review the game on what it is,not what it could have been. 4.5 ? my ass. ps! I dislike Jade raymond and thought AC were around 85/100 im no huge AC fan,but 4.5? get fucking real.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 05:19
Mainstream gaming news fails. Always has. Always will.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 05:48
The game doesn' t deliver on its promises, but a 4.5 is a score for a broken game. Even with the glitches, AC is far for being broken. I gave it a 7.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 06:43
It' s like Games TM (A UK All Format Mag) gave it 4 out of 10 and pretty much said they were disappointed. 4 is an awful score and the game can' t be that bad. Edge pointed out it’s flaws much more eloquently and gave it a 7.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 07:01
anybody giving it lower than a 6 [ lol at 100% scoring idiots] needs their brain checked.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 08:28
Most people these days think 6 is a bad review since their scale only goes from 6 to 10. People can' t wrap their minds around the fact that 5 is average. Of course I' d probably rate ASS ASS in' s Creed a 1 since I have no desire whatsoever to play it in my lifetime.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 08:37
If that actually was the case,then why do every reveiwer give a game 8 or 9 when its good?
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 09:36
This is how I see it: You say 5 would be average? In college however, a 5 out of 10 would be a D. Is D an average grade for a game? I thought it would be C.
Joe Redifer
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 09:49
That' s EGM' s rating scale which they state clearly in every single issue. EGM is not a college. Any college that gives a passing grade for a 50% score is way too lax, though. What a shitty college. Other reviewers give decent to good games 8 and 9s because of people like you (Quez) who whine and bitch when they get anything lower.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 12 Dec 07 1:49:31 >
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 09:50
You' re right, 50% is an F, where the hell have I' ve been these past few years
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 17:05
ORIGINAL: Chimura You' re right, 50% is an F, where the hell have I' ve been these past few years In general... A: 90 - 100 B: 80 - 89 C: 70 - 79 D: 60 - 69 E: 50 - 59 F: 40 - 49 So yeah, 50% is borderline E/F But since videogames reviews aren' t college exams, it doesn' t matter. EGM/1up' s Assassins Creed review average is 5.8 ...and i wouldn' t have rated the game much higher. So what' s the problem?
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 21:14
I say if you don' t like their review don' t read it. Make your own opinions start a website and maybe people like yourself will listen or bitch if they so choose, and who cares everyone is different let them be. Did anyone else notice that whatabout_paul is back or at least looks in every now and then. Dude you should post here more and actually get up to a five star rating.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 22:14
Well Majik your not in a majority if you would give it 5.8.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 12, 2007 23:00
If i was reviewing it i would probably give it what i' d have given Kameo, Perfect Dark and Heavenly Sword. 7/10 Compared to games like Uncharted, Gears and Call of Duty 4 - Assassins Creed is a 7 at most, probably a 6.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 13, 2007 03:40
Well Majik your not in a majority if you would give it 5.8. Just because the majority gives it a 9, doesn' t mean is it deserving of such score. Like I said, I gave it a 7, and for me that was being generous due to the fact that it does do some really cool stuff, but the technical, pacing and monotony issues are more than the good. So in this case, I stand firm against the current.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 13, 2007 04:46
If i was reviewing it i would probably give it what i' d have given Kameo, Perfect Dark and Heavenly Sword. 7/10 Compared to games like Uncharted, Gears and Call of Duty 4 - Assassins Creed is a 7 at most, probably a 6. I think those scores are fine. But...when you give AC 4.5 and 5.5 you have a weird review group.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 13, 2007 04:48
Just because the majority gives it a 9, doesn' t mean is it deserving of such score. Like I said, I gave it a 7, and for me that was being generous due to the fact that it does do some really cool stuff, but the technical, pacing and monotony issues are more than the good. So in this case, I stand firm against the current. Yepp,I thinkm 7 is fine,but 4.5? come on.,..
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 13, 2007 04:52
Like I said, I would only give a 4.5 to a really broken game, or a game I really hated it. AC is neither.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 13, 2007 05:20
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Yepp,I thinkm 7 is fine,but 4.5? come on.,.. It' s how EGM works though. They have a low score, a higher score and a score in the middle. It' s done that way on purpose. It' s pathetic and their reviews don' t count for shit... but that' s the way they operate and it isn' t going to change any time soon. Eurogamer gave it a 7 which i think is fair.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 13, 2007 05:30
Since I don' t have a 360 I can' t really say all that much about the game because I can' t really sink my teeth into it...but from what I' ve played at a friends house and that was atleast around 5 hours all the times put together... I' d say 7 to 7.5 A great example of what deserves a 4.5 was Sonic on 360/PS3 which was basically a broken game...falling through platforms when landing, being stuck on walls, extremely aweful controls, a horrible camera and horrendous loading times. That' s something you' d give a 4.5 AC has some good stuff, but it ain' t nothing special to me and doesn' t really stand out that much. It isn' t aweful nor is it great. A 7/7.5 is a perfect score for this game.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 13, 2007 05:38
I' d give it an 8 personally. I had a great time with it. I feel people are really being too harsh on the game.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 13, 2007 06:38
I feel people are being to soft on it actually  . Most reviews tend to turn the eye on the glitches, bad AI and monotony of the mission design.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 13, 2007 22:48
This thread actually makes me want to play the thing. My bro has been staying over and using it recently on my 360, but sod him, as soon as I finish my marking I' ll have to give it a shot myself. It odesn' t look or sound that bad a game from what ive seen of it so far. Reviews are subjective and always will be, look at newgrounds, many people zero a falsh game even if it' s not their cup of tea, so you cant take them seriously but as for professional reviewers it is their job to put themselves in the mindset of the intended audience and make a judgement. This is most perobably what Edge did, but they are controlled by Future who still havent paid me for work I did in July! Everyone has their own scale, for me less than 5 is a bad game, but who where really bases their purchase decisions of other peoples reviews? They only came about because back in the day it was hard to get hold of demo' s, now we can all judge for ourself. Scores today are more about taglines and marketing today than ever been before. Which is OK, because this is the way it has always been.
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RE: 1up/EGM being childish again...
Dec 13, 2007 22:56
The glitches aren' t bad. Clipping was really the only issue I had and it wasn' t significant enough to bomb the game for it. The AI while not the brightest fit the combat system. If you were to get swarmed with the combat system that was implemented you' d be screwed. Sure the missions got repetitive towards the end, there' s no question of that. Still though, being able to run around those huge cities as a free runner was awesome. I loved the story, I loved the visuals, I loved the animations, I loved the controls, the assassinations were awesome, reversals in combat were awesome, the atmosphere was great, and in the end the game was entertaining. I' m really looking forward to the sequels.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 13 Dec 07 14:56:28 >
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "