Well we all know what No More Heroes is about right...well Europe think again
No More Gore for No More Heroes in Europe
Rising Star Games plumps for cleaner, cheerier version of Suda 51' s forthcoming slash-' em' up.
by Matt Wales, IGN UK
UK, December 10, 2007 - Following the suspicious appearance of goreless No More Heroes code as Suda 51' s forthcoming Wii action title does the European preview rounds, Rising Star Games has confirmed that we' ll be getting the ' censored' Japanese version of the game in this territory when it releases early next year.
While our US cousins will be treated to the full, unexpurgated bloodfest courtesy of Ubisoft, No More Heroes' s ludicrously over-the-top blood fountains and stylised dismemberment will be no more in Europe, instead replaced by a combination of bodily-robustness and non-biologically-specific black splatters.
We contacted Rising Star Games for an explanation and received this from the company' s managing director Martin Defries: " We' re publishing the same version of No More Heroes that has been successfully received in Japan. Ultimately, it' s a fantastic game to play and that' s all we care about at Rising Games" . Question is, is that all you care about, dear reader?
You might remember, way back, Suda 51 revealing to IGN, " I' ll also try my best to make No More Heroes as violent, or even more violent than Manhunt 2!" Sound like Rising Star Games got cold feet following Rockstar' s much-publicised tussle with the BBFC? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

I' m getting sick of this. I was so looking forward to this game...this brings my piss to a boil.
Well I got one message for Rising Star Games F*CK YOU!!!!! Bunch of f*cking cowards. I' m really getting pissed here I' m sick of this stupid censorship.
I can buy stuff way more twisted and gruesome than the stylish No More Heroes. I' m over 18 I can buy whatever the hell I want damn it. I' m more than able enough to take some over the top very stylish blood and enemies splitting in two and heads being cut off.
If it was only the blood...I could have lived with that...but even removing things like seeing them split into two...that' s just to far.
I' m really sorry for Suda 51, I really loved Killer 7 and was so looking forward to No More Heroes. But I am not going to buy an incomplete game. Cause that' s what it is if you take those stylish kills out of it. I' m not buying a game that gets completely butchered by censorship. I' m not buyin a game that supports censorship to a ridiculous level.
Really screw you Rising Star Games I hope you guys really take a big hit in your money loving pockets.
I' m just getting so sick of this, f*ck it all. Well all of Europe can stand up and give Great Brittain a big applause. Thank you Great Brittain for being full of dick-heads, thanks for screwing up my games.
Gah I need to stop writing here getting way to angry
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