Does Kikizo really need seperate console forums?

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Does Kikizo really need seperate console forums? - Apr 03, 2003 23:51
I was just thinking, since Kikizo still doesn' t have a *huge* crew of forum goers at the moment, wouldn' t it be better for there to just be *one* console forum? I try to visit the other console specific forums, but there' s like what, 1 post a week in them? I don' t see any reason to keep them around if they' re getting so little use. I think it would be better if that small bit of traffic was just added into one room, and from there the Kikizo family could grow. And when the Kikizo forums take off, *then* have the console specifc forums to fit everyone' s needs.

Just a thought.

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RE: Does Kikizo really need seperate console forums? - Apr 04, 2003 11:55
It is an idea though. I mean, the PC and GBa forums haven' t been used for ages and the other console forums have but a few posts a day. Maybe we can cut down (for now) on a few boards, and get them back once there' s need for them.

Phear My Taste In Music

Adam Doree
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RE: Does Kikizo really need seperate console forums? - Apr 06, 2003 00:18
This is a good point, it is probably worth merging the subforums into one forum for each (games, movies, babes) for the time being. I think it' s been useful to have them separate, to see what the results were. It will make all the topics easier to navigate though if they merge. Stay tuned...

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RE: Does Kikizo really need seperate console forums? - Apr 08, 2003 13:42
Okay, I think this is for the best now.
Untill we get the forums really going, this is the best solution.

Phear My Taste In Music