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360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 06, 2007 01:23
ENGADGET Microsoft' s getting quite aggressive with the price drops lately. Anybody have Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD sales numbers?
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 06, 2007 01:59
Blu-Ray is either 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 over HD-DVD. A large portion of the Blu-Ray players are PS3s from what I' ve read. The HD-DVD price drops might see the tables turn though. Either way both are failing horribly at this point.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 06, 2007 02:02
Its been $120, Eddie... HDDVD is only around because MS is throwing around $$$ to prolong the format battle until they have their digital distribution perfected and ready.
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 06, 2007 03:39
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx Its been $120, Eddie... HDDVD is only around because MS is throwing around $$$ to prolong the format battle until they have their digital distribution perfected and ready. Your falling for that Michael Bay argument?! Hahaha! And no, it hasn' t been $120. It' s been $179 with 5 free movies.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 5 Dec 07 19:41:01 >
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 06, 2007 03:48
Your falling for that Michael Bay argument?! Hahaha! And no, it hasn' t been $120. It' s been $179 with 5 free movies. Yeah that Michale bay crap is bull shit like no other . Ms must think every body wonts to pay for download. That one dumb plan What happens if I wont to take my movie over my friends house . I guess I would have to Re-Download it or his hous huh. Its just a dumb move.
< Message edited by mikayd2 -- 5 Dec 07 20:02:03 >
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 06, 2007 12:09
Ahh, you were right on the price, I am becoming anhero now. Ive rethought it and Rampage, youre right, Bay is wrong. MS is doing it as a last ditch effort to deliver a critical blow to Sony.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 06, 2007 12:39
Blu-ray is killing HD-DVD. They' re already winning with a price disadvantage. Why would anyone invest HD-DVD? The difference is only going to grow as Blu-ray gets cheaper and the technology catches up to their potential. Once Rom drives reach sub 100$ mark and the Speed reaches their maximum for both formats. We' ll be looking at Bluray=18x or 648Mbps, HD-DVD=9x or 328.95Mbps as the maximum transfer speed for both formats (by my calculations). No one will want a HD-DVD rom drive in their PC once that happens. Especially when BD will have vastly more capacity per disc. HD-DVD doesn' t have a very long future, Blu-ray does.
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 09, 2007 22:07
They' re already winning with a price disadvantage. I believe you, and I support Blu-Ray, but where are you getting your source?
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 09, 2007 23:50
If MS wanted HD-DVD to win they should have built it into the 360 . I dont think it has a chance now .
< Message edited by 2pac -- 9 Dec 07 15:54:25 >
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 10, 2007 10:20
If MS wanted HD-DVD to win they should have built it into the 360 . I dont think it has a chance now .
I dont think that would have helped them. In fact, it probably would have hurt them. They would have had to up the price(probably to around the same as the PS3) and then all the defective consoles probably wouldn' t have blown over well either.
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 10, 2007 13:48
I believe you, and I support Blu-Ray, but where are you getting your source? I read tons of articles on tech news but it' s difficlut to find total sales numbers in one place. Every article I do read seem to favor Blu-ray though. Neilson videoscan is something I trust. It seems to back up a lot of what I' ve read. I' m still looking for a graph with week by week sales since inception. http://www.engadgethd.com/tag/VideoScan/
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 10, 2007 21:55
I support DVD which is kicking both their asses. If I owned Blu-Ray and was waiting for Transformers, I' d be pissed. So what do you do? DVD of course!
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 11, 2007 03:10
I support DVD which is kicking both their asses. If I owned Blu-Ray and was waiting for Transformers, I' d be pissed. So what do you do? DVD of course! So true dvd is kicking ass but its on its last leg.
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 11, 2007 03:20
ORIGINAL: mikayd2 So true dvd is kicking ass but its on its last leg. Since when was DVD on it' s last legs? Last I hard, there were still stupid customers in this world calling Blu-Rays DVD it' s tha bunrt in to their heads. DVD' s hand ass on plate.
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 11, 2007 04:02
DVDs still have plenty of life left in them both as a storage medium and as a movie format. Most people aren' t ready to switch to a high def format nor need more than 8 gigs of storage space on a disc for their own use. Those that do need more space have portable HDDs which have gotten very affordable especially in comparison to having to buy a Blu-Ray or HD-DVD drive along with the discs to use as a storage medium. DVDs are really all people care about right now. Most couldn' t care less about the new formats. Upconvert DVD players (and tvs that do it on their own now) are making standard def DVDs look nearly as good as both of the new formats. Why spend all the extra money on the high def counter parts that look slightly better with a little extra bonus content when you can just use DVDs which work perfectly fine.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 10 Dec 07 21:33:04 >
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 11, 2007 05:22
Since when was DVD on it' s last legs? I don' t know I just talking trash.
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 11, 2007 05:46
quote: ORIGINAL: mikayd2 So true dvd is kicking ass but its on its last leg. Since when was DVD on it' s last legs? Last I hard, there were still stupid customers in this world calling Blu-Rays DVD it' s tha bunrt in to their heads. DVD' s hand ass on plate. DVD as a movie format has another 4 or 5 years left in it (industry supported). As a storage medium, another fifteen, easily. CD-ROM has been around since the mid eighties, and while movies, most games and large applications have long since jumped to DVD, the majority of commercial software is still being produced on CD-R. Why spend all the extra money on the high def counter parts that look slightly better with a little extra bonus content when you can just use DVDs which work perfectly fine. Because the average consumer can' t tell the difference between HD-Movies and their left arse-cheek. Half of what they' re experiencing are smooth tricks played by stores and media companies anyhow. Ever gone into a Best-Buy and seen a couple ogling over the " amazing HD picture clarity" of a 1080p TV and a Blu-Ray player, only to turn the corner & see that the television' s displaying in R/F? People are stupid.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 10 Dec 07 21:50:22 >
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 11, 2007 05:55
Upconvert DVD players (and tvs that do it on their own now) are making standard def DVDs look nearly as good as both of the new formats. Yeah right. I' ve seen upconverted DVD compared to Blu-ray on my HD screen. DVD' s can' t hold a candle campared to HD formats. Just because the pixels fit, that doesn' t mean it has more detail than it did before. Shit goes in, shit comes out. I see what you' re saying about HD formats not taking off yet, that much is obvious. HD media won' t advance much faster than the adoption of HD TV' s. It will probably take about five to ten years before Blu-ray surpasses DVD.
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 11, 2007 05:58
Yeah right. I' ve seen upconverted DVD compared to Blu-ray on my HD screen. DVD' s can' t hold a candle campared to HD formats. Just because the pixels fit, that doesn' t mean it has more detail than it did before. Shit goes in, shit comes out. People are stupid.
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 11, 2007 06:44
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Yeah right. I' ve seen upconverted DVD compared to Blu-ray on my HD screen. DVD' s can' t hold a candle campared to HD formats. Just because the pixels fit, that doesn' t mean it has more detail than it did before. Shit goes in, shit comes out. I didn' t say they were as good, I just pointed out it makes it look good. Have you seen a regular DVD player running on an HDTV? It' s horrible. An upconvert DVD player makes a huge difference. Again, not as good as HD-DVD or Blu-Ray but still great quality.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 11, 2007 07:24
I didn' t say they were as good, I just pointed out it makes it look good. Have you seen a regular DVD player running on an HDTV? It' s horrible. An upconvert DVD player makes a huge difference. Again, not as good as HD-DVD or Blu-Ray but still great quality. The PS3 upconverts DVDs and it looks like ass compared to Blu-ray movies. To be fair though I am less than two feet away from my 24inch monitor, so I see everything.
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RE: 360 HD-DVD Drive - $129 USD
Dec 11, 2007 15:54
It depends on the TV for how regular DVDs look. They look great on mine and a few others I' ve used. I' ve seen a few tvs that they look pretty bad on too. An upconverter does the same thing as the tv does. Some tvs just have shitty scalers. DVD upconverters are just a marketing scam to fool nubs.
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