Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries...

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Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 10, 2004 12:24
When I first heard that McDonalds decided to eliminate their super-size fries by the end of 2004, I nearly had a heart attack (pun intended).

Sometimes I just like to have my super-size of my comfort foods.

Sounds like a form of Big Brother (or Sister) trying to tell us what we want or should be doing. This is America, folks...and, as long as I am still free, I will decide the ' what' , ' when' , and ' how often' for the foods I choose to eat.

What next, are we going to be banned from making and eating french fries at home?

My personal take on this entails McDonalds leaving the super-size fries just where they were, and letting the consumer decide what they want.

What do you think?
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RE: Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 10, 2004 17:20
they are trying to outlaw fat people! they hate fat people, and people who smoke. no more is it ok to need a supersize. (im grosely underweight and love supersize when i get mcd' s),

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RE: Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 10, 2004 23:37
i never realized the size of American " supersized" fries and drinks until i watched that documentary " supersize me" . HOLY COW!!! those things are huge. No one needs that much fried crap.

That said, it is a person' s choice. I don' think the company should be tryign to upsell people, but if someone wants to choose that option it si their choice (and thier heartattack)
< Message edited by rikka -- 9/12/2004 5:18:37 AM >

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RE: Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 10, 2004 23:54
Frankly, I despise McDonald' s food. If I have to eat fast food, I' ll choose Wendy' s everytime. As far as the Super-sized fries goes-- I' m not a big fry person anyways, but my husband and son are already stocking up

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RE: Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 11, 2004 03:30
I never got super-sized fries to begin with so it doesn' t bother me. I' m not a big spender at McDonald' s either but I stop in from time to time. I tend to like places like Arby' s, Wendy' s, Sonic, Krystal, and Taco Bell a little better when it comes to fast food.
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RE: Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 11, 2004 04:38
Well let me tell you what I think:)

First off, too many people are MORBIDLY OBESE. Yes as in; So fat that its actually killing them. Its the medical term for being like 30 or more pounds overwieght.

So if you havent seen your feet or your shlong in as long as you can remember? Well super-sized fries probably werent helping you. Its natural in America to go for the best deal, and well...39 cents more is just too good of a dela to pass up right? WRONG>

You will find that McDonald' s " Large Size" is just about the same size as the " Super Size" was. Why did they stop ultimately? Its about image, they werent forced into it because the food was killing people, they were forced into it because the market demands a healthier image. Here you have wraps, salads, and low fat this, low carb that -virtually dominating the fast food industry right now. What did McDonalds have to offer along the lines of healthy food? Nothing! As a matter of fact, they quickly rolled out some new salads to try and offer something healthy.

Anyway, I think it was smart for McDonalds because people dont need that much food in a sitting. Heck the medium combos are already large enough to be the only food intake for the whole day!

Calories are calories are calories. The more you eat, the fatter you get. The fatter you get the unhappier you get. The unhappier you get the more you eat. Its a vicious circle. Your body forgets what feeling hungry is like and you eat and eat and eat.

If your overweight, and you stop to think about the last time you really felt hungry, you probably really dont know. Heres a suggestion, stop eating until you actually physically feel hungry. Not mentally hungry, or bored, or eat because its time to, or because thats your lifestyle.

Here is a little tip for all you fat-bodies out there:

Most people, fat included would prefer someone who is not fat. Fat means anything more then skinny. If your " just 20 pounds over" well that translates into 20 pounds too ugly for the guy or girl your hoping to land. Even if thats not the case " becase they are not hat superficial" (hah what a joke, because they secretly hope youll lose the weight and thats what keeps them around) they would still prefer you to be thinner rather then fatter, because it helps your self confidence, your health, and your personal life.

Besides, weight is a downward spiral. The clothes are not shrinking, the sizes arent larger " because they are juniors" , and its not because your big boned or large breasted. Its cause your gaining weight, look at the stretch marks on your waist! Your body cant keep up with your eating now stop it!

AAAAAAAAHHhhh I hate fatness get away!!!! You know that if someone gets too fat they cant even wipe their own butt? Yea you heard me! Think about it.. the arms lose motion and eventually the mass of the body gets so large you cant physically reach the area to clean it! YUCK!

Food is to sustain life, not for pleasure. Sure we are all guilty of eating when we werent hungry..but if your body is physically showing you that you have had enough, then you have had enough! You dont gain weight because your starving, and your not starving if you dont lose weight. Oh, BTW, the first 10 lbs. dont count cause its just water and sure weight. Thats why nobody can ever tell! And thats why it comes off so easy (and goes back on just as easy).

Losing weight is for the lazy-person' s dream job. All you have to do is less! Eat less, eat less eat less! You dont even have to exercise!

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RE: Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 11, 2004 05:10
I like your post! It' s so hillarious! You know, you should post more often .

I am in no way against fat people. I don' t want McDonalds to change their styles because of what customers choose. I mean, isn' t it their fault that they ordered it? It' s not like McDonalds says " Please eat our super-size meals so that you' d get fat and sue us...Please...Eat..." when you come into their place. Of course you can be tempted by ads, hehe...

I don' t know if the disabilities mentioned above about fat people are true, so I have no comments about it.
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RE: Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 11, 2004 17:01
Yeah, I agree with you Spacepiston. Another thing to think about is that most restaurants don' t even have a small size anymore. Medium is the new small is what I like to say.

I' m not going to lie...I' m overweight, lol. This is probably due to the fact that I eat out a lot. I' ve finally starting to negate this stuff though by working out regularly and getting a lot of cardio. I started last week and I' ve lost about 4-5 lbs, which is to be expected when you are working out (muscle weighs more than fat). My next thing to do is to stop drinking cokes among other soft drinks a lot. I like water and I try to drink it as much as possible but sometimes it' s hard to NOT drink a Dr. Pepper (my weakness).
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RE: Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 12, 2004 00:58
Good post, Spacepiston,...

I agree that portions are getting out of control, and something should be done about it.

However, people can still purchase two large-sized orders of fries to get their ' fries' fix. The actions by McD' s did nothing to curb access to french fries...the other chains still have their Super/Biggie/King-sized fries...

The change needs to happen within the individuals, not the restaurants.

But it is nice that McD' s does offer some healthier foods...

One last note: My friend left his apple bobbers order out all night, and the apples were still fresh-looking the next morning. This would have never happened with apple slices from an apple without the preservatives...

Preservatives are supposed to be just as bad for you as junk food...

So, how is this eating healthier?

Just a thought...

< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 9/12/2004 12:58:59 AM >
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RE: Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 12, 2004 02:01

AAAAAAAAHHhhh I hate fatness get away!!!! You know that if someone gets too fat they cant even wipe their own butt? Yea you heard me! Think about it.. the arms lose motion and eventually the mass of the body gets so large you cant physically reach the area to clean it! YUCK!

uh...are u anorexic or something?

i do agree, though. im about 5 pounds overweight and happy that way. i dont want to be skinnier or fatter. too skinny is kind of gross, too, in its own way. i dont want to be able to trace a girls ribs. thats just a little wierd.

maybe some guys believe women think its sexy though...u know...more cushion for the pushin...

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RE: Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 13, 2004 01:33
Oh they might not make them nomore? eh.. I don' t care about those I don' t even like the fries. All I eat at Mc Donalds is a Big Mac and a large drink and maybe an apple pie.

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RE: Your Thoughts And Comments On McDonald' s Choice To Eliminate ' Super-Size' Fries... - Sep 14, 2004 02:17
I used to bicycle everywhere, when I was younger....and I could eat anything I wanted, because I knew that I would burn the calories right off.

This one particular route just happened to take me right by a McD' s at the half-way point. There I would sit on the grassy hill eating my super-sized meal without the worry of weight gain.

Super-sized fries are an institution, and should be allowed to remain on the menu.

If they do go...I will miss them...
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 9/14/2004 2:18:25 AM >
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