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Warhawk:OOD (Updated with Screens)
Nov 25, 2007 04:23
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 25, 2007 04:26
Dropship? Awesome!
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 25, 2007 04:29
How well does the game hold up? Was it a " play it, love it, drop it" thing, or do you still play it?
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 25, 2007 04:45
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated How well does the game hold up? Was it a " play it, love it, drop it" thing, or do you still play it? Its a PLAY it, love it, NEVER drop it, game. When i need some good multiplayer action i always turn on WARHAWK.
Rest in PEACE Cetra and GANGSTA you guys will be missed..........
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 25, 2007 11:43
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated How well does the game hold up? Was it a " play it, love it, drop it" thing, or do you still play it? I still play it. It' s easily the best online game (tied with CoD4 i guess) on the console, and it kills 95% of 360' s online games too. It' s not the best looking game, but the gameplay is unbelievable fun. A dropship is going to change the way battles are fought and make teamwork all the more necessary.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 25, 2007 11:45
Will there be a physical copy or an updated Warhawk?
"This is sad. There's no other word for it. The person who invents a way to punch someone in the face over the Internet will make millions from the demand generated by people like this." Youtube comments
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 25, 2007 12:09
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Will there be a physical copy or an updated Warhawk? You can buy the game on disc right now, ...but i don' t know about an updated version. It' s probably just pure DLC like the stuff for MotorStorm.
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 25, 2007 18:26
Sounds fun. I' ve been meaning to play more Warhawk lately, but after CoD4 I' ve gotten my multiplayer fix(halo 3 didn' t take me away from it). Thanks to Mass Effect and CoD4 I haven' t played Assasins, Mario Galaxy, or Uncharted for more than an hour or so each. Good thing I have some time off coming up, but I will spend half of that snowboarding
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 25, 2007 20:43
but I will spend half of that snowboarding I just heard the anouncer from that shitty PS1 game scream " COOOOOL BOARRRRRDERS" lol
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 26, 2007 01:33
Did you guys update warhawk to the new patch? if so how? I was trying to play today but could not find any games!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 26, 2007 02:22
but I will spend half of that snowboarding You board? What do you ride? (Board/Bindings/Boots)
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 26, 2007 02:32
You board? What do you ride? (Board/Bindings/Boots) Well it changes fairly often thanks to my misguided desire to go out of bounds in search of fresh terrain, often resulting in unfriendly encounters with rocks. So anyways, last year it was a Rossi board, which now has about 3 inches of its edge missing after overshooting a landing and ending up near some rocks. It was either my ass hitting the rock, or my board, so I decided to sacrifice it. I used Flow bindings and Burton boots with it. This year I' m riding a Burton Rush, with Burton custom bindings and my old burton boots. I am however trying to find a Burton Custom Wide, or Burton Custom X Wide off ebay, but sadly 95% of the people won' t ship to Canada, even if I offer to pay all the charges for shipping. Boards still cost way more up here than the states, even with the high dollar. A custom X costs $800 in store, instead of $450 down there, and even cheaper on ebay. First ride of the season for me on Wednesday!! Sunshine at the Rockies!
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Nov 26, 2007 07:56
I' m riding a relatively old (6 or 7 year old) secondhand Burton, with Burton boots and Flow bindings at the moment. I' m hoping to spring for a new board come Christmas time, but if we don' t get heavy enough snow coverage I won' t bother. The past couple years have been really iffy. We' d get fresh powder really early or really late in the season, then we' d get a warm, followed by a cold snap, and it' d go icy. Epic failure. Needless to say, my skillz have been taking a pretty sharp decline. I ended up last year making a run out of somebodies 4 foot tall porch, and their downhill slanted front lawn... it' s just that bad some years. I' d kill to live near the rockies, the largest stuff we' ve got in Michigan are the Great Dunes up North (well... north... relatively speaking  ), and man made stuff. Wow... I dun gone hijacked my own thread.
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RE: Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn
Dec 02, 2007 00:55
Agent Ghost
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RE: Warhawk:OOD (Updated with Screens)
Dec 02, 2007 10:08
You can buy the game on disc right now I know, I meant the expansion. I guess I should have phrases my question differently. There' s no fucking way I' m getting a credit card for 8$ expansions. Sony needs to wake up and sell Sony dollars at retail or something. There' s content in the PSN store I might be interested in but alas I have no credit card nor the desire to get one. Why should I bend over backwards to give to a charity without a cause? Visa can suck my dick, there' s no way I' m giving them my money.
"This is sad. There's no other word for it. The person who invents a way to punch someone in the face over the Internet will make millions from the demand generated by people like this." Youtube comments
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RE: Warhawk:OOD (Updated with Screens)
Dec 05, 2007 15:49
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RE: Warhawk:OOD (Updated with Screens)
Dec 06, 2007 01:24
Looks good I wonder how many rockets it takes to knock it down. They need to have some more weapons on it as well. Looks good by the way.
< Message edited by mikayd2 -- 5 Dec 07 17:31:33 >