Parental Networking Initiative: Assistance Required

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Parental Networking Initiative: Assistance Required - Sep 09, 2004 17:13
I have a daughter, almost 11 years of age, that has 13+ year-old boys staring her down.

She is a good child, but is starting to show signs that personality changes are well under way.

Should I get the baseball bat ready (to beat off all those boys)?

Or, should I keep my distance, and let her handle the situation until it becomes necessary to step in?

A little help and advice would be nice...anyone?
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Starman Anthony
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RE: Parental Networking Initiative: Assistance Required - Sep 09, 2004 17:24
Hmmm I don' t know if this counts but I have a 12 year old sister. My mom and I have told her about that stuff many times. Now if she is responsible she will know what to do. If she isnt sure or you feel that she doesnt know how to cope with that stuff then talk to her. As for getting a bat ready that' s not a bad idea. I know the age my sister is growing into. But I know she is responsible because she knows better. How do I know this well hmmm I just trust her and so does my mom. My sister' s personality changed very dramaticaly once we moved into our new home. She hangs out mostly um with black people. I love her friends but I know how they act, too much BET and MTV 2 oh and 1. So it' s hard to control that attitude. But I know my sister wont let us down and continue to do her own things and not get what? Pregnant at a young age and stuff. Hmm... what kind of attitude does she have?? Sorry if I sounded racist but I am not at all! Just sometimes the stuff they show on BET and MTV are well that' s what all the kids are acting like now because of them.

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RE: Parental Networking Initiative: Assistance Required - Sep 09, 2004 17:37
She has admitted to trying to get a particular boy' s attention by swinging her hips so her skirt would reveal more of her legs.

That, and she seems to like all of the newly found attention, since she is developing ahead of her classmates.

Her Mother and I discuss the right and wrong ways to act while boys are present, but we fear (maybe overly fear) that she will get involved too early.

We may just be paranoid, but we have to do whatever we can to make sure she concentrates on her schooling first and foremost. When she turns 18, and moves out on her own, she can make her own decisions...but that is jumping the gun at this point in time.
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RE: Parental Networking Initiative: Assistance Required - Sep 09, 2004 22:18
I have identical twin 9 year old girls (long blond hair, blue eyes) and boys are already starting to notice them. They are tall for their age as well. I' ve explained about boys and girls to them already-- in detail. They get little crushes on their brother' s friends, but that' s as far as it goes. I' m sure your wife and yourself have instilled good morals and values to your daughter. Trust her judgement and let her know that she can confide in you about anything. Forget the baseball bat -- just make sure you meet all her friends, know how to contact her when she is out with them and inforce any rules you give her. (My husband says he' s going to get the girls " chasity belts" when they turn teens and won' t give them the keys until they turn 30)

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RE: Parental Networking Initiative: Assistance Required - Sep 10, 2004 01:01

(My husband says he' s going to get the girls " chasity belts" when they turn teens and won' t give them the keys until they turn 30)

I know how he feels...he is a protective Father...and that' s a good thing...

I have dreams about me pulling each of her boyfriends aside and letting them know that I can be their best friend or worst enemy...and that they need to think carefully about their intentions and actions, and do everything to protect my daughter.

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RE: Parental Networking Initiative: Assistance Required - Sep 10, 2004 05:56
Get ready for the rebellion stages. She will do some things just because you dont want her to. make sure she knows that its her life, and you cant always be there for her. you just want to help her make the right decisions. the more you threaten no boys or else, the more she' ll sneak out at night to kiss kevin under the oak tree in the nickerson' s yard. or worse. so when all fails... get the bat. (and if you use it on her, make it a wiffle ball bat. those dont break things, just sting)