Bland wasnt really the word I was searching for, but I digress. Maybe its because youre new at a not so good time to be new. Stick around and dont piss too many people off and maybe youll get a kikizo lable
Adam- site founder, pretty cool and obviously very patient and forgiving
Nitro- rich super gamer
Quez- bill gates nephew
Agent- cynical PC guy
Eddie- the modder who knows how to turn a neogeo into a supercomputer
Terry- crazy sega nut(in a good way)
Silent- logical sony fan
Ginj- guy with purple hair who hates me
VF- manchild
Dagashi- angry but smart
Loco- logical xbox fan
Vx- marcus phoenix look alike
mass- where the hell does he keep leaving to
Joe- if it aint old school it aint great
YS- the too polite asian guy
Duffman- yeah, hes a duff man
Canadagamer- polite, eh
Myself- The angry Asshat
Trixie- Quez' s girl(

did I miss any?
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 13 Nov 07 10:17:27 >