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Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Oct 31, 2007 22:06
Starting in December we' ll be able to access a new channel on our Wii. No, it' s not a Game Trailer channel. . . . . . No, it' s not a Demo channel. . . . . . . It' s the FUCKING WII GIFT CHANNEL. Pay too much money for a VC game and, instead of playing it yourself, give it away to somebody else(If you can remember their friends code, of course). Genius. Why aren' t Microsoft and Sony thinking of that? Why am I not able to give my f' n XBLA games to somebody else instead of keeping them for myself?
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Oct 31, 2007 22:52
i don' t think Nintendo is that nice; this is one of the greediest companies in this industry IMO; you will probably pay for that game AGAIN for your friend and send it to him through that channel. the winnner here is obviously Nintendo; this is a way to make very easy money and milk further its customers.
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Oct 31, 2007 23:21
That nice ? This is an evil company  . Reminds me of the southpark episode about pokemon . No company is here to do good , all of them here are for the money . U can hate MS all you want but any company will love to be in that position .
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Oct 31, 2007 23:27
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane i don' t think Nintendo is that nice; this is one of the greediest companies in this industry IMO; you will probably pay for that game AGAIN for your friend and send it to him through that channel. the winnner here is obviously Nintendo; this is a way to make very easy money and milk further its customers. I was bein sarcastic. It' s obviously like that: You can buy a game and EITHER keep it or give it to a friend.
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Nov 01, 2007 00:17
What a cool channel.
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Nov 01, 2007 00:36
Another fucking useless channel, first the ' everybody votes channel' and now this.....
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Nov 01, 2007 01:14
I guess this is to give gamers something in between the AAA games releases. You get two AAA titles a year + 5 useless Wii Channels. That' ll keep you occupied with the Wii!
Agent Ghost
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Nov 01, 2007 01:26
What is this voting channel? I' ve heard about it before but i have no idea what it is.
"This is sad. There's no other word for it. The person who invents a way to punch someone in the face over the Internet will make millions from the demand generated by people like this." Youtube comments
Mass X
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Nov 01, 2007 02:00
You just answer a question...thats about it. When the question timer thing is up it tallies all the votes and shows you the percentagaes...You can keep track on how " in" you are and osme other shit. Thats about it... Questions include " Are you using a widescreen tv right now?" Yes or No " Coffee or Tea?" etc etc
Agent Ghost
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Nov 01, 2007 02:06
Oh, in other words Nintendo is trying to get people connected online.
"This is sad. There's no other word for it. The person who invents a way to punch someone in the face over the Internet will make millions from the demand generated by people like this." Youtube comments
Mass X
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Nov 01, 2007 02:08
I guess...but its all anonymous.
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Nov 01, 2007 04:50
What is this voting channel? I' ve heard about it before but i have no idea what it is.
Basically a waste of time. Like Mass said you basically just vote between two choices. You can pretty much just vote for whatever you think an eight year old would vote for and you' ll get it right. For example if it said " Are you over 6' tall?" it would be like 70% yes, which really isnt likely
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Nov 01, 2007 06:29
Interesting channel but not something i really care too much about. I' d much prefer a demo/trailer channel (like Evilkiller said) and don' t understand why Nintendo hasn' t even considered it
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RE: Nintendo announces new Wii channel!!
Nov 02, 2007 04:35
Because of only 512mb of memory.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.