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Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 19, 2007 20:27
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RE: Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 19, 2007 20:40
Oh great, just what we need...
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RE: Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 19, 2007 22:48
while it may make some sense from a developers point of view, from a technology point of view a monopolistic ' console' stifles innovation, why evolve when there is nothing to fight against. We (as gamers) are lucky that we have 3 console systems trying to outdo each other for our money with different offerings.
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RE: Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 20, 2007 12:58
Set-top boxes? I want my Tivo to record Jericho and Family Guy, not play watered down games.
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RE: Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 20, 2007 13:20
Erm, isn' t PC about as open format as you can get?
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RE: Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 20, 2007 16:11
Um yeah, that would be a PC.
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RE: Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 20, 2007 23:26
Not only is it a PC, it' s a gimp PC that you can' t customize. That' s retarded. The set-top box idea is a flawed concept from step one. A free market simply wouldn' t allow it to exist. As soon as someone made one, someone else would make a better one. From the developer' s pont of view, wouldn' t it be more desirable to have a standard software toolset as opposed to standard hardware anyway?
< Message edited by nekkid_monkey -- 20 Oct 07 15:31:18 >
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RE: Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 21, 2007 02:49
An open platform would be interesting. I' ve always thought we' d eventually get a standard gaming platform made by dozens of elctronics companies, like we do for TVs, DVD players, toasters etc. You know once gaming becomes as ubiquitous as watching telly. It' d then become very cheap to have that hobby. You' d have the benefits of a non-proprietary platfom like the PC (ie cheaper games) and copy and paste cheap hardware. Upgrading would only happen when significant new leaps in technology occurred. Consoles would become obsolete and hardcore gamers wanting more would jump to build their own PCs. EA would stick to the casual masses, and less greedy more ambitious developers would all dev for the PC. The would would be a happier place. 
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RE: Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 21, 2007 04:06
So nobody fanices the PS360Wii then?
Agent Ghost
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RE: Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 21, 2007 12:21
Get rid of consoles completely and have a standard controller for PC and I' m happy.
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RE: Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 21, 2007 23:39
what a horrible industry this would be with just one console. Good thing it will never happen, Nintendo would never go for it.
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RE: Gaming should be on an open format.....
Oct 22, 2007 01:54
A single platform would have plusses and minuses. + Only one console to buy - yay All the games without the need for buying another machine - yay publishers needed worry about userbases as everyone would have it - in theory - Lack of competition (from which the next points come) potentially high price not necessarily break through tech etc etc... there is quite a few more negative that come to mind but i think you all know them Personally I hope this never happens. But i' m greatful for only 2 system I want to own this gen (just wish they were cheaper when i got them - especially one of them ;-) )