What' s up with that Cat Woman movie?

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Starman Anthony
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What' s up with that Cat Woman movie? - Sep 04, 2004 04:17
What' s up with that Cat Woman movie? I dont get it is it a spin off of Batman? or something? I dont want to see that movie and probably never will.... it looked so stupid.... what were they thinking....

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RE: What' s up with that Cat Woman movie? - Sep 04, 2004 18:02
Yup, Catwoman looks unpopular. Even her look doesn' t fascinate me (no offense). All superhero movies released has a better superhero than Catwoman, for example: Superman movies, Batman movies, Dare Devil, Spiderman movies, even Harry Potter and Peter Pan! I had no interest in Catwoman and probably never will [:' (]. Tons of people had the same view, that' s why, if I' m not mistaken, Catwoman finished in last place at the box office.
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RE: What' s up with that Cat Woman movie? - Sep 04, 2004 19:22
Ya catwomen did have her own comic and this movie pretty much ruins all of who Catwomen was. Everythign about the whol emovie is a big inaccuracy.

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RE: What' s up with that Cat Woman movie? - Sep 06, 2004 16:13
I' m not a big comic book fan but love most of the Marvel super hero movies that have come out so far. When I heard there was to be a Catwoman movie I instantly thought Of Batman 2 and was looking forward to its release. That was until I found out Hally Berry would be in the leading role. Uh-Oh, I knew something was up then.

I' ve yet to see the movie as I don' t think I’ll like it but at the same time I' m curious as to what it' s like. Do ya know like when you pass a car crash on the road, you look to see what’s happened even though the sight could be a horrific one? The movie is like that for me. I’ll probably hate it but I want to see if it really is as bad as it looks or sounds or as it’s been made out to be. Oh, I suppose the fact Hally Berry isn' t the most un-attractive woman on the planet helps things too

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RE: What' s up with that Cat Woman movie? - Sep 06, 2004 20:21
i liked the cat women movie it seemed alright to me and my brothers.

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RE: What' s up with that Cat Woman movie? - Sep 07, 2004 00:58
I wished that they put their time and money into a real super hero movie.
Catwoman was never really all that popular in the comic world. Her only real fame came from her connection to the batman story which wasn' t even that big.
I haven' t seen it yet, MAYbe I' ll watch it at some point but I don' t feel any want or need to see it

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RE: What' s up with that Cat Woman movie? - Sep 07, 2004 03:43
Couldn' t have said it better, Raven...
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Starman Anthony
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RE: What' s up with that Cat Woman movie? - Sep 07, 2004 16:50
Oh I see.