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Virtua fighter 5
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Best shooter ive played this week...
Sep 30, 2007 09:52
Sin and Punishment A ' rare' N64 game by Treasure now on VC. Perfectionist gameplay enthusiasts only. Classic sh*T. Review
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Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Sep 30, 2007 09:56
Must add: The music is fantastic! (obviously being treasure /spin-off old-school konami)
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Sep 30, 2007 11:56
Is this supposed to be some kind of cheap shot at halo?
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Sep 30, 2007 12:35
Halo 3 > that crap
Vx Chemical
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Sep 30, 2007 14:37
Hehe OMG VF first class propaganda machine!
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Sep 30, 2007 21:06
As if i expected constructive replies from you 3 This was aimed at gamers with abit more depth. It' s rated as one of the very finest treasure games! didn' t want anyone with a Wii to miss out, as it is a classic.. Is this supposed to be some kind of cheap shot at halo?  Played Halo 3 last week and no, I won' t be played the game again.. especially when i have kick-ass PC arriving in a few days and a crysis, quake wars and TF2 betas to play. Edit: BTW, a S&P 2 would make a perfect Wii game, hopefully treasure are working on this!! (even though a new game would be awesome too)
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 30 Sep 07 13:16:17 >
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Sep 30, 2007 23:36
Having played S&P (though not the overpriced Virtual Console version, obviously) I can' t really see why you are calling this " one of Treasures" finest. It' s easily the worst shooter by Treasure, simply because it' s completely lacking any challenge compared to RS, Ikaruga etc. Even Mischief Makers is better than S&P. Rather save your money and wait till Treasures new 360 game comes out. Without any intel on that one I can already say it' s going to blast S&P out of the water.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 03:58
Evil, being such a HUGE treasure fan, your obviously going get the 360 game (obviously as you have MS' s c**k firmly griped with both hands) the brand new Treasure game for Wii? the excellent-looking bangi-o for DS? and the new treasure DS game in the making?.. no? Im getting all of them S&P Managed to get to the last Boss and it' s freaking awesome, one of the best ' last' bosses ive played. Extremely hard to beat (ive not beat it yet), but a great experience indeed. This game has instantly gone in my top 20 best games ive ever played. On the ball treasure, Perfection.
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 04:23
I am going to get the two DS games. Not so sure about the Wii game, I am not so keen about the controls. It might end up being a horrible mess if they rely to much on motion sensing controls. Anyway I can' t see how you can call S&P extremely hard. In comparison to other Treasure games it' s really, really easy. And especially in comparison to bullet hell games from Cave or Success Corporation it' s nothing.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 05:09
As if i expected constructive replies from you 3 VF you only get constructive replies to constructive posts! Best Shooter played This week Sin and Punishment A ' rare' N64 game by Treasure now on VC. Perfectionist gameplay enthusiasts only. Classic sh*T. This is just a shot at Halo 3. you dont give any constructive comparisons. Its just like saying OMG Halo 3 pwns!. I could dig up fucking Wolfenstein play it, and then claim the same. There are a few reasons Sin and Punishment is the best shooter you played, either its nostalgia or because you have a nintendo power glove up your ass. You might not agree with critics, call em biased if you want, but Halo 3 is certainly the best shooter released this year up till now, and time will tell if it remains that way. So there was a bit unconstructive constructive critism about the lack of constructism in your original post and then a complaint about the unconstructiv complaint you posted about me, Emofag and mastachefs unconstructive replies, which were warranted as you were more unconstructive than we were.
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 05:15
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 Played Halo 3 last week and no, I won' t be played the game again.. especially when i have kick-ass PC arriving in a few days and a crysis, quake wars and TF2 betas to play. The point of Halo 3 is it' s multiplayer is unique, none of those games are going to be anything close to Halo' s MP. That' s like Saying I don' t care for Mario Galaxy because I' m getting Mass Effect on 360 - makes no sense whatsoever, Mass Effect is nothing like Mario Galaxy, Halo is nothing like those games. But being a casual gamer you wouldnt know the differences, to you its all the same thing I guess.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 06:32
Vx Chemical = Paranoid. Evilman = Not reading posts properly and Talking shit as usual.
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 06:43
You = so desperate for quality games playing crap from 7 years ago.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 06:54
Not quite, if i did I might try playing a PSP in 7 years time then .
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 30 Sep 07 23:05:24 >
Currently playing: Korg DS 10 (ds) / Metal Slug 7 (ds) Rhythm Heaven (ds) / Fire Emblem (ds) Super Stardust HD (psn) / Virtua Fighter 5 (360) FSX (P
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 08:36
Not quite, if i did I might try playing a PSP in 7 years time then You can' t " play" a PSP, it isn' t a game. Again more proof you are a clueless casual.
< Message edited by emofag -- 1 Oct 07 0:37:30 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 08:58
Should people not play games that are older? Will Halo 3 suck so bad in 5 to 7 years that it will not be worth playing? How about Bioshock? Tetris?
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 10:08
Precisely. I don' t get this attitude from a lot of people. They' re all over a certain game one day to call it total crap one or two years later in some cases. Most often because of the graphics then. Many of my favorites from before are still favorites that I can play through now and then. For example Shenmue from around seven years ago. There still isn' t any game around that I know of that had so many different NPC' s all with their own voice acting and routines. So games aren' t automatically crap because some time has passed since their release.
< Message edited by ys -- 1 Oct 07 3:11:16 >
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 11:10
Halo 3 isn' t niche enough for VF.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 11:34
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer Should people not play games that are older? Will Halo 3 suck so bad in 5 to 7 years that it will not be worth playing? How about Bioshock? Tetris? I' m sure Microsoft/Bungie will muster up something within the next 7 years so that I don' t have to play Halo 3.
< Message edited by emofag -- 1 Oct 07 3:37:25 >
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 11:57
Original: VirtuaFighter 5 (obviously as you have MS' s c**k firmly griped with both hands) This was really funny coming from nintendo' s he-bitch
Joe Redifer
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 12:30
Nobody' s mustered anything up so I don' t have to play Shining Force on the Genesis.
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 14:46
The new Call of Duty Beta on the Xbox360. Finally made it up to level 25. The Air Strikes and bringing in the Chopper is great as a reward for most kills. Also, a lot of customization on the weapons and gear. It actually reminds me of Counterstrike days.
Games are your best friend as long as you don' t start talking to them.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 15:04
They raised the cap? Anyone know if the level we' ve reached in the beta transfers to the real game?
"This is sad. There's no other word for it. The person who invents a way to punch someone in the face over the Internet will make millions from the demand generated by people like this." Youtube comments
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 16:31
I' ll bet they' ll start it from scratch again as won' t there be some achievements linked to the level? and didn' t know the peak level had gone up to 25, must go back and play the Beta again.
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 21:45
Best shooter ive played this week... One of the best shooters period.
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 01, 2007 21:45
There' s tons of SRPGs that are better than Shining Force on genesis. Not hard to accomplish considering SFI sucked, part 2 & 3 were much better.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 01:49
This was really funny coming from nintendo' s he-bitch You mean someone who' s not scared to go against the pro-360 fanboy defense force and stand up for good games on other plattforms Halo 3 isn' t niche enough for VF Your dam right, I cannot do 30fps, Pad FPS' s anymore. Should people not play games that are older? Will Halo 3 suck so bad in 5 to 7 years that it will not be worth playing? How about Bioshock? Tetris? Exactly.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 1 Oct 07 17:52:25 >
Currently playing: Korg DS 10 (ds) / Metal Slug 7 (ds) Rhythm Heaven (ds) / Fire Emblem (ds) Super Stardust HD (psn) / Virtua Fighter 5 (360) FSX (P
Joe Redifer
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 02:08
ORIGINAL: emofag There' s tons of SRPGs that are better than Shining Force on genesis. Not hard to accomplish considering SFI sucked, part 2 & 3 were much better. Thanks for all of the wonderful examples you provided, but I already have parts 2 and 3.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 1 Oct 07 18:08:20 >
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 03:14
VF5, Halo 3 is 60fps.
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 06:16
You mean someone who' s not scared to go against the pro-360 fanboy defense force and stand up for good games on other plattforms Actually, Nintendo he-bitch is much easier to say in conversation Your dam right, I cannot do 30fps, Pad FPS' s anymore. Whats it with you and the 30fps to 60fps comparisons? Anytime a Wii game comes out you say nothing about frames
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 07:05
Thats because most Nintendo games run at 60fps as standard. I don' t mind adventures or alike (Zelda' s, Dead Rising etc) at 30fps, its just Racers and FPS im REALLY fussy about. Don' t care what system.
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 07:18
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer ORIGINAL: emofag There' s tons of SRPGs that are better than Shining Force on genesis. Not hard to accomplish considering SFI sucked, part 2 & 3 were much better. Thanks for all of the wonderful examples you provided, but I already have parts 2 and 3. Tactics Ogre: Knight Of Lodis, Jeanne Darc, FFT, FFTA, Ogre battle 64, Disgaea, Saiyuki, Makai Kingdom, Growlanser, La Pucelle, Phantom Brave, ALL Fire Emblem games, Suikoden Tactics etc. Shining force 3 scenario 2 & 3 (I know you' re not hardcore enough import, but those scenarios are way better, especially the last one.) All of those games shit over Shining Force I
< Message edited by emofag -- 1 Oct 07 23:23:23 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 07:22
But not over 2 and 3? I don' t like games that get too involved with " classes" and whatnot. It' s enough for me just to have different types of characters. Final Fantasy Tactics isn' t even worth the diarrhea out of my ass.
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 07:30
II isn' t as pathetically ancient as 1 but it still sucks ass by today' s standards Shining Force 3 is the only one that can stand up against any of those, especially if you play all 3 games, scenario 3 brings everything together very nicely. I would rank them in top 5 #1) FFT #2) Jeanne Dark #3) Tactics Ogre: Knight Of Lodis #4) Shining Force 3 Scenario 3 #5) Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance I don' t like games that get too involved with " classes" and whatnot. It' s enough for me just to have different types of characters. Final Fantasy Tactics isn' t even worth the diarrhea out of my ass. That' s because you' re an idiot.
< Message edited by emofag -- 1 Oct 07 23:34:53 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 09:53
But I think you' re an idiot for preferring Final Fantasy Tactics. So which one of us is right?
Agent Ghost
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 12:00
"This is sad. There's no other word for it. The person who invents a way to punch someone in the face over the Internet will make millions from the demand generated by people like this." Youtube comments
Vx Chemical
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 15:34
You mean someone who' s not scared to go against the pro-360 fanboy defense force and stand up for good games on other plattforms What are you going on about? It just so happens that the 360 is the only system with good games at the moment, this allowing us to bash the PS3 and WiiWii all we want. Luckily the PS3 will see great games soon. As will the Wii but it will be quite limited though. Looking at screens from Manhunt 2 makes my gut churn inside, not because its gross but because its so horribly ugly. Games like Mario manage to look great, but its because it doesnt have to adhere to realism in any way.
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 02, 2007 23:01
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer But I think you' re an idiot for preferring Final Fantasy Tactics. So which one of us is right? You' d be wrong as any fan of SRPGs likes FFT, if you don' t like it you' re a moron.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 03, 2007 03:19
Ah, OK. Back to the matter which brought this up: why do you play Final Fantasy Tactics? It' s 10 years old. Nothing has come along so you don' t have to play it any more? Wasn' t that what you were arguing about? What was it you said? Oh yeah: Quote: emofag so desperate for quality games playing crap from 7 years ago Also, nothing has come along so that I don' t have to keep playing the following games: -Castle of Illusion - Genesis -Sonic 2 - Genesis -Super Castlevania IV - SNES -Dracula X - PC Engine -Gate of Thunder - TurboGrafx-CD -Space Harrier - 32X/Saturn -Road Rash - Genesis -Super Metroid - SNES -Pilotwings - SNES -Snatcher - Sega CD -X-Men vs Street Fighter - Saturn -Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Saturn -Night Warriors and/or Vampire Savior - Saturn -Blaster Master - NES Compilation collections don' t count... they' re still the same games! Dracula X on the PSP might be cool, but the 3D looks pretty ugly in some parts.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Best shooter ive played this week...
Oct 03, 2007 03:29
You only have to look at the high Sales of Virtual Console and Xbox Live arcade games to see that retro gaming is a big business and there' s more than enough people who apreaciate them.
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