Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough

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Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 21, 2007 15:41
TGS Developer Walkthrough Part 1

TGS Developer Walkthrough Part 2 - Boss Battle + Sample of the boss theme (possibly one of several)

TGS Developer Walkthrough Part 3 - A sweet cutscene, showing off the facial animation, character modeling and voice acting coming together.

TGS 07 Trailer

Looks like GT' s not going to be giving out the download links anytime soon =/

I' ve got the flvs with my download plugin, so if anyone wants the links, just tell me and I' ll put them up.

Highlights of Part 1: It' s amazing cos the facial animation is superb; the voice-acting is topnotch, but the thing that makes it BEYOND any cutscene is...


Seth (the woman) has a son as old as MGS4' s Solid Snake (he even LOOKS a little like Snake!). Now that just sells the story for me, right THERE.

Highlights of Part 2: A first glimpse of how Boss battles would play out, using 5 characters (out of a max. of 8). A boss battle theme can be sampled too.

Highlights of Part 3: A display of how cutscenes would be handled in the game. Great voice-acting makes an otherwise cliche scene more believable and less forced (IMO anyway).
< Message edited by Byakko -- 22 Sep 07 20:01:17 >

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RE: Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 21, 2007 21:14
This will be the NEW BLUE DRAGON!!!!
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 21, 2007 22:31
No, it' ll be different to to Blue Dragon...

It' ll be the one and only Lost Odyssey...

Yep, that little concept there regarding Seth really just sold the story for me, also
the shaky cam trailer that Nitro posted in a different thread is now available on the
Marketplace and I must say, the art direction is beyond believable. I really like
where they are going with this.
There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 22, 2007 01:27
The story and art direction is fantastic.

Seriously,it is.

ANd im glad its on 4 dvd' s.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 22, 2007 02:43
I will say it again. It is sooooo nice to see some awesome looking RPG' s coming to the 360.

I am playing Blue Dragon right now, which I am enjoying quite a bit, and now we have Lost Odyssey, and Infinate Undiscovery on the way!!!!! Fantastic!!!!!

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RE: Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 22, 2007 02:44
+ Last remnant+Fable2 +Mass effect1,2 and 3

Lots of rpgs for 360
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 22, 2007 02:46
Thanks Quez, I had forgot about Last Remnant!!!!!!!

Shame on me!!!!!

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RE: Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 22, 2007 02:54
Cry on will also come from Mistwalker,but I have no idea how that will turn out to be.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 22, 2007 04:42
Well Sakaguchi said something about " making you cry every 15 minutes" , so I suppose Cry On will be very much like Gears 2. Gameplay that makes you wanna cry.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 22, 2007 04:58

Well Sakaguchi said something about " making you cry every 15 minutes" , so I suppose Cry On will be very much like Gears 2. Gameplay that makes you wanna cry.

Whats not to like about Gears? i know its not the second coming of chríst, but its a thoroughly enjoyable expirience!

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RE: Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 22, 2007 05:59
I was just incorporating the good old Chav Warden quote: " Gears of War? More like Tears of War! Gameplay that makes you wanna cry."

I myself think that Gears is the second coming of christ (or it would be, if the last chapter wasn' t be that disappointingly short)

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RE: Lost Odyssey TGS Developer Walkthrough - Sep 23, 2007 04:03
Updated it with Part 3 (final) of the Developer Walkthrough.

It' s a look into cutscenes in the game, featuring the third immortal (the guy with the annoying voice in the Japanese version).

Glad to report his voice/voice-acting is less annoying in the English version, although the character is still a goof-ball...

Note, it' s a sappy scene But a really really well animated sappy scene.

And seriously, lip-synch just makes everything better