Vx Chemical
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Recommend a Game!
Sep 14, 2007 15:51
This is thread where we can lecture people about games that we think have been majorly overlooked. Name the title, platform and a slight description. post screens if you will as well. Also the games should have a bit of age to them.
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 15, 2007 05:09
Off the top of my head i' d have to say Eternal Darkness for gamecube was overlooked a bit. It had interesting gameplay with the different spells you could use and a crap load of weapons from swords to machine guns. Also it has a very interesting story as it spans different times. And its creepy as hell if you play it at night, specially with the sanity meter thing when you start hearing voices more and weird shit happens. If you haven' t played it yet pick it up cause its probably like five bucks nowadays.
< Message edited by gamer -- 21 Sep 07 6:19:44 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 15, 2007 05:37
Off the top of my head i' d have to say Eternal Darkness for gamecube was overlooked a bit. It had interesting gameplay with the different spells you could use and a crap load of weapons from swords to machine guns. Also it has a very interesting story as it spans different times. And its creepy as hell if you play it at night, specially with the sanity meter thing when you start hearing voices more and weird shit happens. If you haven' t played it yet pick it up cause its probably like five bucks nowadays. Yeah iv heard a lot about it, and i actually own it, bout it used a year back or so, i havent gotten around to playing it yet though
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 15, 2007 20:04
Oddworld Stranger' s Wrath For Xbox The last in the Oddworld series (ever, the Oddworld game department has been disbanded). It was the attempt by the studio to cater to the mainstream players by making an FPS and more action oriented game, compared to the action adventure and platforming of the previous games. The irony was that it got overlooked by BOTH mainstream gamers, and some of the core of Oddworld fans. The Oddworld setting didn' t appeal to mainstream gamers, while the sudden change in the character dynamic and gameplay alienated the original Oddworld fans. Which is a shame. Playing it, you wouldn' t really think that it was made by first-timers to the FPS genre. Aiming the crossbow is smoothly done, with two ammo types always at your disposal. Varied ammo types that were in fact, ' living ammo' (my fav has got to be the insulting Chip-punk). Varied environments, tough but memorable boss battles, and great cutscenes. It had beautiful graphics and character animation, humor, and a simple but moving story. It' s faults were its linear progression, lack of different endings (which all the Oddworld games had), and hence, lack of some replay value (although you can always try different strategies when you replay the boss battles). Some repetition, since usually you used one tried and true technique to take down bosses. The biggest shame was how its lackluster sales led to the shutdown of Oddworld Inhabitant' s game studio. Meaning we would also never get the Oddworld RTS they were planning on making as well.
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 16, 2007 01:40
Oddworld sucked ass. I think the most overlooked game of all time was Banjo Tooie on N64, it sold like complete shit but is easily the best platformer game ever created.
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 16, 2007 03:57
I had heard that the core creative team of Oddworld Inhabitants was going to continue to work together, and hire other development teams to work with them. Their original ambition, though, was to make films, not games, so perhaps they' ll go in that direction. I didn' t play Stranger' s Wrath because it was single-player only, and published by EA, but now that it' s available used maybe I' ll pick it up.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 16, 2007 03:59
I' m surprised no one mentioned Psychonauts yet.
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 16, 2007 03:59
I hope you guys did play Abe' s Oddyssey, that game was magical. -Hello! *stops cleaning floor, gets up and waves* -Hello! -Follow me. -Okay
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 16, 2007 08:34
Buck Bumble for N64. A flight sim/shoot em up, where you' re a bee. Genius. Head Over Heels for the Spectrum. This is a link to a remake. The original did very well but it' s old enough I' m sure a lot of you haven' t played it.
***flyingsaucersdisguisedasmushrooms*** ***mushroomsinvadingfromouterspace***
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 16, 2007 16:23
Their original ambition, though, was to make films, not games, so perhaps they' ll go in that direction. Oddworld Inhabitants announced that they' re releasing an original movie next year or the year after that. I don' t think it' s based on Oddworld though =/ From an interview with Lorne Lanning, he said he believed that if studios had their own IPs (in film/animation form), then games based on those IPs would be better since there would be absolute control over the property. Weird that he would say that, since the game development team was disbanded  I think it was more of a response to question about games-based-on-other-mediums but he made a point to mention the new movie they would be making in 4 years. I' m surprised no one mentioned Psychonauts yet. Great game, but everyone knows that already. Besides, ever since they put it up on Steam, they' ve pretty much made-up for the bad initial sales. But Schafer announced he' s making a Pick of Destiny game with Jack Black... ...so I' m crying inside.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 16, 2007 17:36
Kororinpa Marble Mania for the Wii. Sure it' s only 4:3 and 480i, but it is likely that most people have never heard of it and will test your skills. Only people who lack skills at videogames would dislike this one.
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 16, 2007 19:31
Shin Megami Tensei, DDS and Nocturne
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 16, 2007 22:18
Okage: Shadow King - PS2 This is the only traditional RPG I' ve really stuck with over the years. The environments practically scream one-night-stand with Tim Burton, but they admitted that from the beginning, so I have no qualms there. The game' s rather pretty for an early PS2 title, and is incredibly long for being a CD-R title. Atmospherically, it blows anything Final Fantasy or Blue-Dragon has brought to the table clean out of the water.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 16, 2007 23:45
Nocturne Nocturne was a super cool PC game set in the 40ies, where your character was an agent in a special paranormal institute. it was resident evil camera style, though you had some googles that set the view to first person, though black and white and very grainy, it was very creepy. Idlike to recommend GIANT Citizen Kabuto. Very fun action/adventure/strategy title. Set in 3 different campaigns, one where you control 3 different dudes, one wherey ou control a sirene woman thing, and one wherey ou control kabuto, a giant running around and eating everything. Its a PC / PS2 title.
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 17, 2007 17:33
GIANT Citizen Kabuto. Didn' t you mention this before? The premise sounds kinda like a more violent version of Katamari @___@
Vx Chemical
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 17, 2007 18:35
Didn' t you mention this before? The premise sounds kinda like a more violent version of Katamari @___@ I dont know Katamari, but i did mention Giant before, i dont think anyone responded to the thread
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 19, 2007 21:52
Like oldies then go for Dungeon Siege 2 or Thief series ...good times
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 21, 2007 12:19
Heavenly Sword is a must if you got PS3.. If you don' t got it, you should visit: www.heavenlysword.com and listen to the music while you surf on the interweb.. :) Edit: not really overlooked, but you can still listen to the muzax.. Anyway, Untold Legends is a decent Hack' n slash coop game if you got a friend.. :)
< Message edited by Kongrudi -- 21 Sep 07 4:20:59 >
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RE: Recommend a Game!
Sep 21, 2007 12:45
Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors for the X-box. Visually stunning, sound/music score was old style japanese and the gameplay was really great. I thought the gameplay was original with destructive objects. Tons of replay value since you can level up your characters on previous stages that you have already beaten with other characters. Not many people know about it and you really have to be a japanese gamer or just have a broad aspect on playing all sorts of games from different countries.
Games are your best friend as long as you don' t start talking to them.