I spent 7 hours on the boss-battle with general Flying Fox alone, since I never were able to get the life bottles at the second plateu, wich you are supposed to be able to get in range stance, but weren' t able to get them. :-/
Nah, you' re not supposed to be able to get at them. They' re actually there for you to shoot at when you jump back to Kai (before you fire at Fox), just to max your meter up and add to your overall final score for that stage.
The trick to killing the bosses is to just be relentless. Fox killed me once after he spawned 4 or 5 clones in, ...but the on the 2nd attempt i didn' t give him the opportunity to get away and caned his skinny ass until he spawned the 11 clones in at the end of the battle.
Same thing with Bohan at the end. I died a couple of times but if you don' t give him the chance to escape, and deflect his blasts back at him every time it' s not that hard.
I really enjoyed playing as Kai, I think she' s my favourite ingame characther since the Wing Commander-days. :)
I didn' t have a clue on how to use her on the first mission I played her, but during the second mission with her, I learnt how to use the six-axis aftertouch, wich is very cool, and in this game it gives the game a extra dimmension.
See, i just turned it off straight away because it isn' t sensitive enough. I used the sticks to guide the bolts every time and found it to be a blast.
But yeah, Kai is a way better character than Nariko.
The story-line is good in this game is awesome.
I wouldn' t say the storyline was good, i' d say it was generic. However, i' d definitley call Bohans dialogue and the cutscenes in general the best [non-CG] i' d ever seen.
The gameplay aswell, I' ve heard that alot of people complain about framerate, but I didn' t notice anything..
The framerate is comparable with SotC. In certain scenes it' s fine, but get more than 11 enemies onscreen and it gets choppy. I' m used to playing DMC and Ninja Gaiden which are 60fps, and even though having tons of enemies onscreen makes it more epic i would have prefered it to have been scaled back and running at a higher framerate.
You will feel incredible awesome in the end of the game, in the start aswell offcourse, but it takes off in the end, since then you can pull of superstyle-moves at will since you get into range with 20-30 soldiers around you, and builds up to the superstyle-combos real quick. :)
Meh, i thought the final 2 chapters (the whole army thing and the boss battle) were awful. The first 4 chapters were pretty good though, for what they were.
My favourite movies from the game where when Kai retrieved the password for the armoury, real refreshing humour there.. :) There is one part I burst out laughing for atleast half a minute, I won' t spoil it, but that part is alone is allmost worth the money, especially if you know the backstory to the particular dialog beeing used. :)
I liked it too. In fact, i think they managed to nail Kai' s character i her cutscenes. The short clips when she' s trying to get into the armoury and is told she needs the password are fukking brilliant. The expression on her face and in her voice is 100% perfik.

I [kinda] enjoyed the gameplay in the first 4 chapters and i like how it' s all tied together, but some of Nariko' s voice acting is too butch and you can tell where they spent their money when it comes to the cutscenes because some are meh, and some are near-CG quality.
The framerate pissed me off, as did the screen tearing, and some of the texturing could be better. But for the most part it' s technically solid, and it' s definitely the best looking PS3 game available.
The story is so-so but some of the characters are fantastically realised so it balances out. I didn' t like Shen whatsoever, i think he' s a really poorly designed character, and they didn' t explain why Whiptail is like she is or flesh her character out at all. Parts just seem really rushed, which is odd because the game started out as an Xbox game waaaay back when. Actually, the same thing happened with Kameo; it was in development for years and then made 2 system jumps and ened up being only 6 hours long.
The combat is flasy but really badly implimented. It' s not even as solid as God of War' s, and compared to other premium action games even that is very weak. The idea' s are there but it just doesn' t work as it should. The countering and reversals are the best parts of the combat and i thought the part where you have to disable 14 of your clanmates one by one was really good, but there' s a very imited number of combos, you max out really early on and it doesn' t feel satisfying or even like your doing what your pressing half the time.
I like the art direction, i like some of the characters and i like the cutscenes they spent a shitload on. The game itself is pretty lame.
< Message edited by NITRO -- 17 Sep 07 0:01:21 >