Fukkin pussy.
Hehe, that must be my Religious upbringing .
I was raised in a very religious upbringing... which is why I play M-rated games.
Seriously though, the first was rubbish, I have very little hope for the second. Not just on a moral level either. I thought the game had excessive sadistic violence, it just kind of cramped what could have been a functional game. I appreciate a realistic amount of blood & gore in games that are supposed to represent something violent, but violence for violence' s sake? It bores me on a conceptual level.
Edit: This isn' t directed at anybody in particular by the way. Anybody who says that not releasing Adults Only games on consoles is about restriction of free-speech is either uninformed, or just plain full of it as far as I' m concerned.
There' s absolutely no limitations as to how violent or racy a PC game can get. If it were a matter of free-speech and the smothering of the arts, Rockstar would simply pull all of their console versions and release the unadulterated version on the PC. But it' s not. It' s about publicity, and it' s about more revenue. It' s a win-win situation for Rockstar. They make an incredibly violent game, and it gets released.
Or... They
try to release an incredibly violent video game, get a month' s worth of publicity, and release a toned down version of the game to rabid fans and sell thousands.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 13 Sep 07 1:42:52 >