Delete own thread

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Delete own thread - Aug 30, 2004 19:52

How do you delete your own threads and posts
< Message edited by Reznor -- 8/30/2004 9:45:17 PM >

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RE: Delete own thread - Aug 30, 2004 21:57
I don' t think you can mate. There doesn' t seem to be an option anywhere.
< Message edited by whatabout_paul -- 8/30/2004 9:58:17 PM >

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RE: Delete own thread - Sep 10, 2004 17:42
if we could do that, all stupid coments that people make fun of would be gone in a second and no one would understand.

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RE: Delete own thread - Sep 10, 2004 23:46
You assume we understand with those threads still intact!

No, I agree, it is better that you can' t erase things you say, it makes you think before you post.