Iad congrats on the wedding man. How does it feel to be married? Where was the
honey moon? Are there kids on the way? Can I be a godparent?
The PS3 is a nice piece of kit, and for what you get with it, seems great value for
Everything went well on the day, and the honeymoon in Cuba was just amazing. I' m still on the comedown from that, but PS3 has cheered me up a bit

No kids coming any time soon, I like my discs unscratched and my consoles not to have any jam pieces stuffed in them, thanks very much.
Majik, I was so pissed when I got home Monday night and realised there was no HDMI. It just looked like a PS2!!!
Anyway, bought the HDMI and God of War 2 on Tuesday so it' s sorted. Think Sigma beats GOW2, Ryu would have Kratos any day of the week.
I watched Hellboy on BluRay tonight, I' m so glad I finally got a Hi-def format for movies. I won' t be buying much at that price for a disc, but the Spider-Man box set comes out for £40 when 3 is released, so I' ll pick that up. Also got Xmen 3 and The Crow. HMV let me change my movies around because I already have Bond and Black Hawk Down on DVD.
Anyway, I' ll be playing Bioshock on the old 360 all weekend

< Message edited by iad umboros -- 23 Aug 07 22:55:19 >