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What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 29, 2004 13:56
I like to switch from one game to another, usually not returning to a game during a single session. There have been a few times I played only one game - like when I first played Halo. What is YOUR gameplay style?
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 29, 2004 14:40
Hard and fast. Then I come back if I liked it and want to go over any bits I missed. I only wish that other parts in my life were like that. I play one or two games at a time. But will generally will stick to one game unless it is one that takes some time to get through, or can easily be left without losing the plot. (Sim city/ Alien Vs Predator: Extinction etc). This is with the exception of the avid game demo' s, constant PC and Classic games I get myself roped into.
City Hunter
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 29, 2004 16:18
I usually play two games at the same time (except Shenmue  ), one must be an action game or a racing game, the other must be an rpg or an adventure game.
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 29, 2004 17:36
I play a game until I' m either sick of it or I beat it. Morrowind is a good example. A month ago I put about 60 hours into the game and made a lot of prorgess towards beating the game. Then one day I just didn' t want to play it much so I switched back to reading and playing on Xbox Live. I' ll go back to Morrowind eventually but that' s just the way I play.
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 30, 2004 01:11
ChaOtix, I usually play the faster paced games first, then the slower one' s when I start getting too tired... My friends hate it when we' re playing sports, and I get sleepy. For some reason, I actually play better when I am half asleep...my friends could be up 20 pts. in the 3rd qtr. in basketball, and I will come back and win at the end of the 4th qtr. by 20+ points. The same applies to football, hockey and baseball...I just play better when I' m half asleep (not that I am bad when I' m awake).
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 30, 2004 03:44
I generally play two or three games at a time, but usually all three are from different genres. I try to keep a diverse palette, as it were. Right now, I' m kind of in a sports phase, with Hot Shots Golf: Fore!, Top Spin, and ESPN NFL 2k5/Madden 2005. However, that will soon change when Star Ocean: ' Til the End of Time, Phantom Brave, and Fable come out. The only rule I have is that I never play more than one RPG at a time. Of course, I' m usually have at least one RPG on my plate so I tend to get behind, but...
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 30, 2004 06:39
I want to try out every style of gaming...except gambling and casino and stuff like that...when I buy games, I look mostly for multiplayer games where I can compete with friends...there are some exceptions and that might possibly be Starcraft: Ghost.
Games I want: Starcraft: Ghost (went to gamestop and saw it on the shelf labeled " coming soon, reserve your copy today" Halo 2
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 30, 2004 06:57
I normally play on about two games at a time switching between the two when i get annoyed with one. One game would be a shooter that i' d play on xbox live and the other would be a RPG, something that i could get stuck into.
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 30, 2004 10:45
As much as I hate doing it I usually play about two games at a time. What usually happens though is that I end up favouring one game over the other and playing the better one almost exclusively till I finish it and then if I can be bothered go back to the second one to finish. If I can I' ll just get one game I' ve been waiting for and play it to death.
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 30, 2004 12:54
I usually play 2 or 3 games at a time. One and only one is an RPG. Can' t play more than one at a time or it damages the story. The others are action or sport games. For example, right now I am playing Final Fantasy X-2 and Hot Shots Golf Fore on my PS2 and also Doom 3 and NFS: Underground on my PC. So I have a good mix
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 30, 2004 13:42
I' ve got to play a game until it' s done (or until I get sick of it). I think it' s called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Terry Bogard
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 30, 2004 14:27
Like ChaOtix, I play hard and fast. I usually complete most games within a 1 to 2-day period. If I enjoyed the game a great deal I' ll replay it again immediately and use the skills and knowledge I gained through trial and error the first time through. I usually play several games at once. Sometimes 2, sometimes 5, it all depends on whether I just got them OR they' re classics that I' m replaying. I went through a Sega Saturn marathon several weeks ago and played 22 games that one day. HEAVEN!
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RE: What Is Your Gameplay Style?
Aug 31, 2004 05:02
I am predominantly a social gamer. So much of my playing time is taken up in group games, racing, fps, mario party etc. When it comes to RPG, there is only one on teh go at a time, but i will play a few other games at the same time (ie the Sims)