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Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
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Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 17:20
LINK I hope to god this kills Too Human. They could have hired me, i' d have fixed their broken shitty ass game and it would have sold millions. But Noooooooooo! Instead they insisted on being a weak as fuck sub-par developer who has only ever made 2 decent games, one of which was released over a decade ago... They should fuck off back to Nintendo where they belong.
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 18:23
ORIGINAL: Nitro LINK developer who has only ever made 2 decent games, one of which was released over a decade ago... if by that you mean the twin snakes then im not following
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 18:28
You' re saying Eternal Darkness wasn' t more than " decent" ?
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 18:56
Blood Omen and Eternal Darkness. Both were good, decent was the wrong word to use, ...but neither were amazing. Twin Snakes was awful. I hope they go bankrupt.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 19:07
I think calling Twins Snakes awful is a mistake, it might not have been all that if you played the first metal gear, but for a new comeer the game was great, there werent any flaws, controls were fine, storyline was fine, it was just a different art direction!
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 19:11
ORIGINAL: Nitro Blood Omen and Eternal Darkness. im an idiot
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 19:26
ORIGINAL: Nitro Blood Omen and Eternal Darkness. Both were good, decent was the wrong word to use, ...but neither were amazing. Twin Snakes was awful. I hope they go bankrupt. Haven' t played Blood Omen so I can' t say anything about it but I think Eternal Darkness is amazing. A very rare gaming experience IMO. It had some flaws of course but it' d be a mistake to miss out on it. Twin Snakes was a remake so you can' t really count that one. Of course, the graphics were disappointing and they didn' t fix all the gameplay flaws but they still did a pretty good job of introducing a past-gen game to the current gen gamers. The cut-scenes, which most people thought was afwul (I liked them  ), were directed by Ryuhei Kitamura (Alive, Versus etc.) so you can' t really blame Silicon Knights for that either. I personally liked Twin Snakes and think it was a good improvement on the original, but not a perfect one.
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 22:23
Damn nitro , u really hate too human dont u .. I am still keeping my fingers crossed on this one .. Hope they fix the crappy animations ...
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 22:30
After recent looks at the game. I have very little hope left for it. It could still suprise me, but they' d have to pull something really really impressive out of nowhere. controls were fine Aghahahahahaha HAAA-hahahahahahahahahaha! Whooooo.... Good one VX. No seriously. The game wasn' t terrible, but the controls really were the biggest problem in the game. If they had just mapped them a little bit differently, I probably would have had a much better impression of the game.
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 22:56
I think calling Twins Snakes awful is a mistake, it might not have been all that if you played the first metal gear, but for a new comeer the game was great, there werent any flaws, controls were fine, storyline was fine, it was just a different art direction! While game is intact for the most part, they did screw up the presentation of the game, they really should have kept the old Va' s too. Heres some comparsion' s from youtube Sniper wolf Death: Ps1 Twin Snakes Gray Fox Death: Ps1 Twin Snakes I guess you dont miss what you didnt have, but when I was playing Twin Sankes, I just thought it was a missed opportunity.
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 10 Aug 07 15:00:41 >
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 23:01
No, i don' t hate Too Human. The concept, although pretty generic, is great and the games art direction is mostly cool, ...but there' s too much wrong with it in it' s current state for me to believe it' s worth spending any more money on. This is a game that started life on the original Playstation, moved to Gamecube and then to 360. Yes the concept has changed and no it' s not been in constant development but it' s something they' ve been working on for a stupid amount of time and the results so far are really unimpressive. None of their games have been considered visually impressive and they aren' t known for their technical expertize so it' s no wonder that they' re struggling with a highly complex engine like UE3.0. It' s not even like they used previous versions of the Unreal engine for their previous games. What did they expect? So even though nobody else has complained about UE3.0, ...because they haven' t been able to grasp it they want to blame the engine. In the lawsuit they blame Epic' s " incomplete" engine for their poor E3 2006 showing when at the end of the day it was their decision to show the game at all. Vegas was shown in demo form too and looked/ran awesome/ly so it can' t be Epics fault. Since then Knights have decided to mod the engine so they don' t have to pay royalties, but by modding it they' re infringing copyrights and usage agreements held by Epic, ...thus the counter suit. Dyacks a moron anyway so if they lose, Human gets canceled, they go bankrupt or whatever, ...i would feel no sympathy. Epic has a proven track record of great games and is known for being a technical powerhouse, ...Knights have made two good games in the past decade, neither technically brilliant. Go figure.
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 10, 2007 23:51
Serves epic right. This is a common law break ,company A promise to deliver at time B but doesnt. They have legmit if true,and so far other companies seem to agree with them,or not companies but employs.
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 11, 2007 00:09
Silicon Knights received a " substantial discount" when purchasing the engine in the first place because a) Gears was still in development and the engine wasn' t 100% complete, and b) they agreed to use it for all of their next-gen 360 games. Nobody knows what or when Epic promised to deliver. We don' t know any of the specifics yet, and we may not get to know. This has been going on for months and Knights have already said they were (illegally) modifying the technology provided by Epic and creating their own version of the engine. Microsoft contracted Knights to provide a demo for E3 2006, and Knights chose to show the game in a very poor form. But the biggest complaints were regarding the gameplay and not the engine. Perhaps using UE3.0 is supposed to automatically make your game awesome? Ubisoft were also contracted to provide a demo for E3 2006 and did, and it was great. But then Ubisoft Montreal > Silicon Knights in every single sense anyway. Right now only Knights are being vocal, and are the only studio suing Epic. Nobody else is involved and nobody has been vocal in the press with regard to UE3.0 being " unworkable" . NAMCO had problems with Frame City Killer because of their inexperience with western engines. Knights are just fucking useless. Too Human looks like ass in motion. The characters are lower poly than they should be, the textures are all over the place, the sound, animation, physics, cutscenes, collision detection and controls all look to be lame. It has no redeeming features in it' s current state. These things, while connectible to the engine, are down to Knights and not Epic. I hope Microsoft drops Too Human. It doesn' t need to publish that trash.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 11, 2007 00:16
This isn' t about having problem with the engine fro mthe start,its about not having the essenitial components for the engine.
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 11, 2007 00:30
Ok, so let me get this straight. If I go out and buy a car, and get into an accident because I don' t know how to drive said car, I can sue car company using SK excuses regarding UE 3.0. Bullshit. This game has so much potential, and what I would like to see, but doubt would ever happen, is if a different dev got their hands on this game. A competent developer, who can turn Too Human into what it should be, and not leave it in its garbage state. SK, are going to lose their lawsuit, and moreover what make it even more funny is that fact that Epic will win their countersuit. So long SK.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 11, 2007 00:33
If I go out and buy a car, and get into an accident because I don' t know how to drive said car, I can sue car company using SK excuses regarding UE 3.0. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! If you order a car,and just get the steering wheel what would you do then? Thats what they' re suing epic about. Read the damn lawsuit ffs.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 10 Aug 07 16:33:30 >
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 11, 2007 00:33
It' s more like buying a car with bad brakes, and even though the manufacturer promises to fix the brakes they don' t. And then you crash.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 11, 2007 00:36
It' s more like Ginjirou said. Because you can' t complain for crashing when you know the brakes was done for it. The insurance company will then ask you,so you drove a car with brakes that didn' t work?Then you cant get money from us. It' s the same with showing the game if you knew it didn' t work and then whine about it afterwards. It sounds like its afterconstructed even if it wasn' t or not intended,SE should have acted earlier,much earlier. You dont show it,whine about it and then sue.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 10 Aug 07 16:40:15 >
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 11, 2007 00:41
It' s more like buying a car with bad brakes, and even though the manufacturer promises to fix the brakes they don' t. And then you crash. My bad. Thanks ginj, and Quez. I did go back and read a little more on the lawsuit, and I still don' t see exactly what Epic lied about. They told SK that what they were getting at the very beginning was not 100% complete since they were still working on Gears. SK knew this when they went into a contractual agreement with Epic. Now where SK has completely screwed themselves over is in the fact that they " modded" the engine. A great big no, no.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Mark Rein: Silicon Knights are Thieves!
Aug 11, 2007 01:12
If SK didnt feel screwed over they wouldnt have sued. I guess we' ll see who has it right after the lawsuit! I dont care who wins, but SK definetly seem to be struggling with Next Gen development!
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