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What is the point of racing games?
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Joe Redifer
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 04:52
You can' t blow stuff up in F-Zero, but that' s a good thing. I don' t like fighting in my racing games (I do like chocolate in my peanut butter, though) unless it is Mario Kart. I don' t like games like Wipeout. F-Zero is completely awesome. Motion blur is nice as long as it' s not exaggerated. It adds to the kick ass-ness of the visuals if it' s done well (which it rarely is).
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 31 Jul 07 20:53:39 >
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2007
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 07:22
I' ll never understand people that like racing games to tweak and customize the cars. The whole point of customizing a car in real life is for bragging rights, thats the only reason you pour money into cars. People will spend 10 grand on rims so when they drive by people will say " Damn I wish I had that car" . But Why the *** do you care if you put new rims or a new bodykit on a fake videogame car? LOL.
< Message edited by emofag -- 31 Jul 07 23:23:09 >
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 08:36
Racing games are just simulation, I' m into Japanese import' s,(Nissan Skyline GT-R) games like Gran Turismo, Kaiten battle, are the reason that got me into the racing genre, it' s all about speed, looks, and aiming for the gold, sure you spent most of you' re time racing countless time after time just to win, thats what makes it fun. This is just like saying to wrestling game, 30mins to a hour boring match, wich I' m not into.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 08:41
I' ll never understand people that like racing games to tweak and customize the cars. The whole point of customizing a car in real life is for bragging rights, thats the only reason you pour money into cars. People will spend 10 grand on rims so when they drive by people will say " Damn I wish I had that car" . But Why the *** do you care if you put new rims or a new bodykit on a fake videogame car? LOL. i partialy agree with you, i don' t reallly give much interest to customization look but what we really mean about tuning is the driving part, how you are going to incline the tires, which tire will put for that track, the speed of transmission etc etc etc... i don' t give a real importance to the look although with online now , it can become interesting as many want to show their beloved car in all its glories and brag about it even if it' s virtual, it' s fun.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 08:55
I took my first drivers License when I turned 18. I lost my first drivers license half a year later (190km/h on a 90km/h ROAD!)  . The very day after I saw a young girl of 14 get hit by a car without plates. She killed on the spot. The driver drove aprox. 100km/h on a 30km/h road, next to my former school AND a police station. I retook my license before I turned 19 and have tried to convince myself it ISN' T worth it, keeping my Need 4 Speed locked in my heart. Sure you can race in real life, but I' ve had a couple of fist rounds as well. And there are people whom DO go out and shoot people, both in war and almost peacefull places of the world. People play Flight simulators, yet it IS possible to try and take a flight license, etc. There are multiple reasons behind everyting. One! We can race without worrying about the bill or life that might need to pay for a single misstake. Also, we get to do it in cars some would' t even dream of sittin' in. Two! Roleplaying isn' t the only reason one has to play games. Just havin' some good fun is another, as playing games doesn' t offer the same experience reality. Therefore it is another type of challenge, another type of skill, thus another type of thrill.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 1 Aug 07 1:03:40 >
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 09:10
I agree about game customization, although I don' t mind if I' m able to draw my own decal/emblem like Rage Racer and F-Zero GX allow you to. Rims are gay. I wonder when racing " sims" will allow you to tweak the stereo and install subwoofers, etc. Obviously, the stereo would only allow you to play rap " music" . That way your ride could be really phat, nigga.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 1 Aug 07 1:20:55 >
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- Location: Sweden
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 11:19
I' ll never understand people that like racing games to tweak and customize the cars. The whole point of customizing a car in real life is for bragging rights, thats the only reason you pour money into cars. People will spend 10 grand on rims so when they drive by people will say " Damn I wish I had that car" . But Why the *** do you care if you put new rims or a new bodykit on a fake videogame car? LOL. It' s kind of the same thing as chosing your prefered weapons, armour and accessories in an RPG. You want to adapt the character/car to your own style and the different levels/tracks. Are you just trying to mess with us or are you just an idiot? Your lack of understanding why people like racing games is ok, but your arguments as to why racing games would be boring are lacking to say the least.
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- Joined: Jul 15, 2006
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 11:56
That is why I love this game called Burnout... its not all about driving fast in a circle... its about wrecks... and wrecks is something you don' t want to experience in real life so its always cool to cause mass carnage with some made-up vehical.
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 12:02
I believe he is talking about NFS style customizing. Because well tweaking your car in real racing games (i.e.: Forza or Gran Turismo) has nothing to do with bragging.
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2007
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 13:02
ORIGINAL: ginjirou I' ll never understand people that like racing games to tweak and customize the cars. The whole point of customizing a car in real life is for bragging rights, thats the only reason you pour money into cars. People will spend 10 grand on rims so when they drive by people will say " Damn I wish I had that car" . But Why the *** do you care if you put new rims or a new bodykit on a fake videogame car? LOL. It' s kind of the same thing as chosing your prefered weapons, armour and accessories in an RPG. You want to adapt the character/car to your own style and the different levels/tracks. Are you just trying to mess with us or are you just an idiot? Your lack of understanding why people like racing games is ok, but your arguments as to why racing games would be boring are lacking to say the least. You don' t use " prefered" weapon in rpgs, you use the strongest ones, whichever they happen to be. Enjoying putting body kits on a fake videogame car is retarded.
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 13:37
Enjoying putting body kits on a fake videogame car is retarded. Yep
Mass X
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 13:37
You don' t use " prefered" weapon in rpgs, you use the strongest ones, whichever they happen to be. ... Hmm do I PREFER swords or daggers...perhaps bows? Maybe a staff. Or how about magic? Maybe I am more of a brute so I will possibly use a hammer or other blunt instrument. ... Hmm do I PREFER a vehicle with acceloration or overall speed...perhaps one that corners best. Maybe an import tuner. Or how about exotic? Maybe I am more of a brute so I will possibly use a muscle car or one of just pure power. ... Preference is certainly a key to most genres...hell its the main reason for this thread.
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2007
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 13:55
Preference isn' t the point. You put the rims of preference on your car, but the POINT is to show them off. There is no other reason, you don' t stare at your car all day to admire your rims, when you' re driving the car you don' t even ever see them, the purpose is for other people to see them. In video games there is no such purpose because such upgrades are a measure of real life wealth and style, and they lose their entire purpose in a video game.
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- Location: Germany
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 14:08
Yeah or maybe you are just putting that stuff on because you think it looks nice, cool or whatever. Ever thought of that? I mean if we use your logic, why offer things like character customization anyway ? For example what purpose does it serve to put some nice glasses on your character in a game that allows you to create your own character? Or change the way their nose looks? And you are, as well, forgetting that even rims can have a small effect on a cars performance (If you compare run off the mill rims with light-weight ones). THe effect is minimal but it' s still there. So therefore it actually also serves a purpose besides looking nice. Oh and I dont know about the other racing enthusiasts here but I actually like to switch camera perspectives from time to time to look at things like rims.
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2007
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 14:14
Why do you start every post with the words " Yeah" or " Yeah well" ?
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- Joined: Mar 25, 2005
- Location: Germany
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 15:57
Yeah, well... ;) I checked a few of my postings and damn, you are right. Most of my postings start with " Yeah, well" or " Well" . Anyway, I' ll play my trump card here: " I Foreigner. My English very bad" . To be honest I can' t really think of a reason why I am starting my posts with these words. But if it makes you happy, I' ll try to use some more variety in the future.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 18:16
ORIGINAL: emofag Preference isn' t the point. You put the rims of preference on your car, but the POINT is to show them off. There is no other reason, you don' t stare at your car all day to admire your rims, when you' re driving the car you don' t even ever see them, the purpose is for other people to see them. In video games there is no such purpose because such upgrades are a measure of real life wealth and style, and they lose their entire purpose in a video game. It' s very appealing to the artistic side of many gamers to customise your car. You want it to look good, to feel unique, and drive well. And there are other genres where you can modify your appearance. Oblivion being one example. It' s too bad you don' t like racing games because once you learn what it' s all about you can have great fun with them. But it' s your loss and not mine so I' m not going to waste time convincing you otherwise.
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- Location: Belgium
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Aug 01, 2007 20:38
Things like Need for speed, Grand Turismo,....those hardly count as a racing game to me. Ferrari F355 Challenge on Dreamcast, F1, DTM, rally are games that count as racing games in my eyes. A good racing game is not like Need for speed where you can brag with the looks of your car and need absolutely no skill of real racing. A real racing game is about your skills as a driver, the understanding of your car and how to set it up for your racing style on each different track. Spending time thinking over what setup would work best for you, if it' s a good qualifing setup or a good race setup. Will you get the maximum out of your car for the straights or will you use a setup that gives you better handling and cornering for overtaking. One that plays a real racers has a lot of things to keep in mind to get the best performance out of his F1 car or any other car in a real racing game. I' ll use a few examples. Like the anti-roll bar The anti roll bar will limit the roll as your car goes through the corners A higher number for front anti-roll will allow both front wheels to stay on the ground to provide traction. A high anti-roll bar will provide more speed but less grip. A low anti-roll bar will let the car roll in the corner more, if the front anti-roll is quite low then the front inside wheel may lift off the track when cornering, but more weight will be on the outside wheel and more weight on the outside wheel means more grip until the wheel becomes overloaded (too much weight transfer) and the car spins out. Because more weight is transferred forward when you brake to corner, a lower rear anti-roll can safely be used, a higher number for rear anti-roll will keep the ass-end on the ground better but less weight will transfer to the outside of the car to give more grip around a corner, using a low number for rear anti-roll will let more weight transfer to the outside wheel and provide more grip but the inside wheel may lift off the ground and less traction will be provided. If your car is unstable through the corners you' ll have to stiffen your springs and dampers, increase your anti-roll to limit the load on the outside tires through a cornter. Shift some weight towards the end of the car and soften the rear suspension and increase the wing. I could keep going for ages about this. But this is merely to show that games such as burnout, need for speed and all that crap isn' t really a racing game. Things that I' ve described are what you need to take into acount in a real racer and these were even simple examples. A real racing game makes you think about your setup almost as much as you' ll be racing in the end. In a real racer understanding how a car works with your driving style and how to set it up accordingly is a large part of you finishing first. A real racer requires you to think about your car setup for each track, predicted weather, pit-stop strategy, your place on the starting grid. A real racer does not make you show off your car or how it looks. A real racer makes you show off with your understanding of your car, how you can adapt to situations in a race, your driving skills, your concentration thoughout a race and your overal skills at driving. A racing game is not about bumping into your opponent and take them over, it' s not about showing off your car. A race driver calculates every risk that overtaking brings with it in a split second he must decide if it is a risk worth taking. Will I damage my wings and have to make an extra pitstop and lose a lot of time, will I stay on track or go off, am I even close enough to start an attack. Safety of your car and the safety of your position on the track come above everything else. In the end when you' ve managed to get the perfect setup for a track, for the situation you' re in. How you handeled with the presure when, when you' ve gone to the best of your abilities during the race and finish albeit first, second or not even on the podium brings you great satisfaction because you know that what you got was the best possible result. I know people who were bragging how good they were in NFS. I took them on. They overtake with dirty tricks. I stay behind them for a while making them nervous, because they aren' t used to any real races the make mistakes easily when under pressure. When they make a mistake a real racer overtakes cleanly and then let them bite in the dust. All those who claim to be good at racing but have to use dirty tricks will always be left seeing you finish before them. No matter how hard you try against a real racer people like that will always lose.
< Message edited by demonoroth -- 1 Aug 07 12:49:32 >
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