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What is the point of racing games?
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 05:02
Yeah well you could get in a race if you wanted to(though I doubt I' ll see you racing F1 anytime soon). You could also go and kill some people - just enlist in the army! And if you want to beat the crap out of people, preferebly black ones - just become a police officer. (Yes, this is irony) See, if you really want to, you can do most of that stuff you can do in games nowadays anyway.(at least if we are talking about games in a " real" setting) So why do you still play them?
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 05:03
But enlisting in the army would require a lifestyle change, its not a realistic possibility. I could really go and race people just spending a few hours out of my life.
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 05:05
So far there is only one racing sim fan in here. Demonoroth. What he described is a large part of why I enjoy racing games. I love the mind set you have to get in, the control and patience required and most of all, the ability to try so many things in one lap. You get to try and find the perfect line through a corner so you nail the apex, you can ride the rumble strips in area' s while others will throw you way off. Some corners are more effective if you power out of the turn, some a slow in fast out approach, and the opposite, fast in, slow out. Racing sims are for people who truly love driving, not just the speed aspect, but the true fundamentals of driving and everything that goes with it. I for one am not a fan of NFS type games. I have Carbon for ps3 and it is absolutely no challenge, if you actually know how to drive its childs play. Second, every car feels the same in it. Sure they have different grip limits and power levels, but they all fundamentally feel the same. In Gran Turismo you can feel the difference in a cars chassis and setup so immediately. Cars like the MR2 and RUF' s are fast as hell and can grip a huge amount under power in the corners, but god save you let off the throttle mid corner. Snap oversteer 4tl. The same is said for the FF cars. Some understeer so painfully its aggravating, others are tuned so well that left foot breaking makes the tail step out perfectly. Type R' s for example. Anyway, I could care less what people think of racing sims. They have a following, devs continue to make them, and I will continue to play them. Those that understand them love them, and if you can' t understand why people do, then thats your problem. Your analogy of driving fast on a highway is pointless too. Any dipshit can do that in a decent car. Its the corners that matter. Which is why for 50 years american cars went like hell in a straight line, but couldn' t corner worth a damn. The c6 vette rectify' s that, as well as the viper to an extent, but the majority still can' t handle worth shit.
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 05:16
I dont understand why someone would want to drive a in circle. on the same lap. fuck racing games!
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2007
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 05:16
And what is so fascinating about driving through corners? Grats you drove by that corner, WOW. How exciting. /yawn And grats on using other cars as cushion on that corner, because its so realistic to bump into other cars and not crash. I beat 99% of GT races by using other cars as cushion during corners, curves, etc.
< Message edited by emofag -- 30 Jul 07 21:19:04 >
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 05:19
Btw why do we pay for pokemon games? They' re all the same,and the writers behind pokemon are just amazing,I mean the only thing a pokemon can say is his own name. Must be hard to make the story / character conversation on Pokemon.
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 05:19
Mewtwo can talk. And the point of videogames is to escape the boringness of real life, theres no pokemon in real life.
< Message edited by emofag -- 30 Jul 07 21:20:05 >
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 05:24
Yeah well, it' s so fantastic because it can be challenging, especially against a human opponent. You are constantly under pressure and believe me, when you know that every little mistake means, your enemy could overtake you right there on the spot it' s surely an achievement if you manage to cross a difficult curve without losing your position. And well, what' s so exiciting about shooting people? Wow, you just took that AI soldier down. See, you can seriously simplisize ANY game to a point where it sounds utterly boring. But seriously, racing games are mostly NOT about simply driving around but about proving yourself. Either when you are racing alone how good you can control the car to get the fastest lap or, when you are racing against opponents, how good you really are and how well you can do under sometimes massive pressure.
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 05:26
ORIGINAL: Evilkiller And well, what' s so exiciting about shooting people? Wow, you just took that AI soldier down. There' s alot of other interesting things going on such as weapons, cool maps, story, etc. stuff you' d never see IRL.
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- Joined: Mar 25, 2005
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 05:34
ORIGINAL: emofag There' s alot of other interesting things going on in racing games such as cars, cool race tracks, championships, etc.
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 05:43
And what is so fascinating about driving through corners? Grats you drove by that corner, WOW. How exciting. /yawn And grats on using other cars as cushion on that corner, because its so realistic to bump into other cars and not crash. I beat 99% of GT races by using other cars as cushion during corners, curves, etc. So you played the game the cheap way. Grats. You are a fucking tool, and I could give a shit what you think.
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 06:10
Is it that time of the month again Dagashi? Go clean yourself. And please, the AI uses you as cushion too, it' s simply a game mechanic.
< Message edited by emofag -- 30 Jul 07 22:11:04 >
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 06:29
wtf is going on here,I see snakes in my roof...
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 07:54
I enjoy a racing game or two. I even have a steering wheel & peddles for the full experience. I could explain why i like the genre, but the explaination would be lost on those that will never, ever find racing games enjoyable. You don' t have to like a genre but don' t have to hate on those that do. Shheesh.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 30 Jul 07 23:55:33 >
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 13:33
I like arcade racing games. I was hooked (and i still play the shit out of it) on Manx TT Superbike for years and even though i had the Saturn version i still played the arcade version every time i saw it. My favorite racing games consist are (in no particular order): WipeOut 2097 (XL) Daytona USA & 2 Scud Race (Sega Super GT) F-Zero X & GX Super Mario Kart & Mario Kart 64 OutRun 2 Ridge Racer Type 4 Metropolis Street Racer, PGR2 & 3 ...and i think the only sim games i' ve really enjoyed is Ferrari F355 and MotoGP 3. Recently, MotorStorm and Formula One Championship Edition have impressed me and i liked what i played of Excite Truck, but i didn' t like the Forza 2 demo and i haven' t played FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage yet so even though i' ll probably buy them both anyway i can' t see myself playing them very much.
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 13:42
Since we' re going on about racers here anyway. Don' t know if any of you already saw this but this is something that has gotten me excited. I know it' s an e3 trailer but this might have passed under the radar of many people http://media.wii.ign.com/media/949/949711/vids_1.aspx It' s a trailer for Nitrobike. The thing I' m liking the most is it' s going online  while I' m more into F1 racing wouldn' t mind having a go on a nitropowered dirtbike.
< Message edited by demonoroth -- 31 Jul 07 5:44:53 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 13:47
I hate sim racing games like GT. I spent an hour driving around in a circle so I can buy a mediocre car that was vastly superior to my shitmobile, but still far below what I would want to drive in real life. I hate the GT series, it' s the most overrated videogame series. I especially hate the fans who will argue that these games have realistic physics LMAO, no it doesn' t. The physics in these sim type games are just as shitty as they are in arcade games, just in the other direction. PGR3 is the only racing game I' ve played with semi decent physics. PGR3 in the incar view is fun. It' s still a racing game so i can only play it for so long but I can see why people like it. I don' t care about tweeking the cars, nor do i care about NOS, motion blur is stupid and I don' t like shifting gears. A good racing game is one with well designed levels and good sense of speed, excellent physics and controls and of course a high frame rate. And hey if I can blow something up at the same time it makes the game that much more interesting. I used to like Xtreme-G on the N64, that was fun. The only thing that was more fun was Road Rash N64. Fuck I had a lot of fun with that. What can be more fun than shoving a crow bar in some assholes spokes at 150kph?
Joe Redifer
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 14:30
What is the point of racing games? To win and have fun! The sense of speed can also be fun if the game is good. You can' t drive on rally tracks in real life, especially at rally speed. Games like Gran Turismo suck ass. That' s not a racing game, that' s closer to a coma simulator. But games like Burnout 3 kick ass. Way more than games like Halo or Call of Duty or some other diarrhea game where you run around with a gun shooting 12 year old kids while playing online. I' d much rather shoot 12 year old kids in real life anyday. At least that way they stay dead. Much more fun.
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 18:58
ORIGINAL: emofag And the point of videogames is to escape the boringness of real life, theres no pokemon in real life. What!? That' s why you play videogames? Haha, you are pathetic Racing games are very accessible because everyone understands the basics of racing. They are quick to learn which means everyone can play them instantly, but they' re sometimes hard to master which means you can spend lots of time on them. The feeling of competition and perfection that exists in the racing genre is above all other genres. I' ve never had such a rush of competitiveness (is that a word? )in any genre as in racing games. And the ability to constantly learn each car and each track gives you a very good idea of how good you are and what you need to work on. So why am I not racing in real life? It takes waaaay more time, money, effort and risk. And with racing GAMES I can play with lots of friends, online, off-line, in the arcades, with some chips, beer (or soda whatever you drink) and just have a relaxed time feeling the rush of speed and competition without being as serious as you have to be when doing real life races. Why don' t you ask all the MILLION people who play soccer games why they don' t play soccer in real life instead of doing it on a TV-screen?!?!? That would be a much more interesting question. Their answer would probably be similar to mine.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 31 Jul 07 10:59:07 >
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RE: What is the point of racing games?
Jul 31, 2007 19:05
I don' t care about tweeking the cars, nor do i care about NOS, motion blur is stupid and I don' t like shifting gears. A good racing game is one with well designed levels and good sense of speed, excellent physics and controls and of course a high frame rate. And hey if I can blow something up at the same time it makes the game that much more interesting. F-Zero
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