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Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
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RE: Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
Jul 28, 2007 04:26
A 5 years old person can play with " WarioWare or Wii Sports" . I' m older than that A 25 years old person can do some hard sports with Wii Fit. A 50 years old person can train his/her brain with Brain Age Academy. I' m younger than that & many gamers want to play NiGHTS, Zelda, Resident Evil, and .../ Pff, last gen games ported to the Wii It' s got Metroid Prime 3 Now you' re talking!!!
Ninja Dog
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RE: Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
Jul 28, 2007 04:38
ORIGINAL: ginjirou The 360 is cheaper than the Wii, so it isn' t the price. Dude just because it' s cheaper whereever you live, it doesn' t mean it' s cheaper everywhere.
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RE: Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
Jul 28, 2007 04:49
How big can the difference be?
Ninja Dog
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RE: Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
Jul 28, 2007 04:56
Well, over here the difference is sometimes 50€, but considering that most stores here in Germany dont even stock the Core anymore, it' s 400€. But basically it' s 50€ more for a 360 and, as far as I remember, if something costs more, it' s not cheaper, eh?
< Message edited by Evilkiller -- 27 Jul 07 21:57:16 >
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RE: Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
Jul 28, 2007 04:56
Wii sells because it has more appeal and to a bigger audience.. More appeal... " After your done lifting your leg on Wii-fit, you can try ' lifting your other leg' . And after your done swinging your Wiimote around like a bafoon... you can do it again in a running motion!"
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RE: Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
Jul 28, 2007 04:59
as far as I remember, if something costs more, it' s not cheaper, eh? I God, your logic does not fit my brain! Total overload arghh!
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RE: Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
Jul 28, 2007 07:07
The 360 is cheaper than the Wii, so it isn' t the price Not its not. 360 with a game = 480$ Buy a wii and you get wii sports for 250$ Yes I know there is certain bundles and demos out for 360 etc but still. 360 is more expensive then a fucking wii. Don' t compare control cost,compare the console.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
Jul 28, 2007 07:46
Canadian prices: Wii is 280$ CAD 360 Core is 400$ CAD (I can' t find these anywhere anymore) 360 Premium is 500$ CAD 360 Elite is 550 CAD PS3 60 GB is 550$ CAD PS3 80 GB is 700$ CAD The CAD by the way is getting real close to the US dollar. It' s rising so fast Candian banks will try to keep it down to protect exports and manufacturing in Canada. Right now it' s close to 100->95 cents US. Everyone expects the CAD to pass the US dollar next year.
Ninja Dog
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RE: Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
Jul 28, 2007 08:21
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Besides you seem to assume the article states more likely to earn more than 360 or PS3 owners. When it mearly states more likely to earn over 100 000$ compared to non Wii owners. Keep in mind that there are more than three consoles being surveyed here! When was it ever implied in any of my comments that Wii owners Earn more the 360/ps3 owners? Please direct me to the specific comment? This has NOTHING to do with the other consoles so i don' t know where you got this idea from. You know what? Its still entirely *possible* that 360 or ps3 fans earn around the same amount or even more then the ' average' Wii owners, however the evidence proves the Average Wii owner is far from a poor family who only choose the Wii because its the only one they could afford. So let me re-phrase the malicious quote for the simple minded: Wii households are more likely to to have a sum income over 100 000$ compared with people without Wii' s. This does not mean that Wii owners mostly live in households with an income above 100 000$, it only means they are more likey to see above that. However, most people surveyed do NOT HAVE A NEXT GEN CONSOLE. Maybe they only have N64' s,Xbox, Sega Genesis, Playstation 1, Turbografx etc. You still have failed to prove anything. Your only making assumptions (that are not based on facts) to maintain your POV. It was the Neilson survey that makes they assumption that Wii owners in general are ' Upscale' , not me. They arrived at that conclusion by carefully studying the Statistically significant data they gathered. How did you come to your conclusion? Your utter hatred for the Wii - that makes it fact now doesn' t it? Puhlease. Again if you can find me evidence to support your assumptions, or any evidence that discredits the Neilson survey, please direct me to the appropriate link. Otherwise it is YOU who are talking shit not me. Terrak please don' t tell me that the you' re surprised that housholds with a new console make more money than those with older hardware. Whom by the way outnumber Wii owners by a great deal. Also, you mustn' t forget that many Wii owners also own a 360 and/or PS3. Entirely possible but such conclusions cannot be considered facts with the evidence at hand. Agent Ghost>Terrak What ever you' d like to believe. Questionable sources are they? Again provide me CREDIBLE evidence to support your claims - thats right you never can back up your opinions with facts. I don' t care what you say, the price point of the Wii is one of the factors why it is selling so well to non-traditional gamers That is exactly my point. It is a reason the Wii sells but hardly the ONLY reason it sells as Agent claims. So if you are dissapointed in Nintendo Wii your automaticly a 360 fanboy? Id rather put it this way if your overly positive for the nintendo wii your a nintendo fanboy. We like games, all in all, and the Wii isnt providing yet, so there is no reason for us to be positive. mention 5 games from wii release to know that is been 100% worth your money? I cant even find a single one yet in europe i want to play! Give it time, i' m sure more titles will come. However if you are looking for 360/ps3 type games then you are looking in the wrong place because i believe the Wii ain' t gonna provide those types of games. Alright let me break it down. The reason why there is a ruckus here is one fact. The majority of people here cannot believe it is even *possible* that, even if money was not an object (ie House hold earns more then sufficient income) when given a choice which of the 3 console they prefer they would chose the Wii. It is completely impossible to imagine that a Wii could be chosen over either a ps3/360, (regardless of evidence to suggest otherwise). To do so would admit the viability of the Wiimote (motion controls) hence the desperate attempts to undermine credible evidence provided. So let me conclude. The Wii sells because - It is cheaper Of the Wiimote Because of Hype/ Good marketing/ word of mouth Appeals to more audiences So if sells due to a combination of reasons, and not 1 reason alone.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 28 Jul 07 0:27:49 >
Agent Ghost
The Dark Knight
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RE: Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
Jul 28, 2007 08:43
Terrak please explain your point if you didn' t imply that the Wii owners are so upscale that price cannot be a factor for them. As I understand it this whole thread is you trying to convince us that Wii owners are not price conscience, by making them look like they are rich compared to 360 and PS3 owners. -You misinterpreted and exaggerated the phrase " more likely to make more than 100 000$" . It in no shape or form does it say how much more they make over none Wii owners. -You may not have mentioned the PS3 or 360 but it was obvious that you had them on your mind. We mentioned them and you didn' t correct us on your POV. It' s clear that you wanted to show us that Wii owners didn' t buy Wii because they thought the other two were too expensive. -However as I said three times already, this section of article mearly says that people with newer consoles are more likely to make high salaries compared to people who only have older consoles. It has nothing to do with 360, PS3 or even Wii. That conclusion from the article was displayed in a completely stupid fashion. You made a bum conclusion derived from a bum conclusion. Another thing, stop twisting my words. I stated that Wii wouldn' t be selling so fast if it was priced the same as 360 or PS3. Believing otherwise is nuts. I never said it has no good qualities. If you want proof all I have to do is make a graph in a few years showing the correlation with sales and sticker price of all three consoles. Infact maybe I' ll do just that. If you want evidence today, just look at what happened to PS3 sales with the price drop. This will show in my graph, which will only be the start of momentum in PS3 sales, once a greater drop happens sales will increas that much more. If I wanted, I could even include game sales in this graph. Watch how quickly a consloe with no games loses sales after it loses it' s price advantage.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 28 Jul 07 0:55:38 >
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RE: Wii sells only because its cheap? BS! Study finds average Wii owner ' upscale'
Jul 28, 2007 17:10
Terrak, I think you misunderstood what I meant by population. I didn' t mean the population of the US as a whole because I know Nielsen & Co didn' t survey 400 million people. I meant the survey population. Now from what I remember they surveyed 12,000 households with approx 33,000 individuals. What I was looking for was the average income of that " population" within the survey. Sorry if I was unclear. That was the piece of information that I think is so critical to see - and I still have not seen it. But none of that matters anyway. I' m not sure why but you seem to take offense to what I wrote which was not intended to be offensive in any way. I just wanted to get a simple straight conversation going and you basically outright call me a 360 fanboy. I know this thread is about you disproving something but as I specified before your overall demeanor (taking into account other posts) seems incredibly biased. With regards to fanboy treatment, you may have not been around but Quez was unceremoniously kicked out and dissed for his super pro views of the 360. He' s back but seems to have cooled off a bit. Another bloke called GaNgStA was again dissed until he left because he had stupid fanboy tendencies too. A couple of PS3 super pro users (I forgot their names) seem to have gone into lurking or left because no one liked their biased views. You can continue to do whatever you want. I' m just trying to give advice on how to not piss off everyone around here because you' re one of the few who can actually construct a coherent argument. I' m done now anyway. This thread is old and I know how it' s going to end up.
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