All our debacle about the wii has left me thinkings some.
It seems to me that with next gen games the devs are being divided into two groups, those who get it, and those who dont (leaving nintendo out of it for now)
Some devs are jumping on board, creating next generation games with success, making the visuals seem a huge upgrade from last generation, both in visuals, but also in other effects as well.
But looking at the games released, it seems to me that some devs lack the skill to create next gen games (from a graphic standpoint) Though some of the titles ill mention is multiplatform, there is no reason why they havent done atleat a bit of effort. The gun and tonyhawk games look terrible, Tenchu (there are more ofcourse) but if we look at whats supposed to be AAA games which are still underway, look at Too Human, the models look great in screenshots, but when they start moving it makes you want to curl your toes, and when they open their mouthes they seem just empty husks compared to Mass Effect videos. Also Kane & Lynch seems to have some trouble with the next gen consoles, the game seems good but by Xbox standards.
How does nintendo fit in?
Well Nintendo choose to leave them selves out of the next gen race (this isnt about controllers) from a standpoint of what power is in the consoles, and they are doing good in the category they choose.
The nintendo devs can sit down, relax and create games with nearly the same specifications they could with the GC, which will lead to better all around games (but previous gen games none the less)
When nintendo, in 4-5 years time release a new console will it be as the consoles we have now? or as powerful as the counnterparts from Sony and MS? or will it only be a slight improvement from the Wii?
My thoughts go towards whether or not skipping 5 years of programminig for powerfull hardware is going to be hard to nintendo, will they be able to catch up?
Maybe the choose not to make a next gen console because they didnt want to put in the money it requires to make next gen games?
I hope my ranting makes a bit of sense atleast