Leipzig Speaker Lineup

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Leipzig Speaker Lineup - Jul 21, 2007 08:32
Julian Eggebrecht (USA)
Peter Molyneux (UK)
Michael Capps, Epic Games (USA)
Mark Rein, Epic Games (USA)
Mark Morris, Introversion Software (UK)
Ken Ralston, Big Huge Games (USA)
Cathy Campos, Panache (UK)
Doug Whatley, Break Away (USA)
Michael Lewis, Cryptic Studios (USA)
George Bain (UK)
Christopher Schmitz, 10Tacle Studios (Germany)
Dr. Michael Wimmer, The University of Vienna (Austria
Alexander Fernández, Streamline Studios (The Netherlands)
Amir Taaki, Crystalspace (Finland)
Jeff Strain, ArenaNet (USA)
Vlad Ihora, Telia Sonora (Sweden)
Barbara Lippe, Avaloop (Austria)
Pamela Kato, The GamerX (USA)
Uwe Nikl, Level 3 (UK)
Matt Firor, Ultra Mega Games (USA)
Konstantin Ewald, Osborne Clark (Germany)
John Smedley, Sony Online Entertainment (USA)
Cindy Armstrong, Webzen (USA)
Jennifer MacLean, Comcast Interactive Media (USA)
Chris Mottes, Deadline Games (Denmark)
Jeff Hickman, EA Mythic (USA)
Jeffrey Steefel, Turbine, Inc. (USA)
Don Daglow, Stormfront Studios (USA)
Jason Manley, Massive Black (USA)
Patric Palm, Hansoft (Sweden)

Eggebrecht, Moleneux, and Rein are the only ones that jump off the page. Still should be a good show though. I' m hoping for something from Brothers in Arms, a demo or walkthrough perhaps.