MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again...

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MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 08:23

" A reliable tipster has whispered in X3F' s ear that the Rumor Mole section in the latest issue of OXM claims a " bankable source" confirmed that Metal Gear Solid 4 would be coming to the Xbox 360"

Now before someone get angry for another rumor thread since we heard it tons of times like when Assassins creed would come to 360 or DMC4 or even VF5.

Can' t they just admit it now?
I mean seriously its just so annoying and ***ed up to wait with the announcemnt.

Whatst he ***ing deal?
Why hide these facts as long as you can?
What do these third party developers get from it.

If MGS4 is announced for 360 later which we pretty much already know it will.
Lets all send Konami an e-mail telling them to *** off and grew up with this BS about hiding stuff.

Ubi soft were atleast funny,playing Assassins creed on a xbox360 claiming its only coming to ps3.
Atleast they had a sense of humor.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 20 Jul 07 0:24:11 >
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Vx Chemical
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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 08:27
Maybe MGS was played on a 360

I believe its coming, Sony paid Konami to shut up about it, maybe even untill after release!

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 08:30
I know Ubi soft offered sony to pay for them making it exclusive but sony turning it down,probably because of them losing enouhg money as it is already.

But agreed on to have it said to be exclusive during e3.

So perhaos there was a payment.

But if that is true we should all hate sony for paying devlopers to lie to people and misslead them.
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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 09:46
IF they paid developers to lie & mislead them, then why didn' t they just pay to secure exclusivity.

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 10:30
Now this is the meaning of retardation, for ***s sakes, Kojima himself was the one saying this WONT happen so now is just ridiculous to say " a reliable source bla bla bla" fuk off idiots

For heavens sakes even fuking Peter Moore said it wont come to the 360

- Microsoft' s coporate VP Peter Moore confirmed that Konami' s Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will not be coming to Xbox 360, the game remains as a PS3 exclusive title.

So everyone stating that MGS4 will be coming to the 360 is nothing more than a gay retard
< Message edited by fernandino -- 20 Jul 07 2:31:13 >

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 11:32
Seriously I start wondering why that friggin rumor is so persistent. I mean this one has been alive for YEARS. I somehow doubt it' s all smoke and mirrors, there has to be something true about it. Either Konami had or still have plans to release MGS4 360 or there is coming something else for 360 that is somehow connected to the MGSverse.

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 11:52
< Message edited by mastachefbkw -- 20 Jul 07 3:52:56 >

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 12:39

ORIGINAL: Evilkiller

Seriously I start wondering why that friggin rumor is so persistent. I mean this one has been alive for YEARS. I somehow doubt it' s all smoke and mirrors, there has to be something true about it. Either Konami had or still have plans to release MGS4 360 or there is coming something else for 360 that is somehow connected to the MGSverse.

I would say thats the case, but shit, even Peter Moore said it wont come, the only reason on earth for him to say that would be if thats the case.

I bet my ass this is all MS´s doing, forcing people on their payroll to post such ridiculous statements just after Kojima himself said it will be exclusive, just to keep the hopes of silly xbots alive.

< Message edited by fernandino -- 20 Jul 07 4:40:20 >

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 12:48
I think the MGS games are slightly overrated...

Agent Ghost
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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 13:01

I think the MGS games are slightly overrated...

So do I, especially the early ones. MGS4 looks kickass though.

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 13:29

...[:' (]

Vx Chemical
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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 15:34
Its not like devs havent denied anything before. If they start saying No comment, or there are no plans for a 360 release right now, people will know for sure its coming. I think the 360 install base is too large to ignore for the investors at konami!

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 16:02
edit. fuk, wrong thread
< Message edited by fernandino -- 20 Jul 07 8:35:02 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 16:06

not this bullshit AGAIN


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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 20:58

Now this is the meaning of retardation, for ***s sakes, Kojima himself was the one saying this WONT happen

So did the producer of DMC4 and Assassins creed say too,its not up to them,they doesnt decied what to do in the end.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 21:56
Kojima is a respected and skilled developer.
But just like all the other respected devs he is nothing more than a corporate puppet. When the stockholders talks money and pull the strings he follows suit.

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 22:11

When the stockholders talks money and pull the strings he follows suit.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 22:15
Exactly. It doesn' t matter much what Kojima feels about this. Look at the Gamecube : Viewtiful Joe, Resident Evil 4 and Killer 7 were all supposed to be exclusive according to the creators at Capcom. And what happened then? They ALL appeared on other consoles. Because the bosses as Capcom decided so. It didn' t matter if the creator of RE4 said he wanted it to be an exclusive earlier.

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 20, 2007 22:20
Capcom also claimed Lost planet and DMC4 would be exclusive,which they happend to not be either so...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 21, 2007 06:32


Capcom also claimed Lost planet and DMC4 would be exclusive,which they happend to not be either so...

Sony also claimed DMC4 to be exclusive??? i never heard them claim that DMC4 had an exclusive deal with them, but they are saying it with MGS4. To me is fuking ridiculous, it looks like the game is gonna pass the 25 gb., it makes extensive use of the sixasix controller, it was demoed running real time in an PS3 console, Kojima and SONY PR' s and even Peter Moore have claimed it will never come to the 360, it has never been confirmed for anything but PlayStation 3, and yet, a retard in the official xbox magazine " claims" that it will come " soon after" the release in the PS3, fuk them, thats clearly an attempt to cast doubt in the 360 consumers for keeping them from buying a PS3 in hopes that their hype fades away waiting for the game to be announced for the 360, now thats fuking stupid
< Message edited by fernandino -- 20 Jul 07 22:41:06 >

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 21, 2007 06:43
People like you spoke the same thing about DMC4,VF5 and Assassins creed.

MGS4 was supposed to come out in 07 its coming 08 now,you cant take konami by their word.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 21, 2007 06:51


People like you spoke the same thing about DMC4,VF5 and Assassins creed.

But tell me, did sony ever say any of those games had an exclusive deal???, shit, with VF5 and Assassins Creed not even the developers nor the publishers said that, when asked about the matter they just answered " not comments"

MGS4 was supposed to come out in 07 its coming 08 now,you cant take konami by their word.

Now thats an stupid statement to make, then we cant take the word of any company who delays a game??? then we would only trust Naughty Dog, games get delayed, thats just too common in this business
< Message edited by fernandino -- 20 Jul 07 22:52:37 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 21, 2007 07:03
Its as silly denying its a possibility as its silly saying its possible.

Im guessing it will be released on the 360, and its not because im a stupid fanboy like Fernando would like to say.

It' s simply very good buisness releasing it. SixAxis is little more than a gimmick that can be worked around more easily.

Only time will tell, stop calling people idiots because they believe different from you!

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 21, 2007 07:08

ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical

Im guessing it will be released on the 360, and its not because im a stupid fanboy like Fernando would like to say.

would never say that, i know you are not a fanboy, btw the only one im calling stupid is the retard who made the article since thats pure made up bullshit, im not calling anyone here stupid.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 20 Jul 07 23:08:46 >

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 21, 2007 07:10
No,I meant that they said the game is coming 2007,then all these multipolattform rumor shows up and then the game delays,might be a coincidence though,but who knows.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: MGS4 to xbox360 rumor again... - Jul 21, 2007 07:16
Well, games get delayed too often, and you know the attention Kojima puts into detail, besides, the character models in MGS4 are the clearly the best, now, consider how many main characters there are in this game, its takes a lot of time to model those, i knew the game would get delayed since the beginning, and to be frank with you, i would be surprised if it comes so near the original release window.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 20 Jul 07 23:17:59 >