sorry that ur head hurts but obviously english is not my first language and it' s a hard language.
I know what you mean and even I don' t care and lots of times I find those people to be idiots cuz they really are. I am different, I like to think, which is why I didn' t like ur comment cuz what I thought was that you have a stereotypical opinion about " stoners" and you do; but I' m not like that, trust me. And usually I don' t tell pepople how stoned I am cuz I kno they don' t give a shit (when I am actually high). I thought I' d mention that I was stoned in that picture because my eyes were red and halfway closed, just in case anyone was wondering cuz I don' t usually look like that. If you still think I' m one of those college dumbasses then at this point I can' t do anything about it so I' ll leave it at this.
BTW, nice website (

, thanx for the link
**you' re sentence should' ve been like this:
I am not anti-weed it' s just that out of everyone I' ve personally known that
have used it, they are usually the typical dumbass college
students who
say things like " oooooohh man I am soooo stoned right now" like anyone cares if they are stoned or not.
< Message edited by KiLLeR -- 21 Jan 06 0:50:54 >