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RE: Post your picture!
Sep 04, 2004 01:53
LOL Paul, people call me Kendra or Jennifer... i look like someone that everyone knows (but of course i go by a variety of names and i am all over the world) Did that just make sense?
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2004
RE: Post your picture!
Sep 05, 2004 09:23
And this is me with my ace bass guitar. Awww. What is that? An Ltd.?
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: Post your picture!
Sep 05, 2004 13:37
Heh, yeah Rikka that just about made sense ^_^ Clyde, it' s not. It' s a Stagg BJC 3000 ' gothic black' Bass Gutar (apparently). Got it for £200 complete with amp, leads, strap and useless ' pitch pipe' .
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 03, 2005 15:52
maybe it shouldnt post my pic, i dont want people to be jeaious....
Adam Doree
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- Joined: Feb 19, 2003
- Location: Leicester Square
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 03, 2005 16:38
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 03, 2005 16:41
Hey you look just like that A. Doree guy! Oh waitaminute.... At the next E3 you need to deliver a message to Mr. Jackson' s camcorder.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 03, 2005 17:08
I remember i seen you on gamezville adam, oh how you have grown!
Adam Doree
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- Joined: Feb 19, 2003
- Location: Leicester Square
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 03, 2005 20:19
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber I remember i seen you on gamezville adam, oh how you have grown! Hmmm, I am pretty sure most of those photos were taken before my TV appearance. So don' t know what that means! By the way if anyone is curious to see the feature about Kikizo that aired on Sky One a few months back I can provide a link.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 03, 2005 21:00
Hey you look just like that A. Doree guy! Oh waitaminute.... You should see him in person, he' s quite a towering figure, around 6' 11 in height! I had to look almost straight up into the sky when talking to him :D At the next E3 you need to deliver a message to Mr. Jackson' s camcorder. Actually I' d prefer that he ' accidentally' knocks me into one of the Nintendo booth babes 
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 03, 2005 22:11
Most of the pics don' t work anymore I will look for one of me to put up
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 04, 2005 00:41
Yes Adam, I' d like to see that. Was that a PAL/Europe only show? The web would definitely be the only way I' d be able to see it if that is the case. I used to have a pic or two of Terry, but they got lost when I upgraded computers. I think. I' ll have to search the archives. if I can find one then I' ll post it. I don' t think I will be able to though.
Adam Doree
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- Joined: Feb 19, 2003
- Location: Leicester Square
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 04, 2005 06:56
Here is the feature. It was aired on Sky One (probably the largest satellite channel in the UK) September 4th 2004. CLICK HERE Now back on topic, post your pictures, it' s fun.
vanswa garbutt
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- Joined: Aug 26, 2004
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 04, 2005 16:13
I dont have a pic ethier.
Adam Doree
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- Joined: Feb 19, 2003
- Location: Leicester Square
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 04, 2005 16:16
ORIGINAL: vanswa garbutt I dont have a pic ethier. I find that very hard to believe...! ;-) Come on everyone, we have to make topic like this work for future generations of the Kikizo forum! :)
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 04, 2005 16:20
Beg, borrow or steal cameras or something, then scan them and throw them online ^_^ I' ll be nice to see the faces of some people here. Adam, just saw that video... what’s this about all the money made from the site you did before Kikizo? It’s cool to have a picture of you but didn' t have you as blonde in my head though. Hehe.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 04, 2005 16:21
It was a bad hair day.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 04, 2005 16:40
do you guys really want to see a pic of me?
Adam Doree
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- Joined: Feb 19, 2003
- Location: Leicester Square
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 04, 2005 17:11
ORIGINAL: whatabout_paul Beg, borrow or steal cameras or something, then scan them and throw them online ^_^ I' ll be nice to see the faces of some people here. Yes, do it. ORIGINAL: whatabout_paul Adam, just saw that video... what’s this about all the money made from the site you did before Kikizo? It’s cool to have a picture of you but didn' t have you as blonde in my head though. Hehe. Not exactly made - but raised. GamerWeb was funded in 2000 by venture capitalists some years after it existed as SegaWeb (1998), and was eventually sold in 2002 after some rocky months. There was not much in the way of cash involved by that stage but the commitment to buy and operate it was around 10% of that originally invested. Not a total failure but I didn' t like the way it ended up. The TV afterlife of the site had little to do with me and nowadays it' s pretty much gone forever, except for at archive.org. Kikizo started in Feb 2003 and I see it as an extension of the work that a committed group of staff carried out on GW over the years, however it' s a new thing at the same time. That' s the story. ;-)
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 04, 2005 17:24
Woah, I remember Gamerweb, closer to its first incarnation in 2000; before the TV people had anything to do with it anyway. I didn' t visit the place with any regularity but defiantly remember the site layout and logo. I do remember hearing some rumblings of a Gamerweb TV show or channel or something but on sky. I' ve only got NTL so I didn' t listen too closely after that.
Adam Doree
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- Joined: Feb 19, 2003
- Location: Leicester Square
RE: Post your picture!
Jan 04, 2005 17:32
ORIGINAL: whatabout_paul Woah, I remember Gamerweb, closer to its first incarnation in 2000; before the TV people had anything to do with it anyway. I didn' t visit the place with any regularity but defiantly remember the site layout and logo. I do remember hearing some rumblings of a Gamerweb TV show or channel or something but on sky. I' ve only got NTL so I didn' t listen too closely after that. You know, I still get on with the people who bought GamerWeb, the same guys responsible for the whole TV thing, but I think they would be the first to admit that the GamerWeb TV show was never going to last. They are still successfuly running three (on last count) channels on Sky and from what I understand they are profitable (it' s mostly SMS text type programming all day, good for £ but not exactly my cup of tea). Certainly the people who ran GamerWeb pre 2002, including several who now work for Kikizo, and even those who moved on elsewhere (come out wherever you are) would agree that the site was always abou how it used to be back in those days of the DC/PS2 launch era. Oh well. We learnt a lot.
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