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Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 23, 2003 20:21
...and possibly your Gamertag as well. For me it would have to be Unreal Championship, with GR coming in second. I love the fast paced environment that UC brings to the table, and the slow paced strategic environment that GR has. BTW me gamertag is Yoshimitsu. So what are your favorite games?
Adam Doree
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 23, 2003 20:57
It doesn' t launch over in the UK until March 14... but the BETA testing has been going on for a while now. At X02 last year my favourite title was Moto GP, but to be honest we' re expecting more. We' ve got a pretty impressive kit from Microsoft but what I' m looking forward to is what they reveal at this year' s E3, not only will LIVE be in full swing, but the new smaller Xbox will be unveiled, and HALO2 will be tearing the house down. Have you seen our interview with J about Xbox Live? He talks about some cool stuff. http://games.kikizo.com/features/j_allard_int1.asp
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 23, 2003 21:15
Yup, like Adam, i am from the UK and xbox live hasnt launched yet but i can tell you now that i am getting moist from the anticipation  .. I have UC, & like the fast paced action but i have to say that i prefer the more controlled and steady pace of Halo .. But lets not talk about Halo 2 just yet the moistness will advace to dripping! .. ..::GhOZt::..
' Im old enough to know better but young enough to not give a fuck!'
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 23, 2003 23:14
I think NFL 2K3 since I play it the most and have the best record I' m like 22-10 0r 22-9
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 23, 2003 23:19
moist?[:' (]
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 23, 2003 23:44
moist? [:' (] ^Yup .. Like i said .. dont mention Halo 2 or it will be dripping  !.. ..::GhOZt::..
' Im old enough to know better but young enough to not give a fuck!'
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 24, 2003 00:11
I hang out over at Blueyonder' s forums so much that I forget that Live hasn' t launched over there yet. If you guys need to know about something on Live or one it Live' s games just give me a shout and I' ll help you out best I can.
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 24, 2003 01:14
My fav are UC, and MA my Gamertag is extreem
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 24, 2003 01:57
I don' t have LIVE yet, but Unreal Champ was pretty fun when I play it with a friend of mine. Man.. I have SO many things I wanna buy.
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 24, 2003 02:13
I cant wait until u get live :)
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 24, 2003 16:20
Well I am also from the UK, as you know Yoshi  but I signed up for the Beta testing and have been playing for a while. I have Unreal Championship, Ghost Recon and MotoGP (bought the full game after playing the LIVE demo). The game that works best on LIVE has to be MotoGP. It is almost lag free, even against American players, has great graphics, great gameplay and I love the lobby feature after races where you can all talk, discuss the race and have a laugh. It is a really social experience. The game that works worst is Ghost Recon - very laggy, hard to find stable games etc. However, when it works it is another fantastic experience. A nice slow, strategic game with tons of variety in game modes. Voice comm adds a whole new dimension to this type of game and really helps both in gameplay and in atmosphere. Unreal Championship is " greatish" (a Pierreism). I love UT2003, but as Yoshi knows, I have struggled to get into UC. Nice level design, nice graphics, crap framerate and unbalanced character classes sums it up for me. Championship mode solves the character class issue though and the patch is supposed to help the framerate so there is hope yet. Most of my problems with this game stem from the fact that I am too used to playing Ut2003 and find the control and slight differences restrictive and annoying now. Regardless of my issues with the game I would strongly recommend it to anyone who buys Xbox LIVE. Overall I would rate MotoGP my favourite just now, but I am really looking forward to Capcom vs SNK2 and Halo 2.
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 24, 2003 18:41
Yes, hopefully the patch will fix UC. GR has lag but not too bad for me, the worst thing about it isn' t playing, it' s joining the damn game. It takes me around 8 tries to join a friend' s game on average. And I agree about MotoGP. It' s a great game to sit back and relax, and race your friends to your own tunes (not that crappy techno they provided). Just a funny little story before I leave. The last time I played MotoGP Pierre2k and a bunch of people that I know from GW. The game was raging and Pierre says something like, " I hope you guys don' t slag me for soudning like grounds keeper Willie" . Everyone started laughing and was like, " WTF did you say?" . I talk a bit of Scottish me self so I translated. Then everyone asked if he was wearing a kilt...some people are idiots...
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 24, 2003 19:29
This question is easy...... UC, of course!!! My gamertag is deadmeat.
Later, deadmeat xbox live gamertag: deadmeat
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 24, 2003 22:59
Posted by Yoshi: " The game was raging and Pierre says something like, " I hope you guys don' t slag me for soudning like grounds keeper Willie" . Everyone started laughing and was like, " WTF did you say?" . I talk a bit of Scottish me self so I translated. Then everyone asked if he was wearing a kilt...some people are idiots... " LOL, I can' t believe you remember that. I ended up repeating myself like 3 times in the slowest voice possible and you were still the only person who had a clue what I was saying. I think I need you around to translate whenever I play on American servers Yoshi. /me goes to draw up a contract signing Yoshi as his official spokesperson.
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 25, 2003 02:12
Oh, Yoshi remembers alright...remembers many things. Yoshi has made many enemies on Xbox Live...and he remembers...
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 25, 2003 23:54
Hey Yoshi... You remember our deal right? As soon as I get LIVE, you' ll kill 2 people for me, right? *glares at Eman and Pres Agent* ;)
< Message edited by eyerule -- 2/25/2003 11:57:46 PM >
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 25, 2003 23:57
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 26, 2003 00:01
Oh no no no no, my dear friend. I' m just gonna put a hit on you. I won' t be doing the killing. Bwhahaha!
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- Location: Southern New England, USA
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 26, 2003 02:16
Yes, Yoshi remembers...I shall see to their...untimely accidents...
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RE: Favorite Xbox Live games...
Feb 26, 2003 02:42
Favorite LIVE games? 1st and formost, Unreal Championship! I love the depth and variety of maps. Teamwork in CTF is utra crucial and with voice chat is a dream come true. I experience near zero lag when playing (except for when people stupidly host with too slow of a connection). My type of game, the more you play the better you get. VIP oWnzz yOu!!!1 2nd Mechassault. Good for a change of pace, kinda senseless killing now until the CTF download comes out though. Still fun and a great diversion from my usual UC sessions. 3rd is Ghost Recon. I hardly play it at all though. I don' t like movement much, straffing and walking sideways moves slower than forward and feels awkward and un-natural to me (I know it' s suppose to be realisitc, but to me it feels sluggish). And also becuase it' s so difficult to find a open game server (a glitch that will be fixed soon). Once Counterstrike or Raven Shield is released I will probably never touch it again. *Realize this will all change once PSO is out.
-Rekwest [img]http://re-kwest.com/images/ucbanner.JPG[/img]