Eurogamer: So you' ll have missed the Microsoft conference as well... Peter Moore seemed to be saying they' re in a tight race with the Wii, while PS3 is lagging behind. What' s your perspective on that?
David Reeves: Globally, I can' t really comment. I would say that in the UK, Xbox 360 is doing okay. I would say in Continental Europe it' s about dead. In Japan it' s dead. I think it' s doing very well in the US if that is the case and 360 is still outselling ps3 with 2-1 then what is ps3 then?
Now dont give me the,well he said its selling very well in USA bs,In Japan ps3 sells around 5k more then 360 per week,that is like 15k more per month,is that good numbers in Japan?
15k molre units per month then 360.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Jul 07 18:12:50 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.