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Sugoi Cless
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  • Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Right...... - Feb 24, 2003 01:44
Why did you invite me Adam? o.O I thought you didn' t like me...... after banning me for calling you " Adam Dorkee" few years back O.o. You' re probably gonna ban me now aren' t you cause I called you Dorkee again :p.
The Amazing Cless! Sugoi Cless!!

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RE: Right...... - Feb 24, 2003 18:52
<Dr Evil tone>Right............

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RE: Right...... - Feb 24, 2003 19:15
^ Mixed with a little Scouse (Liverpool Accent) .. Interesting combination ..
' Im old enough to know better but young enough to not give a fuck!'

Adam Doree
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RE: Right...... - Feb 25, 2003 00:43
Forgive and forget right? Even though you are from Liverpool...

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RE: Right...... - Feb 25, 2003 01:28
aright aright calm down calm down

You get the guns, I drive the f**kin car - Lock, Stock and Two Smoking barrels