Best, Worst, And Most Unique Platform Characters

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Best, Worst, And Most Unique Platform Characters - Aug 23, 2004 18:37
Consider all of platform titles (like Mario and Sonic) that have been produced throughout the years...

Now, pick the character that you feel best respresents the genre.

With the best out of the way, go to the opposite end of the spectrum...and pick the absolute worst character.

Now, pick the platform-title character that you believe to be most unique.

My pick for best platform-title character: Spyro - Gotta love that young dragon fighting the ' good' fight...a role model for all kids!

My pick for worst platform-title character: Sonic - sometimes moves too fast to really see what you' re doing...takes away from the enjoyment of the game.

My pick for most unique platform-title character: Ty: The Tasmanian Tyger - Love that Aussie accent and those boomerangs!!!
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RE: Best, Worst, And Most Unique Platform Characters - Aug 23, 2004 18:45
I gotta go with Klonoa as one of the best..

Worst? hmmm I might have to go with either BUBSY or Kao.

Unique? For now I might have to go with Rayman.. Such a kute appealing character.

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RE: Best, Worst, And Most Unique Platform Characters - Aug 23, 2004 23:35
I don' t know if you can call him the most original now, but Sonic is pretty cool (surprise surprise. Sorry, I' m a big fan). DaRoosh65, your reasons for not liking him are the same reasons many people do like him. There was nothing cooler on the Megadrive than moving so fast that the entire screen couldn' t even keep up with you! Back in those days that was great and you could get away with it. Alas, the Sonic Advance games suffer from too many bottomless pits and while they don' t render the game un-joyable do seem to do a good job of making you worry about how fast you' re going in a game that’s supposed to be all about speed. The 3D games also suffer by placing you on a ' track' . Fall off the track and you die. What about a field with maybe a floor? Why is that so hard to do?

I' m not qualified to pick a worst and most unique character though, not playing many other platformers, no recent ones anyway. And Mario can' t be classed in any of the remaining categories. He’s kind of on the same line of greatness as the blue spiky one, in my eyes.