So I was like -Hey wtf you looking at

and that zombie was like fu and looked at me

so eeee

I took up my bat and destroyed his ***ing ***ing head
And then I was like wtf theres 1000 more of these zombies and I was like fu

and I took my Chainsaw and eeeh I killed them and

some ***ing boss was like ***ing in the way

so I ***e dhim over

and its zombie blood everywher and *** that shit

But I helped some stupid surivors becaue im kick-ass

but if some zombie look at me he better take cover im pissed off now.
ps! the save thing suck in DR but at the same time its kind of cool because it force U to pay attention and play good and make choices since you cant do everything in one play through.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 3 Jul 07 17:50:57 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.