SEGA are sooo Underrated in these kinda of polls.
Every person i know who' s played Shenmue, absolutely LOVE it. The game is amazing when you
really think about it. The QTE worked wonders, the fighting system is just excellently executed and still dam unique. One of the best ever musical scores to boot too. Certainly should be in the Top 5.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Who ever remembers first booting up the game must understand where im coming from. A Classic in every department. Still one of the slickest, stylish, most balanced, best looking 2d bitmaped games ever devised IMO. Just look at the title screen FFS! 16 years on and Still the best.
Panzer Dragoon Saga
OMFG, why is this game so underrated when it' s easily one of the best god dam games ever created. :(
Also, people love to point out how M64 was a big step for 3d gaming but seem to forget how big an impact SEGA arcade games such as Virtua Racing and Virtua fighter contributed towards the transistion into 3d gaming. Both set a standards in how we play or expect from each genre. Even down to ' view points' (VR).. it pisses me off when people go on about M64 introducing the first 3d camera angles in games when it was actually SEGA' s Virtua Racing that did this.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 5 Jul 07 7:50:02 >