What company has revolutionized games forever?

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What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 21, 2004 15:30
This is a hard choice because there is so many good companies out there but It all has to come down to one and I would say EA Games because there are very consistent and just keep going and going, they have superb games and I think they have done pretty good. What do you think?

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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 21, 2004 16:33
There are so many different genres but i will go with SEGA for many reasons and one of them being the games that Yu Suzuki has been involved in. I definately think SEGA made the racing genre what it is.

I dont like EA but i think they revolutionized publishers strategies.

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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 21, 2004 18:26
I believe Sega is a good choice, not only for their racing games like Daytona USA, but for all the other franchises they helped to establish...like Sonic, Panzer Dragoon, and Knights.
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.

Terry Bogard
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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 21, 2004 18:44
Definitely SEGA!

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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 21, 2004 19:21
Sega is up there, but they are, and will always remain, a distant, DISTANT second to Nintendo.
Kikizo Staff Writer

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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 21, 2004 20:22
Gunna have to go with Blizzard. I know, yeah they may not have created the very first of the game genras but definatly made a huge impact and brought light to RTS. The fact remains that I dont think that they have put out a game of sub-par quality, but then again they dont have as many titles as other companys such as SEGA.

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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 22, 2004 11:54
Sega were really the first company to take gaming to the masses. They are responsible for some of the greatest games/characters of all times and should never be forgotten. Nintendo are more ' hardcore' in my opinion. Less popular but more ' hardcore' . That might not be a brilliant description but I' ll elaborate if anyone doesn' t get me.

Sony too are worth mentioning. Taking from where Sega left off and making games ' cool' . They are responsible for giving games a platform almost as familiar to people as a VCR.

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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 23, 2004 03:13

Sega were really the first company to take gaming to the masses. They are responsible for some of the greatest games/characters of all times and should never be forgotten. Nintendo are more ' hardcore' in my opinion. Less popular but more ' hardcore' . That might not be a brilliant description but I' ll elaborate if anyone doesn' t get me.

This is incorrect. Nintendo brought gaming to the masses, and there is no other company that can claim otherwise. It was the NES that actually began the video game revolution as we know it. At that time, Sega operated strictly in the arcades, and was absolutely not part of said revolution. And Nintendo is approximately forty gazillion times more popular than Sega. The sales numbers of the NES, GameBoy, and SNES are enough to confirm that. For the past decade, uninformed people all over the world call every video game and every video game system a " Nintendo."

Essentially, you' ve got this backwards. Sega is the more " hardcore." In the end, mostly only video game enthusiasts have ever even HEARD of Sega, let alone acknowledge them for being some kind of " king" of video games. Take any 10 people off the street in any part of the country, and 9 of them, if not all 10, will not only have heard of Nintendo, they' ll know what they' re responsible for. Maybe 1 will even know who Sega is, the other 9 won' t have the slightest clue.

Nintendo began the " home gaming" revolution, and today, that' s what matters. Atari was responsible for the first home console, but it never saw a fraction of the success that the NES did. Super Mario Bros. remains the highest selling video game of all time by a gigantic amount, and you' ll count more than a half-dozen more titles before you see anything made by Sega.

Sega is the company that has permanently been entrenched in Nintendo' s shadow when it comes to " in-home" gaming. Sega most certainly was NOT the first company to " take gaming to the masses." In fact, they never did that. The arcades is where they shined; they' ve never been #1 in the home; not once. The Genesis was easily eclipsed by the SNES, the Sega CD was a downright awful system, the Saturn was torn apart by the PSOne, and the DC could never compete with the PS2 (and even the PSOne and N64 were selling better for much of the DC' s existence).

Sega certainly deserves it' s just due. But everybody on the planet knows the name of the company that took " gaming to the masses." And the name ain' t " Sega."
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Terry Bogard
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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 23, 2004 05:02
Sega is more hardcore whereas Nintendo was more mainstream..

But there was a time when Sega did dominate the U.S. and European markets. Thanks to Sonic, EA sports, and Sega' s enormous arcade presence, the Genesis/Megadrive helped Sega steal a HUGE chunk of the market away from Nintendo during the SNES era. It beat out the Turbografx-16 and it even beat out the SNES for a while. Japan remains another story and the Sega Megadrive was 3rd place behind Nintendo and NEC' s consoles. The Saturn is the only successful console Sega had in Japan and for a while it was whipping the PSone' s a$$ in sales over there and was the next-gen market leader in the land of the rising sun. This was from 1994 and lasted till 1996... But then one fateful day in 1996, a dark cloud formed as Squaresoft announced support for the PSone. The effects of that were nothing short of disastrous for Sega, I used to watch the Japanese sales charts closely back then and the Squaresoft announcement helped the PSone TREMENDOUSLY as it slowly started closing in on the Saturn' s nice lead. The final nail came when Squaresoft announced Final Fantasy VII and that was all she wrote for the Saturn there. Sales of the PSOne skyrocketed like a shooting star and it eventually overcame the Saturn' s sales.

If you want a more informative read about the 16-bit wars try this link: http://www.geekcomix.com/vgh/fifth/

However, I disagree with the final comment the writer made because the SNES eventually did overcome the Genesis. He said it was an even draw in the end. That' s not true. Towards the final innings of the 16-bit wars, Sega pretty much stopped caring about the Genesis console, whereas Nintendo kept innovating with games like Donkey Kong Country, etc.

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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 23, 2004 10:28
Classic confusion here.

To an extent, Paul is right; in Europe the reverse was arguably the case, as Sega proved much more popular.

The Yanks understandably find it hard to believe that at one point in time, somewhere, Sega actually had the fans AND the success.

Ice Queen
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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 23, 2004 10:42
Nintendo for me, since it brought some of the most memeorable characters into the gaming world. There will always be the Mario Vs Sonic wars, and I prefer Sonic to Mario, but Nintendo has brought so many more characters to the table. Also Squaresoft deserves a big mention with the Final Fantasy series, which everybody and their mum plays and truely revolutionised the RPG scene.

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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 23, 2004 13:11
I don' t question any of that. I already knew that, and I' m WELL aware of the fans and success of Sega. The point that I took issue with, that is indeed incorrect, is the statement: " Sega was responsible for taking gaming to the masses." This is, and always will be, Nintendo.
Kikizo Staff Writer

Terry Bogard
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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 23, 2004 14:09
One thing I loved about Europe was that the Sega Master System, one of my favorite systems, was quite popular over there.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 23, 2004 16:16
Yeah, but they have to deal with Mr. Bean, so it' s a trade off. :)

I wish the SMS could have been just as popular in the US and especially Japan as it was in Europe. The SMS is still being manufactured and is the #1 selling system in Brazil. There must be something special about the Sega Master System!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 8/23/2004 4:17:35 PM >

Terry Bogard
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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 23, 2004 17:02
Sega Master System is my 2nd favorite Sega console behind the Saturn... Overall it' s probably my 3rd favorite out of all of the consoles that ever existed. Saturn is #1!!

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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 24, 2004 02:43
Oh it would have to be of course Nintendo. Nintendo not only Nintendo but the people behind it. I like to thank the crew such as Shigeru Miyamoto the president, Koji Kondo the man behind almost all the Nintendo music, Charles Martinet the voice of Mario and many other characters such as Luigi, Waluigi. Also other people that work at Nintendo. They have really left an impact around the world. This is no joke Mario is everywhere. Nintendo is everywhere. It' s just amazing how a company delivers high quality, top notch games, music, characters, gameplay, story, sound, artwork, and the way it represents itself. No company comes close. They are the first to introduce new ideas or make something like golf so interesting and are not afraid to implement them in games. Nintendo did really revolutionized the gaming world. They are even exceeding more then Hollywood. When I shook Mr. Miyamoto' s hand I almost fainted. Nintendo will live on forever. Even if it is in last place. Thank You

Starman Anthony
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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 24, 2004 02:51
Sorry about the double post I had to edit this sorry.
< Message edited by Starman Anthony -- 8/24/2004 2:53:44 AM >

Mass X
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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 24, 2004 05:25

those above are the oldschool creators but soming more current Id have to say are these companies
Rockstar-Pushing limits
EATakign over the gaming world
HavokThere engine is fucking great!

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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Aug 24, 2004 16:16
Midway. come on, when you heard " FINSH HIM/HER" you where like " oh yes i will" and " Big money, Big prizes" . Smash TV was really good. yeah i know it did not change the world like Nintendo or sega, but it did spark the " Darker" appeal to gamers. midway made games for the older ppl at that time. truned the wourld on its ear and forced change. for the good or the bad i do not know but it did affect the gaming world. those News broadcast about the posioning of the youth was one of the funnest things i ever seen. Sega and Nintendo never did that.

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RE: What company has revolutionized games forever? - Nov 21, 2004 15:56