Got Flatout:UC and The Darkness today! £80 in Game altogether, woo! Then I found them in Asda for £65, woo-hoo!
Quick first impressions of Flatout? It' s bloody awesome! One of the nicest looking games I' ve played, no kidding! Not just pretty lighting, but literally tonnes of detail, hundreds of objects getting knocked around flying everywhere. You can destroy almost everything in the scenery, and even use it to block people behind you, heh.
The speed is sensational from the first race, so I cant imagine what will happen when I upgrade the car I bought! And the frame rate is rock steady, not even slight slowdown.
The damage model on the cars is actually convincing, rather than the superficial effect you get in a lot of racing games. You get that gut punching feeling if you hit something or another car at speed.
I love the way you' re encouraged to just have fun and cause ' carnage' (funny that..), not just work to come first all the time.
I love the rock/metal soundtrack, but that' s subjective I guess.
So I' ve only played a few races, but if you wanted a perfect combo of Burnout and Destruction Derby, then this is it. Much more polished than Flatout 2 and much more fun on 360!

In summary, sod Dirt and Motorstorm, you' ll
want this! (You know you want it Mass!)
8/10 (and I' m tough with my review scores!)
< Message edited by choupolo -- 29 Jun 07 18:39:19 >